Monitoramento da atividade microbiana em área impactada pelo rompimento da barragem de rejeitos em Brumadinho-MG
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O rompimento da barragem B1 em Brumadinho desencadeou um desastre ambiental de grande proporção no Brasil. A barragem que continha rejeitos oriundos da mineração espalhou mais de 12 milhões de metros cúbicos de lama, resultando em perdas ambientais e humanas. Para reabilitar a área impactada foi lançado em 2020 um projeto piloto de recuperação ambiental, na área denominada Marco Zero, com o intuito de reabilitar a área e utilizá-la de modelo para a recuperação das demais áreas afetadas. Sabendo que a microbiota do solo é responsável por inúmeros processos indispensáveis para a manutenção da vida e saúde no solo, sendo indicadores de qualidade frequentemente empregados em estudos pedológicos, este estudo se baseou em sua avalição. Assim objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o processo de reabilitação da área atingida por rejeitos de mineração utilizando indicadores microbiológicos de saúde do solo. A Respiração Basal do Solo (RBS), Carbono da Biomassa Microbiana (CBM), quociente metabólico (qCO2) e enzimas foram avaliados. As amostras de solo foram coletadas nas estações chuvosa e seca, em seis transectos. Uma área de borda de rio, próxima, mas não afetada pela lama, foi selecionada como área de referência. Os resultados evidenciaram que as amostras coletadas na área afetada de forma geral tiveram valores de RBS e qCO 2 maiores e CBM menores que as amostras de referência, entretanto, não foi possível observar diferenças significativas entre os valores, sugerindo que os processos de reabilitação realizados na área estão tendo resultados satisfatórios. Entretanto, deve-se salientar que as atividades das enzimas beta-glicosidase, urease e arilsulfatase das amostras do solo na área afetada se mostraram inferiores ao esperado ou menores que das áreas de referência, mostrando que as atividades relacionadas com a ciclagem dos nutrientes ainda não foram totalmente recuperadas. As amostras localizadas a montante da área avaliada obtiveram resultados melhores as amostras coletadas a jusante. Por meio da análise multivariada foi possível verificar que as variáveis beta- glicosidase, urease, arilsulfatase e qCO2 se mostraram mais sensíveis às alterações da área afetada. Nossos resultados mostraram que apesar da reabilitação dos serviços ecossistêmicos da microbiota do solo no período avaliado ter progredido, as atividades de monitoramento devem ser continuadas por mais tempo para que atividades de intervenção, caso necessárias, possam ser realizadas para não haver mais impactos. Palavras-chave: Qualidade do solo, Atividade enzimática, Rejeito, Respiração Basal do Solo, Carbono da Biomassa.
The rupture of the B1 dam in Brumadinho triggered a major environmental disaster in Brazil. The dam, which contained mining tailings, spread over 12 million cubic meters of mud, resulting in environmental and human losses. In 2020, a pilot environmental recovery project was launched in the area called "Marco Zero" to rehabilitate the affected area and serve as a model for the recovery of other affected areas. Knowing that soil microbiota is responsible for numerous essential processes for maintaining life and health in the soil, often used as indicators of quality in soil studies, this study was based on its assessment. The objective of this work was to evaluate the rehabilitation process of the area affected by mining waste using microbiological indicators of soil health. Soil Basal Respiration (SBR), Microbial Biomass Carbon (MBC), metabolic quotient (qCO2), and enzymes were assessed. Soil samples were collected in both the rainy and dry seasons, along six transects. A riverbank area nearby, not affected by the mud, was selected as a reference area. The results showed that samples collected in the affected area generally had higher SBR and qCO2 values and lower MBC values than reference samples. However, no significant differences between the values were observed, suggesting that the rehabilitation processes in the area are yielding satisfactory results. It should be noted, though, that the activities of the enzymes beta-glucosidase, urease, and arylsulfatase in the soil samples in the affected area were lower than expected or lower than in the reference areas, indicating that nutrient cycling activities have not been fully restored. Samples located upstream of the evaluated area showed better results than samples collected downstream. Multivariate analysis revealed that beta-glucosidase, urease, arylsulfatase, and qCO2 variables were more sensitive to changes in the affected area. Our results showed that despite the progress in rehabilitating soil microbiota ecosystem services during the evaluated period, monitoring activities should be continued for a longer time so that intervention activities, if necessary, can be carried out to prevent further impacts. Keywords: Soil Quality, Enzyme activity, Mining tailings, Soil Basal Respiration, Microbial Biomass Carbon.
The rupture of the B1 dam in Brumadinho triggered a major environmental disaster in Brazil. The dam, which contained mining tailings, spread over 12 million cubic meters of mud, resulting in environmental and human losses. In 2020, a pilot environmental recovery project was launched in the area called "Marco Zero" to rehabilitate the affected area and serve as a model for the recovery of other affected areas. Knowing that soil microbiota is responsible for numerous essential processes for maintaining life and health in the soil, often used as indicators of quality in soil studies, this study was based on its assessment. The objective of this work was to evaluate the rehabilitation process of the area affected by mining waste using microbiological indicators of soil health. Soil Basal Respiration (SBR), Microbial Biomass Carbon (MBC), metabolic quotient (qCO2), and enzymes were assessed. Soil samples were collected in both the rainy and dry seasons, along six transects. A riverbank area nearby, not affected by the mud, was selected as a reference area. The results showed that samples collected in the affected area generally had higher SBR and qCO2 values and lower MBC values than reference samples. However, no significant differences between the values were observed, suggesting that the rehabilitation processes in the area are yielding satisfactory results. It should be noted, though, that the activities of the enzymes beta-glucosidase, urease, and arylsulfatase in the soil samples in the affected area were lower than expected or lower than in the reference areas, indicating that nutrient cycling activities have not been fully restored. Samples located upstream of the evaluated area showed better results than samples collected downstream. Multivariate analysis revealed that beta-glucosidase, urease, arylsulfatase, and qCO2 variables were more sensitive to changes in the affected area. Our results showed that despite the progress in rehabilitating soil microbiota ecosystem services during the evaluated period, monitoring activities should be continued for a longer time so that intervention activities, if necessary, can be carried out to prevent further impacts. Keywords: Soil Quality, Enzyme activity, Mining tailings, Soil Basal Respiration, Microbial Biomass Carbon.
Diversidade microbiana, Ativação enzimática, Solos - Qualidade, Micro-organismos do solo, Barragens de rejeitos, Carbono
CARVALHO, Karen Braathen de. Monitoramento da atividade microbiana em área impactada pelo rompimento da barragem de rejeitos em Brumadinho-MG. 2023. 152 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.