Compostos derivados do timol e carvacrol: avaliação e caracterização da atividade antileishmania in silico e in vitro
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Leishmanioses são doenças provocadas por protozoários do gênero Leishmania e transmitida por flebotomíneos, é prevalente em países subdesenvolvidos. O relatório mundial mais recente da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), de 2022, registrou entre 700 mil e 1 milhão de novos casos globalmente das diversas formas da doença. Ocorrendo em três formas principais: cutânea, a mais comum, mucocutânea e visceral, sendo esta última potencialmente letal se não tratada. Os atuais tratamentos, como antimoniais pentavalentes, enfrentam desafios de toxicidade e eficácia limitada. Por isso, a pesquisa por novos tratamentos é tão importante. O uso de moléculas derivadas de fontes naturais tem crescido fortemente nos últimos anos. Moléculas como carvacrol e timol se destacam por exibir potencial terapêutico contra diversas doenças. Como câncer e a própria leishmaniose, agindo sobre proteínas cinases, atuando na inibição da atividade dos parasitos, induzindo a morte. A escolha de proteínas cinases como alvos terapêuticos baseia-se na complexidade do ciclo de vida dos parasitos Leishmania e Trypanosoma. Proteínas como AKT-like cinase e caseína cinase (CK) foram identificadas como potenciais alvos leishmanicidas O presente estudo teve por objetivo o teste da atividade leishmanicida de compostos semissintéticos derivados de carvacrol e timol e avaliação da interação dos compostos com atividade antileishmania através de análises de bioinformática estrutural. O estudo testou in vitro da atividade citotóxica em macrófago dos 19 compostos derivados, nomeados de AC, A1 a A11 para os derivados do carvacrol e M1 a M7 para os derivados do timol. Com testes da atividade antileishmania nas espécies L. braziliensis e L. amazonensis, e seleção daqueles que apresentaram atividade para realização de docking molecular da interação proteína ligante, com as proteínas CKI, CRK3, GSK, MAPK, AKT-like (PKA) e SRPK. Além da análise filogenética de sequências de Arabidopsis, Plasmodium, mamíferos e a família de tripanossomatídeos. Dos resultados obtidos, todos os compostos apresentaram CC50 > 200 µM, com maior atividade antileishmania apresentando aproximadamente 60% na triagem nos compostos A6 e A8, definindo valores de IC50 de 11,43 e 11,77 µM, com baixíssima citotoxicidade definida por CC50 acima de 1 mM, nestes dois compostos. Direcionando somente os compostos A6 e A8 para as análises de bioinformática, apresentada pela melhor interação do composto A8 com a maioria das proteínas analisadas. As análises filogenéticas de todas as proteínas mostraram uma distância evolutiva clara entre tripanossomatídeos e mamíferos indicando oportunidade única para o desenvolvimento de fármacos altamente específicos. A compreensão desses mecanismos pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de tratamentos mais eficazes e com menor toxicidade, abrindo perspectivas promissoras para o combate à leishmaniose. Palavras-chave: Leishmaniose, Citotoxicidade, Carvacrol, Timol, Interação Proteína-ligante
Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania, transmitted by sandflies, and is prevalent in underdeveloped countries. The latest global report from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022 recorded between 700,000 and 1 million new cases of various forms of the disease globally. It manifests in three main forms: cutaneous, which is the most common, mucocutaneous, and visceral, the latter being potentially lethal if untreated. Current treatments, such as pentavalent antimonials, face challenges related to toxicity and limited efficacy. Therefore, research into new treatments is crucial. The use of molecules derived from natural sources has gained significant momentum in recent years. Molecules such as carvacrol and thymol have shown therapeutic potential against various diseases, including cancer and leishmaniasis itself, by acting on protein kinases, inhibiting parasite activity, and inducing cell death. The selection of protein kinases as therapeutic targets is based on the complexity of the life cycles of Leishmania and Trypanosoma parasites. Proteins such as AKT-like kinase and casein kinase (CK) have been identified as potential leishmanicidal targets. The present study aimed to test the leishmanicidal activity of semi-synthetic compounds derived from carvacrol and thymol and evaluate the interaction of these compounds with antileishmanial activity through structural bioinformatics analyses. The study involved in vitro testing of the cytotoxic activity in macrophages of 