Política pública de educação superior no Brasil: uma avaliação do Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil (FIES)
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Essencial para o acesso de muitos estudantes ao ensino superior, o Fies (Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil), criado em 1999, é um programa do Governo Federal brasileiro que passou por diversas mudanças. O principal objetivo do programa sempre foi democratizar o acesso ao ensino superior no Brasil, diante da insuficiência de vagas nas instituições públicas para atender à demanda existente. O Fies busca promover a inclusão educacional, pois permite que estudantes de baixa renda frequentem o ensino superior em instituições privadas, ampliando a formação profissional no Brasil. Como o Fies é o principal programa de crédito educativo do Governo Federal brasileiro e demanda quantidade considerável de recursos públicos, os quais estão cada vez mais escassos e requerem uma alocação eficiente, elegeu-se esse programa como sendo o objeto de estudo deste trabalho. Buscou-se analisar o Fies a partir de diferentes abordagens avaliativas, o que resultou em quatro artigos independentes sobre aquele programa público. No primeiro artigo realizou-se uma pesquisa sobre o “estado da arte” do Fies, a fim de compreender a produção de conhecimento sobre este programa no período entre os anos de 2001 e 2020. Constatou-se que o desenho do programa, a falta de qualidade do ensino ofertado pelas instituições privadas e o custo-efetividade do Fies foram aspectos recorrentes nas discussões. A partir dessas constatações, definiu-se os três artigos subsequentes. No segundo artigo, buscou-se identificar e analisar os elementos normativos e contextuais do Fies com base em uma estrutura causal, mais especificadamente, expressar a Teoria do Programa. Em seguida, procurou-se verificar se o fato do estudante ser beneficiário do Fies impactava as suas notas do Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes (Enade), a fim de correlacionar com a qualidade do ensino ofertado pelas instituições privadas. Por fim, buscou examinar se o Programa era viável economicamente. A partir dos resultados encontrados, pode-se afirmar que o Fies tem passado por constantes aperfeiçoamentos a fim de melhorar a sustentabilidade do programa e evitar inadimplência, mas não tem sido suficiente, pois ainda enfrenta desafios, mesmo apresentando consistência, organização teórica e órgãos definidos para o suporte e a gestão do programa neste desenho mais atual. Identificou-se que deve haver maior fiscalização com relação à qualidade dos cursos oferecidos pelas instituições de ensino superior privadas que participam do Fies e cobrança por melhor desempenho dos beneficiários do programa, pois o fato de ser beneficiário do Fies apresentou impacto negativo na nota do Enade. Até o ano de 2015, o programa garantiu a prestação do serviço de educação superior com menor custo e maior efetividade, quando considerado o custo médio anual por estudante. Entretanto, devido ao alto índice de inadimplência, cerca de 50% dos contratos em fase de amortização, o custo-efetividade do programa ficou comprometido. Ressalta-se que mesmo com todos os desafios e reformulações necessárias, o Fies é um programa que possui relevância econômica e social, pois viabiliza a inclusão educacional e aumenta a taxa de escolaridade no ensino superior, reduzindo as desigualdades sociais. Palavras-chave: avaliação; política educacional; ensino superior
Essential for many students' access to higher education, FIES (Student Financing Fund), created in 1999, is a program of the Brazilian Federal Government that has undergone several changes. The main objective of the program has always been to democratize access to higher education in Brazil, given the insufficient number of places in public institutions to meet the existing demand. FIES seeks to promote educational inclusion, as it allows low-income students to attend higher education in private institutions, expanding professional training in Brazil. Since FIES is the main educational credit program of the Brazilian Federal Government and requires a considerable amount of public resources, which are increasingly scarce and require efficient allocation, this program was chosen as the object of study of this work. We sought to analyze FIES from different evaluative approaches, which resulted in four independent articles on this public program. The first article conducted research on the “state of the art” of Fies, in order to understand the production of knowledge about this program between 2001 and 2020. It was found that the design of the program, the lack of quality in education offered by private institutions, and the cost- effectiveness of Fies were recurring aspects in the discussions. Based on these findings, the three subsequent articles were defined. The second article sought to identify and analyze the normative and contextual elements of Fies based on a causal structure, more specifically, to express the Theory of the Program. Next, it sought to verify whether the fact that the