A família e o provimento de cuidado à pessoa em sofrimento psíquico no contexto da pandemias de Covid-19
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Este estudo objetiva analisar o cuidado exercido por familiares às pessoas em sofrimento mental assistidas pelo CAPS de Viçosa, MG, em contexto de intensificação do projeto ultraneoliberal e de eclosão da pandemia de Covid-19. Os objetivos específicos são: Identificar aspectos socioeconômicos dos familiares dos usuários do CAPS, buscando compreender suas implicações no cuidado; Compreender as dificuldades encontradas pelos familiares para garantir o cuidado no contexto de pandemia, identificando as estratégias utilizadas pelos familiares neste período; Identificar os dispositivos assistenciais acionados pelos familiares, para além do CAPS, para responder as demandas dos usuários no período da pandemia; Problematizar o impacto do projeto ultraneoliberal na possibilidade de garantir os serviços de saúde mental e como repercute nas respostas dos familiares no provimento do cuidado. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória, do tipo estudo de caso, realizada na perspectiva do materialismo histórico-dialético. Utilizou-se como metodologia de coleta de dados entrevista semiestruturada, com 10 cuidadores. Os dados foram analisados utilizando a técnica de análise de conteúdo temática conforme Bardin (1977). Os resultados revelam que a maioria dos cuidadores é do sexo feminino (80%), e a minoria (20%) são homens. Dentre essas mulheres, 70% se identificam como pertencentes à raça negra, evidenciando a importância de considerar as singularidades da interseccionalidade, que reflete as complexas e desiguais relações sociais de gênero, classe e raça na sociedade brasileira. Conclui-se que, apesar dos avanços trazidos pela Reforma Psiquiátrica e pelos novos modelos de atenção, o aprofundamento da contrarreforma do Estado, em um cenário de restrição das políticas sociais universais e de destinação do fundo público para serviços manicomiais, com o consequente sucateamento dos serviços substitutivos, trouxe impactos significativos para o cuidado em saúde mental durante a pandemia. Esses impactos incluem a precarização do SUS, a desarticulação da RAPS, a fragmentação do trabalho, a cronificação de práticas manicomiais e a sobrecarga da família (familismo), que assumiu grande parte das funções que deveriam ser responsabilidade do Estado. Palavras-chave: cuidado. ; saúde mental. ; familismo. ; covid-19.; centro de atenção psicossocial.
This study aims to analyze the care provided by family members to people with mental illness assisted by the CAPS in Viçosa, MG, in the context of the intensification of the ultraneoliberal project and the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The specific objectives are: Identify socioeconomic aspects of the families of CAPS users, seeking to understand their implications for care; Understand the difficulties encountered by family members in ensuring care in the context of a pandemic, identifying the strategies used by family members during this period; Identify the assistance devices activated by family members, in addition to CAPS, to respond to users' demands during the pandemic period; Problematize the impact of the ultra-neoliberal project on the possibility of guaranteeing mental health services and how it affects family members' responses in providing care. This is a qualitative and exploratory case study, conducted from the perspective of historical-dialectical materialism. The data collection methodology used was a semi-structured interview with 10 caregivers. The data were analyzed using the thematic content analysis technique according to Bardin (1977). The results reveal that the majority of caregivers are female (80%), and the minority (20%) are male. Among these women, 70% identify as black, highlighting the importance of considering the singularities of intersectionality, which reflects the complex and unequal social relations of gender, class, and race in Brazilian society. It is concluded that, despite the advances brought about by the Psychiatric Reform and new care models, the deepening of the State's counter-reform, in a scenario of restrictions on universal social policies and the allocation of public funds to asylum services, with the consequent scrapping of substitute services, brought significant impacts to mental health care during the pandemic. These impacts include the precariousness of the SUS, the disarticulation of the RAPS, the fragmentation of work, the chronicity of asylum practices and the overload of the family (familism), which assumed a large part of the functions that should be the responsibility of the State. Keywords: care. ; mental health. ; familism. ; covid-19. ; psychosocial care center.
This study aims to analyze the care provided by family members to people with mental illness assisted by the CAPS in Viçosa, MG, in the context of the intensification of the ultraneoliberal project and the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The specific objectives are: Identify socioeconomic aspects of the families of CAPS users, seeking to understand their implications for care; Understand the difficulties encountered by family members in ensuring care in the context of a pandemic, identifying the strategies used by family members during this period; Identify the assistance devices activated by family members, in addition to CAPS, to respond to users' demands during the pandemic period; Problematize the impact of the ultra-neoliberal project on the possibility of guaranteeing mental health services and how it affects family members' responses in providing care. This is a qualitative and exploratory case study, conducted from the perspective of historical-dialectical materialism. The data collection methodology used was a semi-structured interview with 10 caregivers. The data were analyzed using the thematic content analysis technique according to Bardin (1977). The results reveal that the majority of caregivers are female (80%), and the minority (20%) are male. Among these women, 70% identify as black, highlighting the importance of considering the singularities of intersectionality, which reflects the complex and unequal social relations of gender, class, and race in Brazilian society. It is concluded that, despite the advances brought about by the Psychiatric Reform and new care models, the deepening of the State's counter-reform, in a scenario of restrictions on universal social policies and the allocation of public funds to asylum services, with the consequent scrapping of substitute services, brought significant impacts to mental health care during the pandemic. These impacts include the precariousness of the SUS, the disarticulation of the RAPS, the fragmentation of work, the chronicity of asylum practices and the overload of the family (familism), which assumed a large part of the functions that should be the responsibility of the State. Keywords: care. ; mental health. ; familism. ; covid-19. ; psychosocial care center.
Instalações de saúde mental - Viçosa (MG), Famílias - Saúde mental - Aspectos econômicos, Famílias - Saúde mental - Aspectos sociais, COVID-19, Pandemia de, 2020- - Aspectos sociais
SOUZA, Lídia de Jesus. A família e o provimento de cuidado à pessoa em sofrimento psíquico no contexto da pandemias de Covid-19. 2024. 186 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Economia Doméstica) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.