Identificação de poder de mercado no segmento de leite in natura e UHT
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O crescimento dos índices de concentração, em diversos setores da economia, foi o fato que sempre preocupou os economistas e serviu de justificativa para a realização de estudos acerca da questão de poder de mercado. Nesse sentido, o setor lácteo brasileiro não passou à margem dessa preocupação. O processo de reestruturação observado no setor, a partir da década de 1990, resultou numa onda de fusões e aquisições que atingiu todos os elos da cadeia produtiva e culminou no aumento da concentração de mercado. Ao mesmo tempo, observou-se o aumento expressivo da produção, produtividade e do volume médio produzido por estabelecimento, enquanto que o número de produtores rurais, excluídos da atividade, aumentou e os preços pagos pelo leite in natura caíram consideravelmente, ao longo de boa parte do período. Nesse contexto, os primeiros indícios de poder de mercado foram investigados pelas CPIs instaladas nos principais estados produtores e continua sendo foco de atenção na literatura econômica até os dias atuais. Diante disso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o grau de poder de mercado nos dois principais elos da cadeia produtiva, ou seja, entre os produtores de leite e os laticínios e entre os laticínios e varejistas. Para o alcance do objetivo, foram delimitados os mercados relevantes para cada elo da cadeia como o mercado de matéria-prima, representado pela comercialização de leite in natura, entre os produtores rurais e laticínios, restrito as fronteiras mesorregionais, enquanto que o mercado atacadista foi delimitado à comercialização de leite tipo UHT entre os laticínios e varejistas, composto por um mercado único formado pelos estados do RS, PR, SP, MG e GO. Os resultados encontrados sugeriram que a conduta da indústria de laticínios, no mercado de matéria-prima, se aproxima muito mais de um mercado com dinâmicas de concorrência perfeita, à exceção da messoregião do Vale do Paraíba Paulista em que os resultados indicaram poder de oligopsônio, entretanto, as distorções causadas pelo poder de mercado foram pequenas. Com relação ao mercado atacadista, uma vez que o mercado é representado por um oligopólio bilateral, os resultados indicaram que a indústria de laticínios é tomadora de preço enquanto os
varejistas exercem poder de oligopsônio. A estimativa do parâmetro de conduta foi 0,638 demonstrando que o mercado se afasta, consideravelmente, de um mercado perfeitamente competitivo e evidenciando o poder de mercado que os varejistas exercem sobre a indústria de laticínios e de forma indireta, sobre toda a cadeia produtiva láctea.
The growth of concentration rates in many sectors of the economy, always worried economists and served as the foundation for studies about the issue of market power. In this sense, the Brazilian dairy industry has not passed the margin of this concern. The process of restructuring by which the industry has, since 1990s, resulted in a wave of mergers and acquisitions that reached all the productive chain and resulted in increased market concentration. At the same time, there was a significant increase in production, productivity and the average volume produced per establishment, while the number of farmers and the prices paid for raw milk dropped considerably over much of the period. In this context, early indications of market power were investigated by the Parliamentary Committees of Inquiry and remains the focus of attention in economic literature to this day. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the degree of market power in the two main links in the chain, ie between milk producers and dairy products and dairy products, and among retailers. To achieve the objective the relevant markets were defined for each link of the chain as the market for raw materials, represented by the sale of raw milk, in natura, between farmers and dairy products, limited middle region boundaries, while the market was delimited to the wholesale marketing of UHT milk and dairy products among retailers, limited to a single market formed by the states of RS, PR, SP, MG and GO. The results suggested that the conduct of the dairy industry, in the market of raw material, is much closer to a dynamic market with perfect competition, the exception was messoregião Vale do Paraíba Paulista where oligopsony power was found, however, the distortions caused by market power were small. With regard to the wholesale market since the market is represented by a bilateral oligopoly, the results indicated that the dairy industry is a price taker but retailers carry oligopsony power. The estimate of conduct parameter was 0.638, demonstrating that the market departs considerably from a perfectly competitive market and pointing to the market power that retailers have upon the dairy industry and indirectly, over the entire dairy production chain.
The growth of concentration rates in many sectors of the economy, always worried economists and served as the foundation for studies about the issue of market power. In this sense, the Brazilian dairy industry has not passed the margin of this concern. The process of restructuring by which the industry has, since 1990s, resulted in a wave of mergers and acquisitions that reached all the productive chain and resulted in increased market concentration. At the same time, there was a significant increase in production, productivity and the average volume produced per establishment, while the number of farmers and the prices paid for raw milk dropped considerably over much of the period. In this context, early indications of market power were investigated by the Parliamentary Committees of Inquiry and remains the focus of attention in economic literature to this day. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the degree of market power in the two main links in the chain, ie between milk producers and dairy products and dairy products, and among retailers. To achieve the objective the relevant markets were defined for each link of the chain as the market for raw materials, represented by the sale of raw milk, in natura, between farmers and dairy products, limited middle region boundaries, while the market was delimited to the wholesale marketing of UHT milk and dairy products among retailers, limited to a single market formed by the states of RS, PR, SP, MG and GO. The results suggested that the conduct of the dairy industry, in the market of raw material, is much closer to a dynamic market with perfect competition, the exception was messoregião Vale do Paraíba Paulista where oligopsony power was found, however, the distortions caused by market power were small. With regard to the wholesale market since the market is represented by a bilateral oligopoly, the results indicated that the dairy industry is a price taker but retailers carry oligopsony power. The estimate of conduct parameter was 0.638, demonstrating that the market departs considerably from a perfectly competitive market and pointing to the market power that retailers have upon the dairy industry and indirectly, over the entire dairy production chain.
Poder de mercado, Setor lácteo, NEIO, Market power, Dairy sector, NEIO
SCALCO, Paulo Roberto. Identification of market power in the segment of in natura milk and UHT. 2011. 178 f. Tese (Doutorado em Economia e Gerenciamento do Agronegócio; Economia das Relações Internacionais; Economia dos Recursos) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011.