A auditoria interna como instrumento de governança pública na Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A Administração Pública continua em constante evolução de seu modo de agir, pensar e gerir seus recursos financeiros e não-financeiros, através de seus instrumentos e meios que possam contribuir com o controle e o aprimoramento da gestão, revela-se pela pesquisa a auditoria interna como um valoroso instrumento na Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA), seja na estruturação de meios e formação de governança pública com potenciais resultados na qualidade do serviço universitário, eficiência dos processos internos e transparência. No entanto, o campo de pesquisa é inexplorado, sob o ponto de vista das atribuições da auditoria interna, representando a função de Controle, que em seu planejamento anual (PAINT) orienta sua produção técnica (preventiva, concomitante e corretiva), ao final do exercício, avaliada em seu relatório anual (RAINT), utilizado na pesquisa documental, além de outras produções acadêmicas e científicas por meio da pesquisa bibliográfica. Daí, relevante pesquisar a atuação, os entraves e a potencialidade de sua auditoria interna como instrumento de governança pública frente ao processo de gestão, de forma a identificar a atuação e as potencialidades da auditoria interna como instrumento de alinhamento aos princípios e das diretrizes propostas pela governança pública em sua estruturação e formação, sendo que os fatos relatados nos resultados e discussões trazem elementos que comprovam a auditoria interna como instrumento singular de tentativa de alinhamento, desde do planejamento anual (PAINT), passando por suas produções técnicas e realizações apresentadas no relatório anual (RAINT), tentando diminuir a assimetria de informação entre gestores (agentes) e o principal (sociedade) para atender aos requisitos de boas práticas de governança pública, comprovando-se por suas iniciativas planejadas, sistemáticas e preventivas levando conceitos e boas práticas de formação de controle interno, gerenciamento de riscos e integridade para a gestão superior. Palavras-chave: Auditoria Interna. Governança Pública. Controle.
The Public Administration continues in constant evolution of its way of acting, thinking and managing its financial and non-financial resources, through its instruments and means that can contribute with the control and improvement of the management, it is revealed by the research the internal audit as a valuable instrument at the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA), whether in the structuring of means and formation of public governance with potential results in the quality of university service, efficiency of internal processes and transparency. However, the field of research is unexplored, from the point of view of internal audit attributions, representing the Control function, which in its annual planning (PAINT) guides its technical production (preventive, concomitant and corrective), at the end of the exercise, evaluated in its annual report (RAINT), used in documentary research, in addition to other academic and scientific productions through bibliographic research. Hence, it is relevant to research the performance, obstacles and potential of its internal audit as an instrument of public governance in relation to the management process, in order to identify the performance and potential of internal audit as an instrument of alignment with the principles and guidelines proposed by the public governance in its structuring and formation, and the facts reported in the results and discussions bring elements that prove the internal audit as a unique instrument of attempt at alignment, from the annual planning (PAINT), through its technical productions and achievements presented in the report Annual Report (RAINT), trying to reduce the asymmetry of information between managers (agents) and the principal (society) to meet the requirements of good public governance practices, proving itself by its planned, systematic and preventive initiatives, taking concepts and good practices of formation of internal control, risk management and integrity and for top management. Keywords: Internal Audit. Public Governance. Control.
The Public Administration continues in constant evolution of its way of acting, thinking and managing its financial and non-financial resources, through its instruments and means that can contribute with the control and improvement of the management, it is revealed by the research the internal audit as a valuable instrument at the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA), whether in the structuring of means and formation of public governance with potential results in the quality of university service, efficiency of internal processes and transparency. However, the field of research is unexplored, from the point of view of internal audit attributions, representing the Control function, which in its annual planning (PAINT) guides its technical production (preventive, concomitant and corrective), at the end of the exercise, evaluated in its annual report (RAINT), used in documentary research, in addition to other academic and scientific productions through bibliographic research. Hence, it is relevant to research the performance, obstacles and potential of its internal audit as an instrument of public governance in relation to the management process, in order to identify the performance and potential of internal audit as an instrument of alignment with the principles and guidelines proposed by the public governance in its structuring and formation, and the facts reported in the results and discussions bring elements that prove the internal audit as a unique instrument of attempt at alignment, from the annual planning (PAINT), through its technical productions and achievements presented in the report Annual Report (RAINT), trying to reduce the asymmetry of information between managers (agents) and the principal (society) to meet the requirements of good public governance practices, proving itself by its planned, systematic and preventive initiatives, taking concepts and good practices of formation of internal control, risk management and integrity and for top management. Keywords: Internal Audit. Public Governance. Control.
Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - Auditoria, Administração pública - Auditoria, Governança pública
FONSECA, Ricardo Augusto Lunière. A auditoria interna como instrumento de governança pública na Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. 2022. 61 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.