Desprendimento e arraste do solo pelo escoamento superficial
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Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o efeito de diferentes vazões de escoamento superficial e declividades nas perdas de solo resultantes. Na realização do experimento utilizou-se um canal, no qual foi colocada uma camada de solo (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo) com espessura de 12 cm. Para a análise da capacidade de desprendimento e arraste de partículas de solo pelo escoamento superficial a aplicação de água foi feita de maneira uniforme ao longo de toda a largura do canal. Foram utilizadas as declividades de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10%, e seis vazões distintas para cada uma destas declividades. Em cada teste foi determinada a perda de solo pelo método direto e, com base nos dados de taxas de perdas de solo obtidos a partir das diferentes declividades e vazões de escoamento superficial utilizadas nos testes foram ajustadas equações de regressão. Os resultados obtidos permitiram as seguintes conclusões: a) a declividade apresentou um efeito mais expressivo nas taxas de perdas de solo do que a vazão; b) observou-se tendência de declínio das taxas de perdas de solo com o tempo; e c) a equação linear foi a que melhor se ajustou aos dados de perdas de solo ao longo do tempo para a declividade de 2%, enquanto, o ajuste da equação do tipo potencial se mostrou mais adequado para as declividades de 8 e 10%. Nas declividades de 4 e 6%, entretanto, não se observaram diferenças expressivas entre os ajustes das equações linear e potencial.
The paper had the objective to analyze the effect of the overland flow and slope in the soil losses. A channel with a soil layer (Red Yellow Latosol) 12 cm deep was used. The water was applied in the channel in an uniform way. The slopes used were 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% and for each one of these slopes six different overland flow values were used. The soil loss was measured by the direct method. Using the soil loss rates measured and the values of slope and overland flow a regression equation was adjusted. The obtained results allowed the following conclusions: a) the slope had a more significant effect in the soil loss rate than the discharge; b) tendency of decline of the rates of soil loss was observed with the time; and c) the linear equation was better adjusted to the data of soil loss for the slope of 2%, while the adjustment of the equation of the potential type was better for slopes of 8 and 10%. For slopes of 4 and 6%, however, no significant differences were observed between the linear and potential equation.
The paper had the objective to analyze the effect of the overland flow and slope in the soil losses. A channel with a soil layer (Red Yellow Latosol) 12 cm deep was used. The water was applied in the channel in an uniform way. The slopes used were 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% and for each one of these slopes six different overland flow values were used. The soil loss was measured by the direct method. Using the soil loss rates measured and the values of slope and overland flow a regression equation was adjusted. The obtained results allowed the following conclusions: a) the slope had a more significant effect in the soil loss rate than the discharge; b) tendency of decline of the rates of soil loss was observed with the time; and c) the linear equation was better adjusted to the data of soil loss for the slope of 2%, while the adjustment of the equation of the potential type was better for slopes of 8 and 10%. For slopes of 4 and 6%, however, no significant differences were observed between the linear and potential equation.
Erosão hídrica, Erosão em sulcos, Perdas de solo, Overland flow, Rill erosion, Soil loss