Impactos do rompimento da barragem "Fundão" sobre a fauna de artrópodes da bacia do Rio Gualaxo do Norte, Mariana, Minas Gerais
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A atividade mineradora é uma das principais atividades econômicas no Brasil, sendo também uma significativa fonte de distúrbios ambientais advindos da ação antrópica. Nesse cenário, o rompimento da barragem da SAMARCO/BHP Billiton/Vale “Fundão”, ocorrido em 2015 no município de Mariana (MG), é o maior desastre ambiental da história do Brasil. Esse evento teve papel estruturante na heterogeneidade ambiental, nas condições, recursos e dinâmicas das comunidades biológicas locais. Diante disso, este trabalho buscou compreender os efeitos remanescentes do rompimento da barragem de Fundão sobre a fauna de artrópodes após seis anos do rompimento. O estudo foi desenvolvido ao longo do primeiro afluente da bacia do Rio Doce que recebeu grande volume de rejeitos da barragem de Fundão, o Rio Gualaxo do Norte. Comparamos áreas não-afetadas e afetadas pelo rejeito, para avaliar possíveis efeitos remanescentes sobre a biomassa de insetos voadores e edáficos, e sobre riqueza, abundância e composição de espécies de aranhas. Nossos resultados apontaram que houve efeitos distintos entre grupos de artrópodes. Artrópodes voadores e edáficos sofreram alterações na biomassa em locais alterados pela passagem do rejeito, enquanto a comunidade de aranhas não sofreu alterações significativas. Observamos também que a altura da serapilheira foi maior nas áreas afetadas, o que sugere que a redução dos artrópodes edáficos pode afetar a ciclagem de nutrientes nos ambientes impactados. Por fim, sugerimos que a ausência de efeito sobre a comunidade de aranhas pode estar relacionada à resiliência dessa comunidade aos distúrbios. Palavras-chave: Impacto ambiental. Barragens de rejeitos. Ecossistemas. Aranhas. Insetos. Artrópode.
Mining activity is one of the main economic activities in Brazil, being also a significant source of environmental disturbances coming from anthropogenic action. The failure of the SAMARCO/BHP Billiton/Vale’s “Fundão” dam is known to be the greatest environmental disaster in Brazilian history. This event played a structuring role in environmental heterogeneity, conditions, resources and dynamics within local biological communities. Given that, this work aimed to understand reminiscent effects from Fundão dam breach unto the arthropod fauna after six years after such breach. The study was developed along the first tributary to the Doce river which received a high volume of tailings from the dam, the Gualaxo do Norte river. We compared areas not affected and affected by the tailings, to assess possible reminiscent impacts over biomass of flying and edaphic arthropods, and over spider abundance, richness and species composition. Our results point out that there were distinct effects among arthropod groups. Flying and edaphic arthropods suffered shifts in biomass at sites altered by the passage of tailings, while spider assemblage was not significantly affected. We observed greater leaf litter height in affected areas, which suggests that the reduction of edaphic arthropods may affect nutrient cycling at the impacted environments. Finally, we suggest that the absence of effect over spider assemblage may be related to resilience from this assemblage to disturbance. Keywords: Environmental impact. Tailing dams. Ecosystems. Spiders. Insects. Arthropod
Mining activity is one of the main economic activities in Brazil, being also a significant source of environmental disturbances coming from anthropogenic action. The failure of the SAMARCO/BHP Billiton/Vale’s “Fundão” dam is known to be the greatest environmental disaster in Brazilian history. This event played a structuring role in environmental heterogeneity, conditions, resources and dynamics within local biological communities. Given that, this work aimed to understand reminiscent effects from Fundão dam breach unto the arthropod fauna after six years after such breach. The study was developed along the first tributary to the Doce river which received a high volume of tailings from the dam, the Gualaxo do Norte river. We compared areas not affected and affected by the tailings, to assess possible reminiscent impacts over biomass of flying and edaphic arthropods, and over spider abundance, richness and species composition. Our results point out that there were distinct effects among arthropod groups. Flying and edaphic arthropods suffered shifts in biomass at sites altered by the passage of tailings, while spider assemblage was not significantly affected. We observed greater leaf litter height in affected areas, which suggests that the reduction of edaphic arthropods may affect nutrient cycling at the impacted environments. Finally, we suggest that the absence of effect over spider assemblage may be related to resilience from this assemblage to disturbance. Keywords: Environmental impact. Tailing dams. Ecosystems. Spiders. Insects. Arthropod
Impacto ambiental - Fundão, Barragem de (MG), Barragens de rejeitos - Mariana (MG), Ecossistemas - Doce, Rio, Bacia (MG e ES), Aranhas, Insetos, Artrópode
PIVA, Guilherme Campos. Impactos do rompimento da barragem "Fundão" sobre a fauna de artrópodes da bacia do Rio Gualaxo do Norte, Mariana, Minas Gerais. 2023. 49 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.