Diferenças na composição da microbiota do trato gastrointestinal e de fezes de novilhos Nelore com alta e baixa eficiência alimentar
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A análise das interações entre o hospedeiro e o microbioma intestinal pode ser útil para entender as diferenças no fenótipo de eficiência alimentar de animais de produção. Estudos que investigam a relação entre o microbioma ruminal e a eficiência alimentar de bovinos de corte ainda são escassos, sendo que ainda não existem trabalhos com bovinos da raça Nelore, a qual se destaca pela relevância econômica na produção de carne no Brasil. Neste trabalho, os objetivos foram comparar a composição da microbiota e analisar os parâmetros bioquímicos do rúmen, intestino delgado, ceco e das fezes de 27 novilhos Nelore classificados como de alta ou baixa eficiência alimentar. Para avaliar a composição da comunidade bacteriana foi realizada a extração de DNA metagenômico das amostras do rúmen (fração sólida e líquida), intestino delgado, ceco e fezes dos animais e sequenciamento da região V4 do gene rRNA 16S. Nas amostras obtidas do rúmen também foi realizada a avaliação da composição de arquéias por meio do sequenciamento da região V6-V8 do gene rRNA 16S. Além disso, a concentração de ácidos orgânicos voláteis (ácidos acético, succínico, propiônico, valérico, isovalérico, butírico e isobutírico) foi avaliada em todos os segmentos do sistema digestivo, além da concentração de amônia e do pH no conteúdo ruminal. Foi observado que os índices de Shannon (diversidade) e Simpson (dominância) das comunidades bacterianas ruminais (5,35 ± 0,26 e 0,017 ± 0,007, respectivamente) e fecais (4,26 ± 0,32 e 0,04 ± 0,015, respectivamente) não foram diferentes para os dois grupos de eficiência alimentar (t-test, P > 0,05). Já a riqueza de arquéias no rúmen (índice de Chao) foi maior (t-test, P < 0,05) nos novilhos com fenótipo de alta eficiência alimentar (45,18 ± 11,1) em relação aos de baixa eficiência (36,22 ± 8,12). O intestino delgado foi o segmento do trato gastrointestinal com menor (Tukey test, P < 0,05) diversidade e riqueza de bactérias (3,77 ± 0,73 e 607 ± 192, respectivamente), bem como o de menor concentração de ácidos orgânicos voláteis (11,57 ± 6,65 mmol/l). A análise de beta diversidade das comunidades microbianas não demonstrou agrupamento dos animais em função do fenótipo de eficiência alimentar (Anosim, P > 0,01). No entanto, foi observado agrupamento em função das comunidades bacterianas de cada segmento do trato gastrointestinal (Anosim, P < 0,001). O agrupamento taxônomico das OTUs evidenciou que as famílias Lachnospiraceae (24,61 ± 6,58 %) e Ruminococcaceae (20,87 ± 4,22 %) são as mais abundantes em todo o trato digestivo de bovinos Nelore. As diferenças na composição bacteriana (White’s non-parametric t-test, P < 0.05) tanto do rúmen quanto das fezes dos animais de alta e baixa eficiência alimentar foram identificadas principalmente em OTUs classificadas nessas famílias, bem como no gênero Prevotella. Assim, algumas estirpes específicas desses grupos parecem estar relacionadas com o aumento ou com a redução da eficiência alimentar. Foram observadas diferenças na correlação (Sperman’s rank, P < 0,05) entre os parâmetros bioquímicos e a composição da microbiota ruminal dos novilhos de alta e baixa eficiência alimentar. Esses resultados demonstram que as diferenças na composição do microbioma de animais de alta e baixa eficiência alimentar se concentram em grupos microbianos com potencial fibrolítico e celulolítico, os quais são considerados relevantes para a fermentação dos componentes da dieta e, consequentemente, para a obtenção de energia pelo hospedeiro. Além das alterações da comunidade bacteriana ao longo do trato digestivo, evidenciaram-se algumas diferenças quanto à abundância desses grupos funcionais nas fezes dos animais. Assim, a coleta de amostras fecais pode representar uma forma não invasiva de avaliar, a partir de estudos em larga escala, a relação entre o microbioma de bovinos e fenótipos de produtividade desses animais.