student was a Fies beneficiary impacted their grades in the National Student Performance Exam (Enade), in order to correlate with the quality of education offered by private institutions. Finally, it sought to examine whether the Program was economically viable. Based on the results found, it can be stated that FIES has undergone constant improvements in order to improve the sustainability of the program and avoid defaults, but this has not been enough, as it still faces challenges, despite presenting consistency, theoretical organization and defined bodies for the support and management of the program in this most current design. It was identified that there should be greater monitoring regarding the quality of the courses offered by private higher education institutions that participate in FIES and demand for better performance from the program's beneficiaries, since being a FIES beneficiary had a negative impact on the Enade score. Until 2015, the program guaranteed the provision of higher education services at a lower cost and greater effectiveness, when considering the average annual cost per student. However, due to the high default rate, approximately 50% of the contracts in the amortization phase, the cost-effectiveness of the program was compromised. It is worth noting that even with all the challenges and necessary reformulations, Fies is a program that has economic and social relevance, as it enables educational inclusion and increases the rate of schooling in higher education, reducing social inequalities. Keywords: assessment; educational politics; university education
Essential for many students' access to higher education, FIES (Student Financing Fund), created in 1999, is a program of the Brazilian Federal Government that has undergone several changes. The main objective of the program has always been to democratize access to higher education in Brazil, given the insufficient number of places in public institutions to meet the existing demand. FIES seeks to promote educational inclusion, as it allows low-income students to attend higher education in private institutions, expanding professional training in Brazil. Since FIES is the main educational credit program of the Brazilian Federal Government and requires a considerable amount of public resources, which are increasingly scarce and require efficient allocation, this program was chosen as the object of study of this work. We sought to analyze FIES from different evaluative approaches, which resulted in four independent articles on this public program. The first article conducted research on the “state of the art” of Fies, in order to understand the production of knowledge about this program between 2001 and 2020. It was found that the design of the program, the lack of quality in education offered by private institutions, and the cost- effectiveness of Fies were recurring aspects in the discussions. Based on these findings, the three subsequent articles were defined. The second article sought to identify and analyze the normative and contextual elements of Fies based on a causal structure, more specifically, to express the Theory of the Program. Next, it sought to verify whether the fact that the student was a Fies beneficiary impacted their grades in the National Student Performance Exam (Enade), in order to correlate with the quality of education offered by private institutions. Finally, it sought to examine whether the Program was economically viable. Based on the results found, it can be stated that FIES has undergone constant improvements in order to improve the sustainability of the program and avoid defaults, but this has not been enough, as it still faces challenges, despite presenting consistency, theoretical organization and defined bodies for the support and management of the program in this most current design. It was identified that there should be greater monitoring regarding the quality of the courses offered by private higher education institutions that participate in FIES and demand for better performance from the program's beneficiaries, since being a FIES beneficiary had a negative impact on the Enade score. Until 2015, the program guaranteed the provision of higher education services at a lower cost and greater effectiveness, when considering the average annual cost per student. However, due to the high default rate, approximately 50% of the contracts in the amortization phase, the cost-effectiveness of the program was compromised. It is worth noting that even with all the challenges and necessary reformulations, Fies is a program that has economic and social relevance, as it enables educational inclusion and increases the rate of schooling in higher education, reducing social inequalities. Keywords: assessment; educational politics; university education
Estudantes - Auxílio financeiro - Brasil, Ensino superior - Política governamental - Brasil
COSTA, Ivy Silva. Política pública de educação superior no Brasil: uma avaliação do Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil (FIES). 2022. 161 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.