Análise crítica das narrativas das estratégias de enfrentamento do Zika vírus e da Síndrome Congênita pelo Zika vírus no Brasil: utilizando o método WPR
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A disseminação do Zika vírus criou uma situação de pânico em todo o mundo e sobrecarregou o sistema público de saúde dos países mais afetados. No Brasil, em 2022 foram relatados 9.204 casos prováveis da doença e até setembro foram confirmados 3.707 casos de alterações no crescimento e desenvolvimento possivelmente relacionados à infecção pelo ZIKV. Diante do cenário exposto, o governo implementou políticas, estratégias e planos de contingências para o enfrentamento do ZIKV. No entanto, apesar da implementação desses documentos, ainda existe um grande desafio na efetividade dessas estratégias, pois, apresentam alguns problemas nas formulações. Nesse sentindo, a abordagem What’s the Problem Represented to Be? – (WPR) de Carol Bacchi encoraja questionar e interpretar como esses problemas são constituídos. Assim, o presente estudo propõe analisar criticamente as estratégias brasileiras de enfrentamento do ZIKV a fim de identificar as narrativas e os silêncios dominantes subjacentes. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza exploratória-descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa. Para seleção dos documentos estudados, foram realizadas quatro etapas: (1) consulta ao MS, (2) seleção dos documentos, (3) leitura e fichamento do material, (4) análise crítica utilizando o método WPR. A abordagem WPR consiste em seis questões analíticas: representação do problema, lógicas conceituais e pressupostos implícitos, origem do problema, silêncios, efeitos produzidos por problematizações específicas e por último questões não problemáticas. Identificou-se alguns silêncios existentes nesses documentos, como a ausência de integração entre os sistemas de informações, questões estruturais como saneamento básico, desmatamento, moradia precária, vulnerabilidade social e acesso à água potável nas ações de combate e controle, dificuldade no acesso aos serviços de saúde e apoio para as mães e familiares de crianças com Síndrome Congênita associada à infecção pelo vírus Zika (SCZ), exclusão das mulheres negras, de baixa renda e pouca escolaridade. Representação do aumento de microcefalia e SCZ como causa biológica de ação de um vírus, dificultando a implementação de opções políticas integradas; abordam pouco sobre promoção da saúde e prevenção da doença, reduz a orientação integrada da vigilância e atenção em saúde no diagnóstico e tratamento e apresenta ações no campo do acolhimento e da educação em saúde de forma superficial e geral. Os silêncios existentes encontrados nos documentos analisados demonstram que o governo tem como foco principal estratégias que visam o combate ao vetor, desconsiderando questões essenciais como os determinantes sociais e ações coletivas. Palavras-chave: Zika vírus. Política pública de saúde. Arboviroses.
The Zika virus spred created a panic situation around the world and overloaded the public health system in the most affected countries. In Brazil, in 2022, 9,204 disease probable cases were reported, and until September, 3,707 cases of changes in growth and development possibly related to ZIKV infection were confirmed. Given the above scenario, the government implemented policies, strategies and contingency plans to combat ZIKV. However, despite the implementation of these documents, there is still a great challenge in the effectiveness of these strategies, as they present some problems in the formulations. In this sense, the What’s the Problem Represented to Be? – (WPR) by Carol Bacchi encourages us to question and interpret how these problems are constituted. Thus, the present study proposes to critically analyze the Brazilian strategies for coping with ZIKV in order to identify the underlying dominant narratives and silences. This is an exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach. To select the studied documents, four stages were performed: (1) consultation with the MS, (2) selection of documents, (3) reading and filing of the material, (4) critical analysis using the WPR method. Some existing silences were identified in these documents, such as the lack of integration between information systems, structural issues such as basic sanitation, deforestation, precarious housing, social vulnerability and access to drinking water in combat and control actions, difficulty in accessing services of health and support for mothers and families of children with Congenital Syndrome associated with Zika virus infection (SCZ), exclusion of black women, with low income and little education. Representation of the increase in microcephaly and SCZ as a biological cause of action of a virus, making it difficult to implement integrated policy options; address little about health promotion and disease prevention, reduce the integrated orientation of surveillance and health care in diagnosis and treatment and present actions in the field of reception and health education in a superficial and general way. The existing silences found in the analyzed documents demonstrate that the government's main focus is on strategies aimed at combating the vector, disregarding essential issues such as social determinants and collective actions. Keyword: Zika virus. Public health policy. Arboviruses.
The Zika virus spred created a panic situation around the world and overloaded the public health system in the most affected countries. In Brazil, in 2022, 9,204 disease probable cases were reported, and until September, 3,707 cases of changes in growth and development possibly related to ZIKV infection were confirmed. Given the above scenario, the government implemented policies, strategies and contingency plans to combat ZIKV. However, despite the implementation of these documents, there is still a great challenge in the effectiveness of these strategies, as they present some problems in the formulations. In this sense, the What’s the Problem Represented to Be? – (WPR) by Carol Bacchi encourages us to question and interpret how these problems are constituted. Thus, the present study proposes to critically analyze the Brazilian strategies for coping with ZIKV in order to identify the underlying dominant narratives and silences. This is an exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach. To select the studied documents, four stages were performed: (1) consultation with the MS, (2) selection of documents, (3) reading and filing of the material, (4) critical analysis using the WPR method. Some existing silences were identified in these documents, such as the lack of integration between information systems, structural issues such as basic sanitation, deforestation, precarious housing, social vulnerability and access to drinking water in combat and control actions, difficulty in accessing services of health and support for mothers and families of children with Congenital Syndrome associated with Zika virus infection (SCZ), exclusion of black women, with low income and little education. Representation of the increase in microcephaly and SCZ as a biological cause of action of a virus, making it difficult to implement integrated policy options; address little about health promotion and disease prevention, reduce the integrated orientation of surveillance and health care in diagnosis and treatment and present actions in the field of reception and health education in a superficial and general way. The existing silences found in the analyzed documents demonstrate that the government's main focus is on strategies aimed at combating the vector, disregarding essential issues such as social determinants and collective actions. Keyword: Zika virus. Public health policy. Arboviruses.
Vírus da Zica, Políticas de saúde, Arboviroses
SANTOS, Laís Cardozo dos. Análise crítica das narrativas das estratégias de enfrentamento do Zika vírus e da Síndrome Congênita pelo Zika vírus no Brasil: utilizando o método WPR. 2023. 80 f. Dissertação(Mestrado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa.2023.