Diálogos de saberes no cultivo de hortas agroecológicas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A produção de hortaliças pela agricultura familiar tem sido estimulada nos últimos anos através do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar,do Programa de Aquisição de Alimento e da comercialização direta ao consumidor. A agricultura familiar produz alimentos não somente em quantidade, mas também com qualidade. A agricultura familiar agroecológica não utiliza agrotóxicos e faz uso de práticas de manejo visando conservar o solo, a água e a biodiversidade. Estes agricultores são capazes de inovar construindo novidades produtivas de maneira individual e coletiva, interagindo com outros atores sociais. Eles, muitas vezes, não seguem um pacote de tecnologias, porém as desenvolvem mediante práticas sociais, são as chamadas tecnologias sociais. Muitas destas tecnologias sociais e práticas agroecológicas, entretanto, não são ou são pouco socializadas e dentre as causas está a falta de sistematização das experiências. A partir da necessidade de conhecer experiências inovadoras na agricultura familiar esse trabalho teve por objetivo resgatar e analisar, de forma participativa, através do diálogo com as famílias de agricultores, as tecnologias sociais e práticas agroecológicas desenvolvidas na horticultura familiar. Especificamente objetivou-se a) identificar o contexto produtivo dos agricultores/as; b) identificar e sistematizar de forma participativa e socializar as tecnologias sociais e práticas utilizadas pelos agricultores/as agroecológicos no manejo de suas hortas e; c) avaliar o potencial inseticida do extrato de Agave americana var. marginata Trel (agave),no controle de Brevicoryne brassica Lineaus (pulgão),em cultivos de Brassica oleracea Lineaus (couve). A pesquisa foi realizada com agricultores/as agroecológicos/as que comercializam seus produtos via Rede de Prossumidores Raízes da Mata. A sistematização das práticas agroecológicas foi feita por meio de visitas, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e caminhadas pelas hortas. Durante as visitas, as tecnologias sociais e as práticas agroecológicas encontradas foram relatadas e descritas com o maior detalhadamente possível. Para socializar as práticas agroecológicas sistematizadas foram feitos intercâmbios, durante os quais instalações pedagógicas foram preparadas para representar cenários das hortas, tecnologias sociais e práticas identificadas. Durante os intercâmbios a calda A. americana,utilizada por um agricultor em cultivos de B. oleracea no controle de B. brassica, foi escolhida como uma prática inovadora a ser experimentada de forma participativa.Foram montados três ensaios, dois a campo e um em laboratório. O primeiro ensaio foi composto pelos tratamentos: piteira e leite; piteira e água, leite e álcool; piteira e álcool; piteira e água e controle (água). No segundo experimento os tratamentos foram: piteira e leite; piteira diluída em água; piteira diluída em álcool; leite diluído na água; controle (água) e controle (álcool). O delineamento experimental nos dois experimentos foi em blocos casualizados, sendo o primeiro com cinco tratamentos e o segundo com seis tratamentos, ambos com cinco repetições. Seguindo o método utilizado pelo agricultor foi feita a primeira aplicação sem avaliação quantitativa no dia em que havia a maior quantidade de insetos, aos sete dias após a primeira aplicação foi feita a segunda aplicação e três dias (72 horas) após a segunda aplicação foram contados os números de pulgões mortos e vivos. O terceiro ensaio foi conduzido em laboratório e o objetivo foi averiguar o potencial inseticida do extrato aquoso da A. americana. Os tratamentos foram concentrações de 0,125, 0,25, 0,375, 0,5 0,75 g/ml de extrato de piteira, o controle (água) e o tratamento controle com um inseticida comercial à base de deltrametrina (3 ml/l). Os tratamentos foram aplicados em discos de couve de seis cm de diâmetro contendo 20 insetos por disco. As análises foram feitas as 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas após aplicação dos tratamentos. As práticas e tecnologias sociais mais encontradas referem-se ao uso de extratos ou caldas de plantas utilizadas no controle de insetos, a compostagem, o manejo da vegetação espontânea. Estas tecnologias e práticas não agridem o ambiente e facilitam o trabalho sem comprometer a produção. Os espaços de socialização e intercâmbios que ocorreram com maior frequências versaram sobre estas práticas e tecnologias sociais. Os intercâmbios foram eficientes para se discutir e conhecer formas alternativas de manejo das hortas que facilitam o trabalho diário sem comprometer a produção. As limitações e problemas ambientais, econômicos e técnicos foram percebidos como oportunidades para gerar as novas práticas agroecológicas ou resgatar as que já foram utilizadas. As informações passadas dos pais aos filhos e as trocas de experiência entre os vários atores sociais possibilitam a criação e redesenho das práticas que podem ajudar no manejo das hortas. Os experimentos mostraram que a A. americana diminui a população de pulgões, sendo indicado o uso em hortas agroecológicas. Entretanto, na bibliografia consultada não foram encontradas muitas referências sobre o potencial inseticida da A. americana quando comparado com os trabalhos publicados sobre outras espécies de agaves, devendo ser, portanto objeto de aprofundamento em futuros estudos.
