Controle da temperatura e velocidade do ar de secagem em um secador de plantas medicinais
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Foi utilizado o secador de bandejas localizado no Laboratório de Plantas Medicinais do Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Dentro do secador foram instaladas três resistências elétricas para o aquecimento do ar. Foi conectado ao secador um ventilador acoplado a um motor elétrico de indução trifásico para a injeção do ar. Para medição da velocidade do ar utilizou- se um anemômetro de conchas. Para a aquisição dos valores de temperatura utilizou-se dois sensores LM35 da National Semiconductor, instalados devidamente na da bandeja escolhida para a secagem. Um microcontrolador PIC16F877A foi utilizado para o controle da velocidade e temperatura. Foi desenvolvido um programa em linguagem C, onde foram implementadas rotinas de ações de controle PID a serem aplicadas no microcontrolador. Para o controle da velocidade do ar, utilizou-se uma das saídas PWM do PIC, cuja largura de pulso era controlada pela ação de controle PID. Essa saída PWM digital é filtrada por meio de um filtro passa-baixas, onde são eliminadas as altas freqüências, sendo possível converter o sinal de controle para um sinal analógico de 0 a 10V. Esse sinal PWM é enviado à entrada analógica de um Inversor de Freqüência, o qual varia a rotação do motor de indução trifásico acoplado ao ventilador. Para o controle da temperatura, foi utilizada a outra saída PWM do PIC, cujo sinal é enviado a dois optoacopladores, os quais disparam triacs e então ligam as resistências à fonte de energia. Um dos triacs liga uma única resistência, enquanto o outro liga as outras duas resistências em série. Para verificar a eficiência do sistema de controle projetado foram realizados testes com o secador em vazio. Verificou-se que existe uma grande influência da velocidade do ar no sistema de controle de temperatura. Concluiu-se que o controle automático em malha fechada reduz significativamente o consumo de energia do motor elétrico em até 63%, além de manter a velocidade constante durante toda a secagem.
The tray drier is located in the Laboratory of Medicinal Plants from the Agricultural Engineering Department of the Federal University of Viçosa was used. Three electric resistances for the air heating were installed in the interior of the drier. A fan connected to an electric engine of three-phase induction for the injection of air was connected to the drier. A cup anemometer was used for measurement of the air speed. Two LM35 sensors of the National Semiconductor were used in order to get hold of the temperature values; they were properly installed on the tray chosen for the drying. A PIC16F877A microcontroller was used for the control of the speed and temperature. A program in language C was developed, where action routines of PID control were implemented to be applied at the microcontroller. For the air speed control, one of the PWM exits of the PIC was used, whose pulse width was controlled by the PID control action. This PWM digital exit is filtered using a low-pass filter, where the high frequencies are eliminated, being possible to convert the control signal into an analogical signal from 0 to 10V. This PWM signal is sent to the analogical entrance of a Frequency Inverter, which varies the rotation of the three-phase induction engine connected to the fan. For the control of the temperature, another PWM exit of the PIC was used, whose signal is sent the two opto cloppers, which go off triacs and then connect the resistances to the power place. One of triacs switches on an only resistance, while the other switches on the other two resistances in series. In order to verify the efficiency of the projected control system, tests with the empty drier were carried through. It was verified that there is a great influence of the air speed on the temperature control system. It was concluded that the automatic control in closed loop significantly reduces the energy consumption of the electric engine in up to 63%, besides keeping the speed constant during the whole drying process.
The tray drier is located in the Laboratory of Medicinal Plants from the Agricultural Engineering Department of the Federal University of Viçosa was used. Three electric resistances for the air heating were installed in the interior of the drier. A fan connected to an electric engine of three-phase induction for the injection of air was connected to the drier. A cup anemometer was used for measurement of the air speed. Two LM35 sensors of the National Semiconductor were used in order to get hold of the temperature values; they were properly installed on the tray chosen for the drying. A PIC16F877A microcontroller was used for the control of the speed and temperature. A program in language C was developed, where action routines of PID control were implemented to be applied at the microcontroller. For the air speed control, one of the PWM exits of the PIC was used, whose pulse width was controlled by the PID control action. This PWM digital exit is filtered using a low-pass filter, where the high frequencies are eliminated, being possible to convert the control signal into an analogical signal from 0 to 10V. This PWM signal is sent to the analogical entrance of a Frequency Inverter, which varies the rotation of the three-phase induction engine connected to the fan. For the control of the temperature, another PWM exit of the PIC was used, whose signal is sent the two opto cloppers, which go off triacs and then connect the resistances to the power place. One of triacs switches on an only resistance, while the other switches on the other two resistances in series. In order to verify the efficiency of the projected control system, tests with the empty drier were carried through. It was verified that there is a great influence of the air speed on the temperature control system. It was concluded that the automatic control in closed loop significantly reduces the energy consumption of the electric engine in up to 63%, besides keeping the speed constant during the whole drying process.
Controle de temperatura, Secagem, Plantas medicinais, Temperature control, Drying, Medicinal plants
PRATES, Mauro de Oliveira. Control of the temperature and speed of the drying air in a dryer of medicinal plants. 2009. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Construções rurais e ambiência; Energia na agricultura; Mecanização agrícola; Processamento de produ) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2009.