Desempenho produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte criados em diferentes sistemas de aquecimento
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Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Este experimento foi realizado em duas fases para estudar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de aquecimento em piso sobre os desempenhos produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte. Um total de 500 pintos de um dia, 50% macho e 50% fêmea, em cada círculo de proteção, foi distribuído em um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro blocos. Os sistemas de aquecimento testados foram: placa de fibra de vidro sem cobertura de lona plástica; placa de fibra de vidro com cobertura de lona plástica; resistência embutida no piso sem cobertura de lona plástica; resistência embutida no piso com cobertura de lona plástica; placa de argamassa armada sem cobertura de lona plástica; placa de argamassa armada com cobertura de lona plástica; e campânula a gás. O aquecimento foi mantido por 21 dias, iniciando com a temperatura de 35oC na primeira semana, com redução de 3oC por semana. Peso vivo, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e mortalidade foram avaliados. Os consumos de energia elétrica e de gás foram registrados durante todo o período de aquecimento, para comparação de custos. O sistema de aquecimento placa de argamassa com cobertura de lona plástica foi o mais indicado, pois propiciou boas condições térmicas e maior margem bruta no final do período de criação.
This experiment was carried out in two phases to study the effect of different heating systems on the productive and bioeconomical performances in broilers. Five hundred one-day broiler chicks, 50% male and 50% female, in each protected circle, were allotted to a randomized block design with seven treatments and four blocks. The heating systems were: fiber glass plate without plastic sheet cover, fiber glass plate with plastic sheet cover; built-in floor resistance without plastic sheet cover, built-in floor resistance with plastic sheet cover; mortar plate without plastic sheet cover, mortar plate with plastic sheet cover, and brooder heating gas. Heating was maintained up to the 21st days of age, beginning with the temperature of 35ºC in the first week with a reducing of 3ºC by each week. Live weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed:gain ratio and mortality were evaluated. The electric energy and gas expenditures were recorded during all bird heating period in order to compare the different heating systems cost. The heat electric system with mortar structure plate and plastic sheet cover was the most indicated, by promoting good thermal conditions and higher gross margin at the end of the growing period.
This experiment was carried out in two phases to study the effect of different heating systems on the productive and bioeconomical performances in broilers. Five hundred one-day broiler chicks, 50% male and 50% female, in each protected circle, were allotted to a randomized block design with seven treatments and four blocks. The heating systems were: fiber glass plate without plastic sheet cover, fiber glass plate with plastic sheet cover; built-in floor resistance without plastic sheet cover, built-in floor resistance with plastic sheet cover; mortar plate without plastic sheet cover, mortar plate with plastic sheet cover, and brooder heating gas. Heating was maintained up to the 21st days of age, beginning with the temperature of 35ºC in the first week with a reducing of 3ºC by each week. Live weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed:gain ratio and mortality were evaluated. The electric energy and gas expenditures were recorded during all bird heating period in order to compare the different heating systems cost. The heat electric system with mortar structure plate and plastic sheet cover was the most indicated, by promoting good thermal conditions and higher gross margin at the end of the growing period.
Ambiência, Aquecimento, Aves, Piso, Produção de aves