The analysis of the interactions between the host and its gut microbiome may be useful to understand differences in the feed efficiency phenotype of livestock animals. Studies investigating the relationship between ruminal microbiome composition and feed efficiency of beef cattle are still scarce, being virtually nonexistent with the Nelore cattle, which is notable for its economic relevance for meat production in Brazil. In this work, we aimed to compare the composition of the microbiota and the biochemical parameters of the rumen, small intestine, cecum and feces of 27 Nelore steers with high or low feed efficiency. To access the bacterial community composition, metagenomic DNA was extracted from the rumen (solid and liquid fraction), small intestine, cecum and fecal samples and the sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was performed. For the ruminal samples, we also performed the evaluation of archaeal community composition by sequencing of the V6-V8 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. In addition, the concentration of volatile fatty acids (acetic, succinic, propionic, valeric, isovaleric, butyric and isobutyric acids) was evaluated in all segments of the digestive system, as well as ammonia concentration and pH in ruminal contents. We observed that the Shannon (diversity) and Simpson (dominance) indexes of the ruminal (5.35 ± 0.26 and 0.017 ± 0.007, respectively) and fecal (4.26 ± 0.32 and 0.04 ± 0.015, respectively) bacterial communities were not different for the two feed efficiency groups (t-test, P > 0.05). On the other hand, the ruminal archaea richness (Chao index) was higher (t-test, P < 0.05) in high feed efficiency steers (45.18 ± 11.1) than in low feed efficiency steers (36.22 ± 8.12). The small intestine was the gastrointestinal tract segment that showed lower (Tukey test, P < 0.05) bacteria diversity and richness (3.77 ± 0.73 and 607 ± 192, respectively), as well as lower concentration of volatile fatty acids (11.57 ± 6.65 mmol/l). Beta diversity analysis of the microbial communities did not show grouping of the steers according to the feed efficiency phenotype (Anosim, P > 0.01). However, we observed grouping according to the bacterial communities of each gastrointestinal tract segment (Anosim, P < 0.001). The OTUs taxonomic grouping showed that Lachnospiraceae (24.61 ± 6.58 %) and Ruminococcaceae (20.87 ± 4.22 %) families are the most abundant across the digestive tract of Nelore cattle. The differences in bacterial composition (White's non-parametric t-test, P < 0.05) of both rumen and feces from steers with high and low feed efficiency were mainly identified in OTUs assigned in these families, as well as in the Prevotella genus. Thus, some specific strains of these groups appear to be related to the increase or reduction of feed efficiency. Differences in correlation (Sperman's rank, P < 0.05) between biochemical parameters and ruminal microbiota composition of high and low feed efficiency steers were observed. Our results demonstrate that differences in the ruminal microbiome composition of high and low feed efficiency steers are concentrated in microbial groups with fibrolytic and cellulolytic potential, which are considered relevant for the fermentation of diet components and, consequently, to the host energy-obtaining activities. Besides the changes in the bacterial community across the digestive tract, there were some differences in the abundance of these functional groups in the feces of the Nelore steers. Therefore, the collection of fecal samples may represent a non-invasive way to evaluate, by large scale studies, the relationship between bovine microbiome and productivity phenotypes.
The analysis of the interactions between the host and its gut microbiome may be useful to understand differences in the feed efficiency phenotype of livestock animals. Studies investigating the relationship between ruminal microbiome composition and feed efficiency of beef cattle are still scarce, being virtually nonexistent with the Nelore cattle, which is notable for its economic relevance for meat production in Brazil. In this work, we aimed to compare the composition of the microbiota and the biochemical parameters of the rumen, small intestine, cecum and feces of 27 Nelore steers with high or low feed efficiency. To access the bacterial community composition, metagenomic DNA was extracted from the rumen (solid and liquid fraction), small intestine, cecum and fecal samples and the sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was performed. For the ruminal samples, we also performed the evaluation of archaeal community composition by sequencing of the V6-V8 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. In addition, the concentration of volatile fatty acids (acetic, succinic, propionic, valeric, isovaleric, butyric and isobutyric acids) was evaluated in all segments of the digestive system, as well as ammonia concentration and pH in ruminal contents. We observed that the Shannon (diversity) and Simpson (dominance) indexes of the ruminal (5.35 ± 0.26 and 0.017 ± 0.007, respectively) and fecal (4.26 ± 0.32 and 0.04 ± 0.015, respectively) bacterial communities were not different for the two feed efficiency groups (t-test, P > 0.05). On the other hand, the ruminal archaea richness (Chao index) was higher (t-test, P < 0.05) in high feed efficiency steers (45.18 ± 11.1) than in low feed efficiency steers (36.22 ± 8.12). The small intestine was the gastrointestinal tract segment that showed lower (Tukey test, P < 0.05) bacteria diversity and richness (3.77 ± 0.73 and 607 ± 192, respectively), as well as lower concentration of volatile fatty acids (11.57 ± 6.65 mmol/l). Beta diversity analysis of the microbial communities did not show grouping of the steers according to the feed efficiency phenotype (Anosim, P > 0.01). However, we observed grouping according to the bacterial communities of each gastrointestinal tract segment (Anosim, P < 0.001). The OTUs taxonomic grouping showed that Lachnospiraceae (24.61 ± 6.58 %) and Ruminococcaceae (20.87 ± 4.22 %) families are the most abundant across the digestive tract of Nelore cattle. The differences in bacterial composition (White's non-parametric t-test, P < 0.05) of both rumen and feces from steers with high and low feed efficiency were mainly identified in OTUs assigned in these families, as well as in the Prevotella genus. Thus, some specific strains of these groups appear to be related to the increase or reduction of feed efficiency. Differences in correlation (Sperman's rank, P < 0.05) between biochemical parameters and ruminal microbiota composition of high and low feed efficiency steers were observed. Our results demonstrate that differences in the ruminal microbiome composition of high and low feed efficiency steers are concentrated in microbial groups with fibrolytic and cellulolytic potential, which are considered relevant for the fermentation of diet components and, consequently, to the host energy-obtaining activities. Besides the changes in the bacterial community across the digestive tract, there were some differences in the abundance of these functional groups in the feces of the Nelore steers. Therefore, the collection of fecal samples may represent a non-invasive way to evaluate, by large scale studies, the relationship between bovine microbiome and productivity phenotypes.
Bovinos de corte, Nutrição animal, Sistema gastrointestinal, Microbiota, Rúmen - Microbiologia, Fezes - Análise
LOPES, Déborah Romaskevis Gomes. Diferenças na composição da microbiota do trato gastrointestinal e de fezes de novilhos Nelore com alta e baixa eficiência alimentar. 2018. 101 f.Tese (Doutorado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2018.