Fatores de patogenicidade de Listeria monocytogenes de ambientes de laticínios, de alimentos e de humanos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A atividade in vitro das citolisinas, listeriolisina O (LLO) e fosfatidilcolina- fosfolipase C (PC-PLC), uma lecitinase e a virulência in vivo, de isolados de Listeria monocytogenes proveniente de ambientes de laticínios, de alimentos e de humanos foram determinados. A susceptibilidade a agentes antimicrobianos também foi avaliada e foi feita uma comparação entre dois meios de cultura, para determinar a atividade de PC-PLC. Os isolados de alimentos e de humanos pertenciam aos sorotipos 1/2a, 1/2b e 4b; e 60% dos isolados procedentes de ambientes de laticínios pertenciam ao sorogrupo 4. A atividade hemolítica em hemácias de carneiro foi constatada em todos os isolados analisados, com exceção do isolado 506/82, proveniente de líquido cefalorraquidiano. A atividade de PC-PLC em ágar BHI, contendo 2% de NaCl e 5% de emulsão de gema de ovo, foi detectada em 91,9% dos isolados de L. monocytogenes após 96 h de incubação sob anaerobiose. Nas espécies L. innocua, L. grayi, L. welshimeri e L. seeligeri, não foi observada atividade hemolítica nem de PC-PLC. A virulência, avaliada em embriões de galinha de viii14 dias, foi constatada em 88,4% dos isolados de L. monocytogenes. Dois isolados de alimentos que apresentaram atividade hemolítica e o isolado 506/82, não-hemolítico, proveniente de humanos, foram avirulentos. Não foi possível relacionar os sorotipos e a presença de fatores de patogenicidade in vitro com a virulência in vivo. Os isolados de outras espécies de Listeria não foram considerados patogênicos por promoverem a morte de 40% ou menos dos embriões inoculados. A resistência a antibióticos foi constatada em 25 (71,4%) dos 35 isolados de L. monocytogenes avaliados. A resistência a cefoxitina foi verificada em 54,3% dos isolados, enquanto 48,6% foram resistentes à kanamicina, 8,6% à cefotaxima e 2,9% à amicacina. Entre os isolados resistentes, 11 (44%) apresentaram resistência a um antibiótico e 14 (56%) foram resistentes a dois ou três agentes antimicrobianos. A comparação do ágar BHI com o ágar Vogel-Johnson para detecção da atividade de PC-PLC revelou que resultados positivos podem ser observados a partir de 24 h de incubação em ágar Vogel-Johnson, em anaerobiose, enquanto, no ágar BHI, a maioria dos resultados positivos ficam evidentes após 72 h de incubação, sob as mesmas condições. Dos 71 isolados de L. monocytogenes avaliados, 55 (77,5%) apresentaram atividade de PC-PLC mas apenas em condições de anaerobiose. Os 34 isolados das outras espécies de Listeria não demonstraram atividade dessa enzima em nenhum dos dois meios de cultura avaliados. Estes resultados permitem sugerir a adoção do teste de PC-PLC em meio Vogel- Johnson entre os testes bioquímicos de diferenciação da espécie L. monocytogenes das demais espécies do gênero.
