Governança pública do serviço de saúde mental do Estado do Amazonas na perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Introdução – A saúde mental é amplamente afetada pelos ambientes em que as pessoas vivem, e sua promoção exige ações integradas em diversos setores, incluindo do governo. Objetivos – Analisar o funcionamento da governança multinível na Rede de Política de Saúde Mental do Estado do Amazonas sob a perspectiva dos trabalhadores de saúde, aprofundando a compreensão desse modelo de governança. Metodologia – Neste estudo, adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa e descritiva para investigar a governança multinível na política de saúde mental do Amazonas. Utilizando técnicas como questionários e observações sistemáticas, a análise foi fundamentada, permitindo compreender os arranjos institucionais e identificar lacunas nas redes de saúde. A pesquisa foi realizada nas Unidades de Saúde Mental da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (RAPS) de 24 municípios. Resultados – A análise revelou desafios significativos na coordenação e implementação dos serviços de saúde mental no Amazonas. A colaboração entre os diferentes níveis de governo e a sociedade civil é fundamental para superar barreiras históricas que comprometem a eficácia das políticas. É crucial fortalecer a articulação interinstitucional e investir na capacitação dos profissionais, adaptando as políticas às realidades locais. O financiamento adequado e a implementação de sistemas de monitoramento contínuo são essenciais para expandir e melhorar a qualidade dos serviços. Conclusão – Na análise da governança multinível na política de saúde mental no Amazonas, destacaram-se desafios significativos na coordenação e implementação dos serviços. Recomenda-se reforçar a articulação interinstitucional, investir na capacitação de profissionais e assegurar o financiamento adequado. A abordagem deve ser adaptada às particularidades regionais, com monitoramento contínuo das políticas. Estudos futuros sobre tecnologias digitais e a geografia do Amazonas são essenciais para melhorar o acesso aos serviços de áreas remotas. Palavras-chave: saúde mental; governança multinível; coordenação; capacitação; monitoramento
Introduction – Mental health is profoundly influenced by the environments in which people live, and its promotion requires integrated actions across various sectors, including government. Objectives – To analyse the functioning of multilevel governance in the Mental Health Policy Network of the State of Amazonas from the perspective of health workers, deepening the understanding of this governance model. Methodology – The study adopted a qualitative and descriptive approach to investigate multilevel governance in the mental health policy of Amazonas. Using techniques such as questionnaires and systematic observations, the analysis was grounded in understanding institutional arrangements and identifying gaps in health networks. The research was conducted in Mental Health Units of the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS) across 24 municipalities. Results – The analysis revealed significant challenges in coordinating and implementing mental health services in Amazonas. Collaboration between different levels of government and civil society is essential to overcome historical barriers that undermine policy effectiveness. It is crucial to strengthen inter-institutional articulation and invest in professional training, adapting policies to local realities. Adequate funding and the implementation of continuous monitoring systems are essential to expand and improve service quality. Conclusion – The analysis of multilevel governance in the mental health policy of Amazonas highlights significant challenges in coordinating and implementing services. It is recommended to reinforce inter-institutional collaboration, invest in professional training, and ensure adequate funding. The approach should be adapted to regional particularities, with continuous policy monitoring. Future studies on digital technologies and the geography of Amazonas are essential to improve access to mental health services in remote áreas. Keywords: mental health; multilevel governance; coordination; training; monitoring
Introduction – Mental health is profoundly influenced by the environments in which people live, and its promotion requires integrated actions across various sectors, including government. Objectives – To analyse the functioning of multilevel governance in the Mental Health Policy Network of the State of Amazonas from the perspective of health workers, deepening the understanding of this governance model. Methodology – The study adopted a qualitative and descriptive approach to investigate multilevel governance in the mental health policy of Amazonas. Using techniques such as questionnaires and systematic observations, the analysis was grounded in understanding institutional arrangements and identifying gaps in health networks. The research was conducted in Mental Health Units of the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS) across 24 municipalities. Results – The analysis revealed significant challenges in coordinating and implementing mental health services in Amazonas. Collaboration between different levels of government and civil society is essential to overcome historical barriers that undermine policy effectiveness. It is crucial to strengthen inter-institutional articulation and invest in professional training, adapting policies to local realities. Adequate funding and the implementation of continuous monitoring systems are essential to expand and improve service quality. Conclusion – The analysis of multilevel governance in the mental health policy of Amazonas highlights significant challenges in coordinating and implementing services. It is recommended to reinforce inter-institutional collaboration, invest in professional training, and ensure adequate funding. The approach should be adapted to regional particularities, with continuous policy monitoring. Future studies on digital technologies and the geography of Amazonas are essential to improve access to mental health services in remote áreas. Keywords: mental health; multilevel governance; coordination; training; monitoring
Pessoal da área de saúde mental - Amazonas, Governança pública
MARTINS JÚNIOR, José Osmar. Governança pública do serviço de saúde mental do Estado do Amazonas na perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde. 2024. 108 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.