Entre o potencial de transformação local e os entraves do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos na Cidade de Viçosa-MG
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Administração Pública e Gestão Social
Neste trabalho, buscou-se explorar entraves que impedem que o agricultor familiar aumente sua renda pelo Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), vinculado ao Programa Fome Zero, do Governo Federal. Discute-se a importância da
agricultura familiar e o fomento de políticas públicas para seu fortalecimento, pois com apenas um quarto da área produtiva do país produzem cerca de 40% do total dos alimentos
(IBGE, 2009), valor essencial para manter os avanços que reduziram de 14,9% para 6,9%, de 1990 e 2012, o percentual de subnutridos no país (FAO, 2012). Baseando-se entrevistas, a
abordagem qualitativa trouxe a percepção de que o maior entrave se refere à falta de apoio gerencial, em contraposição ao benéfico suporte técnico à produção feito pela EMATER. Também há duplicidade da oportunidade do PAA com o
Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE). Espera-se contribuir à gestão do PAA e estimular políticas públicas de combate à realidade de miséria e fome.
This paper sought to explore the barriers that prevent the family farmer has the opportunity to increase their income by joining in the Food Acquisition Program (PAA), bound the Zero Hunger Program of the Federal Government. It discusses the importance and development of public policies to strengthen them, because with only a quarter of the productive area of the country they produce about 40% of total food (IBGE, 2009), a value essential to maintain the gains that have reduced from 14.9% to 6.9% between 1990 and 2012, the percentage of undernourished people in the country (FAO, 2012). Based on the interviews, the qualitative approach brought the knowledge that the greatest barrier refers to the lack of management support, despite of beneficial technical support for production done by EMATER. Also there is duplicity of the opportunity to join the PAA and the National School Feeding Program. It expects to contribute to the management of PAA and encourage public policies to combat poverty and hunger.
This paper sought to explore the barriers that prevent the family farmer has the opportunity to increase their income by joining in the Food Acquisition Program (PAA), bound the Zero Hunger Program of the Federal Government. It discusses the importance and development of public policies to strengthen them, because with only a quarter of the productive area of the country they produce about 40% of total food (IBGE, 2009), a value essential to maintain the gains that have reduced from 14.9% to 6.9% between 1990 and 2012, the percentage of undernourished people in the country (FAO, 2012). Based on the interviews, the qualitative approach brought the knowledge that the greatest barrier refers to the lack of management support, despite of beneficial technical support for production done by EMATER. Also there is duplicity of the opportunity to join the PAA and the National School Feeding Program. It expects to contribute to the management of PAA and encourage public policies to combat poverty and hunger.
Políticas pública, Agricultura familiar, Programa de aquisição de alimentos