Avaliação da compactação do solo por meio de imagens digitais em diferentes sistemas de preparo do solo na cultura do feijão
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A produtividade do feijoeiro no Brasil é considera baixa entorno de 820 kg ha-1, podendo atingir valores acima de 3.000 kg ha-1, vários fatores ambientais podem limitar o bom desempenho da cultura, principalmente os relacionados ao solo. Nesta forma objetivou-se com a realização deste trabalho avaliar a compactação do solo na cultura do feijoeiro em diferentes sistemas de preparo do solo, por meio de imagens digitais. Este trabalho foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Viçosa, no município de Viçosa, MG, utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso com seis repetições, sendo quatros tratamentos avaliados (plantio direto, preparo convencional, cultivo mínimo utilizando grade niveladora-destorroadora e cultivo mínimo utilizando escarificador), utilizando o software SAS 9.2 para realização das análises estatísticas. Foram avaliados a percentagem de emergência e o índice de emergência das plântulas, a resposta espectral utilizando índices de vegetação, o estande final, os componentes do rendimento e a produtividade final dos grãos. Para a percentagem de emergência e o índice de emergência das plântulas, foram avaliados a emergência das plântulas em um comprimento de 10 m na linha central de cada unidade experimental. Os índices de vegetação (NDVI, RS, GNDVI, VARI, WDRVI e SAVI) foram calculados a partir dos valores dos números digitais das imagens e dos valores estimados da reflectância, para aquisição das imagens foi utilizado uma plataforma contendo duas câmeras digitais, uma sensível na região do visível (RGB) e a outra sensível na região do infravermelho próximo, esta plataforma foi acoplada a um balão inflado com gás hélio. Já, para o estande final, o componente do rendimento e a produtividade dos grãos, foram contabilizados o número de plantas, de vagens, de sementes e a massa de 100 sementes, nas três linhas centrais em 4 m lineares de cada unidade experimental. De acordo como os resultados obtidos não houve diferença na percentagem de emergência e no índice de velocidade de emergência nos tratamentos. Os índices de vegetação obtidos a partir dos valores dos números digitais das imagens só foram capazes de diferirem os tratamentos aos 70 dias após o plantio. Já, os índices obtidos pelos valores estimados da reflectância diferiram os tratamentos aos 34 e 70 dias após o plantio. O estande final, os componentes do rendimento e produtividade dos grãos não variaram quanto aos sistemas de preparo do solo.
The productivity of beans in Brazil is considered low around 820 kg ha-1, can reaching values above 3000 kg ha-1, several environmental factors may limit the performance of culture, especially those related to the soil. In this form it was objectified with the accomplishment of this work to evaluate the compacting of the ground in the culture of beans in different systems of preparation of the ground, by means of digital images. This study was conducted at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, in Viçosa, MG, we used the randomized block design with six replicates, four treatments evaluated (tillage, conventional tillage, minimum tillage using grate and minimum tillage scarificator) using the SAS 9.2 software to perform the statistical analysis. We evaluated the percentage of emergence and seedling emergence index, the spectral response using vegetation indices, the final stand, yield components and final yield of grain. For the emergence percentage and rate of seedling emergence, were assessed in seedling emergence in a length of 10 m on the center line of each experimental unit. Vegetation indices (NDVI, RS, GNDVI, VARI, WDRVI and SAVI) were calculated from the values of the numbers of digital images and the estimated values of reflectance, for the acquisition of images was used a platform containing two digital cameras, a sensitive in the visible (RGB) and the other sensitive to near infrared region, this platform was attached to a balloon inflated with helium gas. Already, for the final stand, the component of income and productivity of grains were counted the number of plants, pods, seeds and the mass of 100 seeds in the three central lines in 4 linear meters of each experimental unit. According to the results found no difference in emergence percentage and emergence rate index in treatments. Vegetation indices derived from the values of the numbers of digital images were only able to differ from the treatments at 70 days after planting. Already, the indices obtained by the estimated values of reflectance differed treatments at 34 and 70 days after planting. The final stand, yield components and grain yield did not vary as to the systems of tillage.
The productivity of beans in Brazil is considered low around 820 kg ha-1, can reaching values above 3000 kg ha-1, several environmental factors may limit the performance of culture, especially those related to the soil. In this form it was objectified with the accomplishment of this work to evaluate the compacting of the ground in the culture of beans in different systems of preparation of the ground, by means of digital images. This study was conducted at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, in Viçosa, MG, we used the randomized block design with six replicates, four treatments evaluated (tillage, conventional tillage, minimum tillage using grate and minimum tillage scarificator) using the SAS 9.2 software to perform the statistical analysis. We evaluated the percentage of emergence and seedling emergence index, the spectral response using vegetation indices, the final stand, yield components and final yield of grain. For the emergence percentage and rate of seedling emergence, were assessed in seedling emergence in a length of 10 m on the center line of each experimental unit. Vegetation indices (NDVI, RS, GNDVI, VARI, WDRVI and SAVI) were calculated from the values of the numbers of digital images and the estimated values of reflectance, for the acquisition of images was used a platform containing two digital cameras, a sensitive in the visible (RGB) and the other sensitive to near infrared region, this platform was attached to a balloon inflated with helium gas. Already, for the final stand, the component of income and productivity of grains were counted the number of plants, pods, seeds and the mass of 100 seeds in the three central lines in 4 linear meters of each experimental unit. According to the results found no difference in emergence percentage and emergence rate index in treatments. Vegetation indices derived from the values of the numbers of digital images were only able to differ from the treatments at 70 days after planting. Already, the indices obtained by the estimated values of reflectance differed treatments at 34 and 70 days after planting. The final stand, yield components and grain yield did not vary as to the systems of tillage.
Máquinas agrícolas, Sensoriamento remoto, Phaseolus vulgaris L., Agricultural machinery, Remote sensing, Phaseolus vulgaris L.
LEITE, Daniel Mariano. Evaluation of soil compaction by means of digital images in different tillage systems soil in the bean crop. 2011. 71 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Construções rurais e ambiência; Energia na agricultura; Mecanização agrícola; Processamento de produ) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011.