Efeitos dos programas governamentais de aquisição de alimentos para a agricultura familiar no contexto local
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
As políticas públicas iniciadas para agricultura familiar a partir do Pronaf em 1996 trouxeram inovações ao setor ao inserir estratégias intersetoriais em busca do desenvolvimento rural. A criação do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), em 2003, e a reformulação do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), em 2009, fazem parte dessas estratégias ao estabelecerem mercados institucionais aos agricultores familiares e também acesso de alimentos de qualidade às entidades socioassistenciais, equipamentos públicos de alimentação e escolas públicas. Com a criação desses programas, uma nova realidade socioeconômica para os beneficiários fornecedores envolvidos tem emergido. Assim, compreender os efeitos destas políticas passa a ser uma importante forma de conhecer a capilaridade dessas ações em nível local. Desse modo, as perguntas que direcionaram a análise da pesquisa foram: Quais os efeitos gerados na agricultura familiar com a operacionalização dos programas PAA e PNAE? Mais especificamente, como a agricultura familiar e os agricultores familiares de Espera Feliz-MG estão mudando seus processos, dinâmicas e produtos em função das políticas de compra governamental? Os dados desta pesquisa foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas a 61 beneficiários produtores do PAA e PNAE associados à Cooperativa da Agricultura Familiar Solidária de Espera Feliz-MG (COOFELIZ). Foi adotada a análise de conteúdo como método de interpretação, considerando quatro categorias da noção de multifuncionalidade da agricultura familiar: econômica, social, ambiental e segurança alimentar. A pesquisa permitiu diagnosticar vários efeitos dos programas junto aos seus beneficiários no município, entre eles: i) Econômico: aumento de produção, trabalho e renda; diversificação produtiva e acesso a novos mercados ii) Social: fortalecimento das organizações associativas locais, ampliação das relações institucionais entre órgãos públicos e privados, maior envolvimento familiar na produção iii) Meio ambiente: o incentivo a uma agricultura familiar livre de agrotóxico iv) Segurança alimentar: melhoria na alimentação das famílias, valorização dos alimentos regionais e aumento da qualidade dos produtos. Verifica-se que a operacionalização do PAA exv PNAE imprimiu uma nova dimensão e significado para a agricultura familiar no município, onde o esforço conjunto entre entidades públicas e privadas foi importante nesse processo. Os programas no município encontram alguns desafios que influenciam nos impactos para os beneficiários produtores, como: a limitada assistência técnica de órgãos governamentais, falta de continuidade do PAA de um projeto para o outro, longo prazo de pagamentos aos produtores, preço defasado em relação ao mercado local e falta de demanda institucional para suprir toda a oferta de alimentos produzidos. Resguardados os desafios, conclui-se que a identificação de implicações em todas as 4 categorias analisadas indica que os programas têm contribuído em múltiplos efeitos para a agricultura familiar. Além disso, os resultados positivos e sinérgicos desses dois programas confirmam o caráter inovador dos mesmos por impactarem em diversas frentes do cotidiano da agricultura familiar e promoverem efeitos que contribuam para novas dinâmicas sociais, econômicas e ambientais voltadas aos atores que estão envolvidos no fornecimento de alimentos.
The public policies for family farming from PRONAF in 1996 brought innovations to the sector to insert intersectoral strategies searching for rural development. The creation of the Food Acquisition Program (FAP) in 2003 and the reformulation of the National School Feeding Program (NSFP) in 2009 are part of these strategies to establish institutional markets to familiar farmers and access to food with quality to socio assistance entities, food public equipment and public schools. The creation of these programs has emerged a new socio economic reality for the suppliers beneficiaries involved. Thereby, understanding the impacts of those policies is an important way to know the impacts of those actions at local level. Thus, the questions which direct the research analysis were: What impacts generated in the family farming with the operation of the programs FAP and NSFP? Specifically, how the family farming and the family farmers from Espera Feliz – MG has changed their processes, dynamics and products according to government purchase? The data was collected by interviews with 61 beneficiaries-producers of FAP and NSFP associated to Solidarity Familiar Farming Cooperative from Espera Feliz – MG (COOFELIZ). It was done content analysis as interpretation method, considering four categories of the multifunction notion of family farming: economic, social, environmental and food security. The research permitted to diagnose many effects of the programs with their beneficiaries in the county: i) Economic: production increase, work and income; productive diversification e access to new markets. ii) Social: fortification of local associative organizations, extension of the institutional relations between public and private agencies, more family participation in the production. iii) Environment: the incentive to the family farming without agro toxic. iv) Food security: family food improvement, regional food valorization and product quality increase. It was verified that the operation of the FAP and NSFP created a new dimension and meaning for family farming in the county, where enforce of the public and private entities was important in these process. The programs in the county have some challenges that influence the impacts for beneficiaries-producers, such as: the limited technicalxvii assistance of government agencies, lack of progress of FAP from a project to other, long-term payments to produces, lagged price with the local market and lack of institutional demand to supply all offer of food produced. Before the challenges, it was concluded that the identification of the effects in the four categories analized indicates that the programs have contributed in multiples impacts for the family farming. Besides this, the positive and synergic results of these two programs confirm their innovative character because of their impact on family farming quotidian and promote effects that contribute to new social, economic and environmental dynamics for the actors involved in the food supply.
The public policies for family farming from PRONAF in 1996 brought innovations to the sector to insert intersectoral strategies searching for rural development. The creation of the Food Acquisition Program (FAP) in 2003 and the reformulation of the National School Feeding Program (NSFP) in 2009 are part of these strategies to establish institutional markets to familiar farmers and access to food with quality to socio assistance entities, food public equipment and public schools. The creation of these programs has emerged a new socio economic reality for the suppliers beneficiaries involved. Thereby, understanding the impacts of those policies is an important way to know the impacts of those actions at local level. Thus, the questions which direct the research analysis were: What impacts generated in the family farming with the operation of the programs FAP and NSFP? Specifically, how the family farming and the family farmers from Espera Feliz – MG has changed their processes, dynamics and products according to government purchase? The data was collected by interviews with 61 beneficiaries-producers of FAP and NSFP associated to Solidarity Familiar Farming Cooperative from Espera Feliz – MG (COOFELIZ). It was done content analysis as interpretation method, considering four categories of the multifunction notion of family farming: economic, social, environmental and food security. The research permitted to diagnose many effects of the programs with their beneficiaries in the county: i) Economic: production increase, work and income; productive diversification e access to new markets. ii) Social: fortification of local associative organizations, extension of the institutional relations between public and private agencies, more family participation in the production. iii) Environment: the incentive to the family farming without agro toxic. iv) Food security: family food improvement, regional food valorization and product quality increase. It was verified that the operation of the FAP and NSFP created a new dimension and meaning for family farming in the county, where enforce of the public and private entities was important in these process. The programs in the county have some challenges that influence the impacts for beneficiaries-producers, such as: the limited technicalxvii assistance of government agencies, lack of progress of FAP from a project to other, long-term payments to produces, lagged price with the local market and lack of institutional demand to supply all offer of food produced. Before the challenges, it was concluded that the identification of the effects in the four categories analized indicates that the programs have contributed in multiples impacts for the family farming. Besides this, the positive and synergic results of these two programs confirm their innovative character because of their impact on family farming quotidian and promote effects that contribute to new social, economic and environmental dynamics for the actors involved in the food supply.
Programa de aquisição de alimentos (Brasil), Agricultura familiar - Política governamental, Política alimentar
CUNHA, Wellington Alvim da. Efeitos dos programas governamentais de aquisição de alimentos para a agricultura familiar no contexto local. 2015. 150 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2015.