In Brazil, nowadays, vegetable production by family farmers has been stimulated through the National School Feeding Programme, the Food Acquisition Program and direct commercialization to the consumers. In general, the family farmers aim to produce food not only in quantity but also with good quality. The agro-ecological family farming does not use pesticides and uses management practices to conserve soil, water and biodiversity. The farmers, individually and collectively, are able to develop social technologies and use agroecological practices to manage the agroecosystems in a sustainable way. Many of these social technologies and agroecological practices, however, are not socialized due to, in many cases, the lack of systematization of the experiences. The objective of the work was to identify and analyze, in participatory way, the social technologies and agroecological practices used by the agroecological family farmers in horticulture. Specifically the objectives were a) identify the productive context of farmers; b) identify, systematize and socialize the social technologies and agroecological practices used by the farmers in the management of the vegetable gardens; c) to test the extract of Agave Americana var. marginata Trel (agave) to control Brevicoryne brassica Lineaus (aphids) in the Brassica oleracea Lineaus (a type of cabbage). The work was carried out with farmers that commercialize their products in the network called Raízes da Mata . Visits, semi -structured interviews and transects through the gardens were among the techniques used in the research to identify the social technologies and social practices. To socialize the results we organized meetings called intercâmbios de conhecimento agroecológico (agroecological knowledge exchange), where the famers could share their knowledge and the results could be presented using pedagogical installations scenery organized to represent the social technologies and agroecological practices. The main practices and social technologies identified were the use of extract of plants to control insects, composting, and management of spontaneous vegetation (the so called weeds ). The intercâmbios were efficient to share and present the agroecological practices and social technologies used by the farmers in the management of the vegetable gardens. These technologies and practices are environmental friend and facilitate the work without compromising the production. The extract of A. Americana used by farmers to control B. brassica in B. oleraceae was chosen to be tested in the field and laboratory. The first trial consisted of the following treatments: milk and agave, agave and water, milk and alcohol, alcohol and agave, and water (control); the treatments in the second trial consisted of: agave and milk; agave diluted in water, agave diluted in alcohol; milk diluted in water, water and alcohol (two controls). For both experiments, we used completely randomized designed, both with five replications. Following the indication of the farmer, the first application was done when the infestation of the insects was intense and the second application was done seven days after the first application. Three days (72 hours) after the second application the number of dead and live aphids was counted. The third test was carried out in the laboratory to compare the effect of the aqueous extract of A. amricana with a deltrametrina, a commercial pesticide. Treatments concentrations were 0.125; 0.25; 0.375; 0.5; 0.75 g/ml extract, water (control) and deltrametrina (3 ml/l) applied on B. oleraceae discs, containing 20 insects per disc. The evaluation was done at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment application. The social technologies and the agroecological practices facilitate the work of the farmers and reduce production costs. The limitations and environmental, economic and technical problems were perceived as opportunities to generate or arise social technologies and agroecological practices. The information passed through generations and interchange of experiences among various social actors facilitated the process of design and redesign of practices useful to manage the vegetable gardens. The A. americana decreased the aphid population and can be used as an alternative to the commercial insecticide. However, in literature, not many references on the insecticidal potential of A. Americana were found, when compared with other species of agaves, therefore more studies about A. Americana is recommended.
