Implementação do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar na pandemia da Covid- 19: estudo de caso no município de Viçosa/MG
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A presente dissertação objetivou compreender como foi a implementação das compras públicas de alimentos da agricultura familiar, via Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), no município de Viçosa/MG, especialmente, considerando as implicações causadas pela pandemia da Covid-19. Para cumprir esse objetivo geral, os procedimentos metodológicos foram: o estudo de caso como método de pesquisa, as entrevistas semiestruturadas e a pesquisa documental como técnicas de coleta de dados e a análise de conteúdo como técnica de análise de dados. Foram entrevistados cinco burocratas de nível de rua (três nutricionistas, um engenheiro agrônomo e uma extensionista da EMATER) e seis pessoas ligadas à categoria da agricultura familiar (diretora da COOPAF e cinco agricultores familiares individuais). Já a pesquisa documental foi realizada no site da PMV e considerou-se na busca os anos de 2020, 2021 e 2022, não sendo encontrados resultados para 2020. Foram encontradas e analisadas duas chamadas públicas referentes à 2021 e duas referentes à 2022. A partir da análise de conteúdo foram definidas três categorias analíticas: i) implementação do PNAE; ii) atuação de burocratas de nível de rua e relações entre os atores; e, iii) compras públicas da agricultura familiar, via PNAE. Os resultados mostraram que a decisão de manter as compras públicas da agricultura familiar, via PNAE, foi a principal estratégia adotada pelo município. Para atender a nova dinâmica de implementação, outra estratégia adotada foi a distribuição de kits de alimentação aos pais e/ou responsáveis pelos alunos. A continuidade da distribuição de alimentos no período pandêmico foi amparada pela Lei no 13.987/2020, que, por sua própria natureza, abre espaço para discricionariedades por parte de burocratas de nível de rua. A principal discricionariedade observada na implementação do PNAE foi a elaboração de um termo, pelas nutricionistas, a ser assinado por pais ou responsáveis de alunos que decidiram por não retirar os kits de alimentação. Os resultados mostraram que a agricultura familiar conseguiu continuar fornecendo gêneros alimentícios para a alimentação escolar mesmo em um contexto atípico pandêmico. A análise dos documentos das chamadas públicas evidenciou a diversidade de alimentos ofertados pelos agricultores familiares, destacando produtos in natura e minimamente processados. Observou-se também alguns alimentos processados, como o iogurte, ofertado pela COOPAF. Os agricultores familiares enfrentaram dificuldades para continuar entregando seus alimentos durante a pandemia, como a proibição do funcionamento das feiras livres, o aumento dos custos de produção, as fortes chuvas de janeiro de 2022, as péssimas condições das estradas rurais do município e atrasos nos pagamentos. Por outro lado, notou-se benefícios advindos da participação desses agricultores no PNAE em Viçosa, por exemplo, um meio para o escoamento da produção, a garantia de renda, e o incentivo à permanência do jovem no campo. Conclui-se que tanto os burocratas de nível de rua, quanto os agricultores familiares, organizados em cooperativa ou individuais, enfrentaram dificuldades na implementação do PNAE devido à pandemia da Covid-19 no município. No entanto, traçaram estratégias no intuito de continuar realizando as compras públicas da agricultura familiar e de continuar ofertando alimentação dado o contexto pandêmico. Palavras-chave: Implementação de políticas públicas. Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE). Pandemia da Covid-19. Burocratas de nível de rua. Agricultura familiar.