The in vitro activity of the citolysins, listeriolysin O (LLO) and phosphatidylcholine phospholipase C (PC-PLC), a lecithinase, and the in vivo virulence of some L. monocytogenes strains isolated from dairy industries, foods, and humans were evaluated. The susceptibility to antimicrobial agents and PC-PLC activity in two different culture media were also evaluated. Isolates obtained from foods and humans corresponded to serotypes 1/2a, 1/2b, and 4b, and 60% of those from the dairies belonged to serogroup 4. A hemolytic activity of sheep hematocytes was observed for all isolates but 506/82, obtained from cephalo-rachidian liquid. PC-PLC activity in BHI containing 2% NaCl and 5% yolk emulsion was detected for 91.9% of the isolates of L. monocytogenes after 96h of incubation under anaerobiosis. For L. innocua, L. grayi, L. welshimeri, and L. seeligeri, no hemolytic or PC-PLC activity was observed. Virulence, evaluated in 14-day-old chicken embryos, was observed for 88.4% of the isolates of L. monocytogenes. Two food isolates presenting hemolytic activity and the non-hemolytic isolate 506/82, isolated from humans, were avirulent. No correlation could be established between the serotypes, the in vitro presence of xpathogenicity factors, and in vivo virulence. The isolates of other species of Listeria that caused the death of 40% or less of the inoculated embryos were not considered pathogenic. Resistance to antibiotics was detected for 25 (71.4%) of the 35 L. monocytogenes isolates. Resistance to cefoxitin was observed for 54.3% of the isolates, while 48.6% were resistant to kanamycin, 8.6% to cefotaxime, and 2.9% to amikacin. Among the resistant isolates, 11 (44%) were resistant to one antibiotic and 14 (56%) were resistant to two or three. Comparisons between BHI and Vogel-Johnson agar for the detection of PC-PLC activity demonstrated that positive results could be obtained after 24h of incubation on Vogel-Johnson agar under anaerobiosis, while in BHI, most of the positive results were evident after 72h of incubation under the same conditions. Among the 71 isolates of L. monocytogenes evaluated, 55 (77,5%) presented PC-PLC activity only under anaerobiosis. The 34 isolates of other species of Listeria did not produce lecithinase in none of the tested media. These results suggest that the PC-PLC test on Vogel-Johnson agar can be used with other biochemical tests to distinguish L. monocytogenes from the other species of the genus.
The in vitro activity of the citolysins, listeriolysin O (LLO) and phosphatidylcholine phospholipase C (PC-PLC), a lecithinase, and the in vivo virulence of some L. monocytogenes strains isolated from dairy industries, foods, and humans were evaluated. The susceptibility to antimicrobial agents and PC-PLC activity in two different culture media were also evaluated. Isolates obtained from foods and humans corresponded to serotypes 1/2a, 1/2b, and 4b, and 60% of those from the dairies belonged to serogroup 4. A hemolytic activity of sheep hematocytes was observed for all isolates but 506/82, obtained from cephalo-rachidian liquid. PC-PLC activity in BHI containing 2% NaCl and 5% yolk emulsion was detected for 91.9% of the isolates of L. monocytogenes after 96h of incubation under anaerobiosis. For L. innocua, L. grayi, L. welshimeri, and L. seeligeri, no hemolytic or PC-PLC activity was observed. Virulence, evaluated in 14-day-old chicken embryos, was observed for 88.4% of the isolates of L. monocytogenes. Two food isolates presenting hemolytic activity and the non-hemolytic isolate 506/82, isolated from humans, were avirulent. No correlation could be established between the serotypes, the in vitro presence of xpathogenicity factors, and in vivo virulence. The isolates of other species of Listeria that caused the death of 40% or less of the inoculated embryos were not considered pathogenic. Resistance to antibiotics was detected for 25 (71.4%) of the 35 L. monocytogenes isolates. Resistance to cefoxitin was observed for 54.3% of the isolates, while 48.6% were resistant to kanamycin, 8.6% to cefotaxime, and 2.9% to amikacin. Among the resistant isolates, 11 (44%) were resistant to one antibiotic and 14 (56%) were resistant to two or three. Comparisons between BHI and Vogel-Johnson agar for the detection of PC-PLC activity demonstrated that positive results could be obtained after 24h of incubation on Vogel-Johnson agar under anaerobiosis, while in BHI, most of the positive results were evident after 72h of incubation under the same conditions. Among the 71 isolates of L. monocytogenes evaluated, 55 (77,5%) presented PC-PLC activity only under anaerobiosis. The 34 isolates of other species of Listeria did not produce lecithinase in none of the tested media. These results suggest that the PC-PLC test on Vogel-Johnson agar can be used with other biochemical tests to distinguish L. monocytogenes from the other species of the genus.
Listeria monocytogenes, Fatores de patogenicidade, Alimentos - Microbiologia, Humanos
GIOMBELLI, Audecir. Fatores de patogenicidade de Listeria monocytogenes de ambientes de laticínios, de alimentos e de humanos. 2000. 5 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2000.