In Brazil, nowadays, vegetable production by family farmers has been stimulated through the National School Feeding Programme, the Food Acquisition Program and direct commercialization to the consumers. In general, the family farmers aim to produce food not only in quantity but also with good quality. The agro-ecological family farming does not use pesticides and uses management practices to conserve soil, water and biodiversity. The farmers, individually and collectively, are able to develop social technologies and use agroecological practices to manage the agroecosystems in a sustainable way. Many of these social technologies and agroecological practices, however, are not socialized due to, in many cases, the lack of systematization of the experiences. The objective of the work was to identify and analyze, in participatory way, the social technologies and agroecological practices used by the agroecological family farmers in horticulture. Specifically the objectives were a) identify the productive context of farmers; b) identify, systematize and socialize the social technologies and agroecological practices used by the farmers in the management of the vegetable gardens; c) to test the extract of Agave Americana var. marginata Trel (agave) to control Brevicoryne brassica Lineaus (aphids) in the Brassica oleracea Lineaus (a type of cabbage). The work was carried out with farmers that commercialize their products in the network called Raízes da Mata . Visits, semi -structured interviews and transects through the gardens were among the techniques used in the research to identify the social technologies and social practices. To socialize the results we organized meetings called intercâmbios de conhecimento agroecológico (agroecological knowledge exchange), where the famers could share their knowledge and the results could be presented using pedagogical installations scenery organized to represent the social technologies and agroecological practices. The main practices and social technologies identified were the use of extract of plants to control insects, composting, and management of spontaneous vegetation (the so called weeds ). The intercâmbios were efficient to share and present the agroecological practices and social technologies used by the farmers in the management of the vegetable gardens. These technologies and practices are environmental friend and facilitate the work without compromising the production. The extract of A. Americana used by farmers to control B. brassica in B. oleraceae was chosen to be tested in the field and laboratory. The first trial consisted of the following treatments: milk and agave, agave and water, milk and alcohol, alcohol and agave, and water (control); the treatments in the second trial consisted of: agave and milk; agave diluted in water, agave diluted in alcohol; milk diluted in water, water and alcohol (two controls). For both experiments, we used completely randomized designed, both with five replications. Following the indication of the farmer, the first application was done when the infestation of the insects was intense and the second application was done seven days after the first application. Three days (72 hours) after the second application the number of dead and live aphids was counted. The third test was carried out in the laboratory to compare the effect of the aqueous extract of A. amricana with a deltrametrina, a commercial pesticide. Treatments concentrations were 0.125; 0.25; 0.375; 0.5; 0.75 g/ml extract, water (control) and deltrametrina (3 ml/l) applied on B. oleraceae discs, containing 20 insects per disc. The evaluation was done at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment application. The social technologies and the agroecological practices facilitate the work of the farmers and reduce production costs. The limitations and environmental, economic and technical problems were perceived as opportunities to generate or arise social technologies and agroecological practices. The information passed through generations and interchange of experiences among various social actors facilitated the process of design and redesign of practices useful to manage the vegetable gardens. The A. americana decreased the aphid population and can be used as an alternative to the commercial insecticide. However, in literature, not many references on the insecticidal potential of A. Americana were found, when compared with other species of agaves, therefore more studies about A. Americana is recommended.
Agricultura familiar, Horticultura, Agroecologia, Family farming, Horticulture, Agroecology
PEREIRA, Adalgisa de Jesus. Knowledge Dialogue in the agroecological management of vegetable gardens. 2014. 96 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agroecologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2014.