This dissertation aimed to understand the implementation of public purchases of food from family farming, via Brazilian School Feeding Program (PNAE), in the Viçosa municipality, especially considering the implications caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which began in 2020. To meet this general objective, the methodological procedures were: a case study as a research method, the semi-structured interviews and the documentary research as data collection techniques and content analysis as a data analysis technique. Five street-level bureaucrats (three nutritionists, an agronomist and an EMATER extension is interviewed) and six people linked to the family farming category (director of COOPAF and five individual family farmers). On the other hand, the documentary research was carried out on the PMV website and the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 were considered in the search, and no results were found for 2020. Two public calls for 2021 and two for 2022 were found and analyzed. From the content analysis, three analytical categories were defined: i) implementation of the PNAE; ii) performance of street-level bureaucrats and relationships between actors; and, iii) public purchases of family farming, via PNAE. The results showed that the decision to maintain public purchases of family farming, via PNAE, was the main strategy adopted by the municipality. To meet the new implementation dynamics, another strategy adopted was the distribution of feeding kits to parents and/or those responsible for students. The continuity of food distribution in the pandemic period was based on Law no 13.987/2020, which, by its very nature, makes room for discretion on the part of street-level bureaucrats. The main discretion observed in the implementation of the PNAE was the elaboration of a term, by nutritionists, to be signed by parents or guardians of students who decided not to remove the feeding kits. The results showed that family farming was able to continue providing foodstuffs for school feeding even in an atypical pandemic context. The analysis of the documents of the public calls evidenced the diversity of food offered by family farmers, highlighting fresh and minimally processed products. It was also observed some processed foods, such as yogurt, offered by COOPAF. Family farmers faced difficulties to continue delivering their food during the pandemic, such as a ban on the operation of free fairs, increased production costs, heavy rains in January 2022, poor conditions on the municipality's rural roads and delays in payments. On the other hand, there were benefits resulting from the participation of these farmers in the PNAE in Viçosa, for example, a means for the flow of production, the guarantee of income, and the incentive to stay young in the field. It was concluded that both street-level bureaucrats and family farmers, organized in cooperative or individual, faced difficulties in implementing the PNAE due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the municipality. However, they outlined strategies in order to continue making public purchases of family farming and to continue offering food given the pandemic context. Keywords: Implementation of public policies. Brazilian School Feeding Program (PNAE). Covid-19 Pandemic. Street-level bureaucrats. Family farming.
This dissertation aimed to understand the implementation of public purchases of food from family farming, via Brazilian School Feeding Program (PNAE), in the Viçosa municipality, especially considering the implications caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which began in 2020. To meet this general objective, the methodological procedures were: a case study as a research method, the semi-structured interviews and the documentary research as data collection techniques and content analysis as a data analysis technique. Five street-level bureaucrats (three nutritionists, an agronomist and an EMATER extension is interviewed) and six people linked to the family farming category (director of COOPAF and five individual family farmers). On the other hand, the documentary research was carried out on the PMV website and the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 were considered in the search, and no results were found for 2020. Two public calls for 2021 and two for 2022 were found and analyzed. From the content analysis, three analytical categories were defined: i) implementation of the PNAE; ii) performance of street-level bureaucrats and relationships between actors; and, iii) public purchases of family farming, via PNAE. The results showed that the decision to maintain public purchases of family farming, via PNAE, was the main strategy adopted by the municipality. To meet the new implementation dynamics, another strategy adopted was the distribution of feeding kits to parents and/or those responsible for students. The continuity of food distribution in the pandemic period was based on Law no 13.987/2020, which, by its very nature, makes room for discretion on the part of street-level bureaucrats. The main discretion observed in the implementation of the PNAE was the elaboration of a term, by nutritionists, to be signed by parents or guardians of students who decided not to remove the feeding kits. The results showed that family farming was able to continue providing foodstuffs for school feeding even in an atypical pandemic context. The analysis of the documents of the public calls evidenced the diversity of food offered by family farmers, highlighting fresh and minimally processed products. It was also observed some processed foods, such as yogurt, offered by COOPAF. Family farmers faced difficulties to continue delivering their food during the pandemic, such as a ban on the operation of free fairs, increased production costs, heavy rains in January 2022, poor conditions on the municipality's rural roads and delays in payments. On the other hand, there were benefits resulting from the participation of these farmers in the PNAE in Viçosa, for example, a means for the flow of production, the guarantee of income, and the incentive to stay young in the field. It was concluded that both street-level bureaucrats and family farmers, organized in cooperative or individual, faced difficulties in implementing the PNAE due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the municipality. However, they outlined strategies in order to continue making public purchases of family farming and to continue offering food given the pandemic context. Keywords: Implementation of public policies. Brazilian School Feeding Program (PNAE). Covid-19 Pandemic. Street-level bureaucrats. Family farming.
Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (Brasil), Agricultura familiar - Viçosa (MG), Política pública, Compras (Serviço público), COVID-19, Pandemia de, 2020-
SIMONINO, Cinara Tatiana. Implementação do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar na pandemia da Covid- 19: estudo de caso no município de Viçosa/MG. 2023. 109 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.