19 derived compounds, named AC, A1 to A11 for carvacrol derivatives, and M1 to M7 for thymol derivatives. The antileishmanial activity was tested against L. braziliensis and L. amazonensis, and those exhibiting activity were selected for molecular docking analyses of ligand-protein interactions with CKI, CRK3, GSK, MAPK, AKT-like (PKA), and SRPK proteins. Additionally, phylogenetic analysis of sequences from Arabidopsis, Plasmodium, mammals, and the trypanosomatid family was conducted. From the results obtained, all compounds presented CC50 > 200 µM, with the greatest antileishmanial activity shown by compounds A6 and A8, which exhibited approximately 60% inhibition in the screening, and IC50 values of 11.43 and 11.77 µM, with very low cytotoxicity defined by CC 50 above 1 mM in these two compounds. Therefore, only compounds A6 and A8 were directed for bioinformatics analysis, with compound A8 showing the best interaction with most of the proteins analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis of all proteins revealed a clear evolutionary distance between trypanosomatids and mammals, indicating a unique opportunity for the development of highly specific drugs. Understanding these mechanisms could contribute to the development of more effective treatments with lower toxicity, opening promising perspectives for combating leishmaniasis. Keywords: Leishmaniasis, Cytotoxicity, Carvacrol, Thymol, Protein-Ligand Interaction
Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania, transmitted by sandflies, and is prevalent in underdeveloped countries. The latest global report from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022 recorded between 700,000 and 1 million new cases of various forms of the disease globally. It manifests in three main forms: cutaneous, which is the most common, mucocutaneous, and visceral, the latter being potentially lethal if untreated. Current treatments, such as pentavalent antimonials, face challenges related to toxicity and limited efficacy. Therefore, research into new treatments is crucial. The use of molecules derived from natural sources has gained significant momentum in recent years. Molecules such as carvacrol and thymol have shown therapeutic potential against various diseases, including cancer and leishmaniasis itself, by acting on protein kinases, inhibiting parasite activity, and inducing cell death. The selection of protein kinases as therapeutic targets is based on the complexity of the life cycles of Leishmania and Trypanosoma parasites. Proteins such as AKT-like kinase and casein kinase (CK) have been identified as potential leishmanicidal targets. The present study aimed to test the leishmanicidal activity of semi-synthetic compounds derived from carvacrol and thymol and evaluate the interaction of these compounds with antileishmanial activity through structural bioinformatics analyses. The study involved in vitro testing of the cytotoxic activity in macrophages of 19 derived compounds, named AC, A1 to A11 for carvacrol derivatives, and M1 to M7 for thymol derivatives. The antileishmanial activity was tested against L. braziliensis and L. amazonensis, and those exhibiting activity were selected for molecular docking analyses of ligand-protein interactions with CKI, CRK3, GSK, MAPK, AKT-like (PKA), and SRPK proteins. Additionally, phylogenetic analysis of sequences from Arabidopsis, Plasmodium, mammals, and the trypanosomatid family was conducted. From the results obtained, all compounds presented CC50 > 200 µM, with the greatest antileishmanial activity shown by compounds A6 and A8, which exhibited approximately 60% inhibition in the screening, and IC50 values of 11.43 and 11.77 µM, with very low cytotoxicity defined by CC 50 above 1 mM in these two compounds. Therefore, only compounds A6 and A8 were directed for bioinformatics analysis, with compound A8 showing the best interaction with most of the proteins analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis of all proteins revealed a clear evolutionary distance between trypanosomatids and mammals, indicating a unique opportunity for the development of highly specific drugs. Understanding these mechanisms could contribute to the development of more effective treatments with lower toxicity, opening promising perspectives for combating leishmaniasis. Keywords: Leishmaniasis, Cytotoxicity, Carvacrol, Thymol, Protein-Ligand Interaction
Timol - Uso terapêutico, Carvacrol - Uso terapêutico, Leishmaniose - Tratamento
CARVALHO, Rayane Luiza de. Compostos derivados do timol e carvacrol: avaliação e caracterização da atividade antileishmania in silico e in vitro. 2024. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.