As alterações na paisagem do município de Rio Doce - MG provocadas pelo rompimento da barragem da Samarco Mineração (2010-2022)
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Este trabalho discute a transformação na paisagem pela qual os ribeirinhos da região de Rio Doce - MG passaram em decorrência do rompimento da barragem da Samarco Mineração, em Mariana - MG. O motivo que nos leva a estudar essa transformação na paisagem Rio Docense se justifica pelo interesse em analisar a dificuldade imposta à comunidade local pela tragédia, gerando diversos danos na esfera ambiental, econômica e social, analisados ao longo do estudo. A título de exemplificação podemos citar as intensas disputas, o aumento do trânsito de máquinas e equipamentos pesados, a falta de participação, os problemas relacionados à saúde e as dificuldades relacionadas à pecuária, pesca, areal, faiscação, turismo e agricultura. Aliado a essa situação, pensamos que ao entender como esse trágico evento aconteceu de fato, podemos ajudar a evitar outras tragédias como essa. Diante dessa complexidade e mistura de elementos, podemos dizer que o rompimento da barragem da Samarco causou sofrimento para a comunidade local, manifestando-se negativamente nas relações sociais, tradições, história e sua identidade. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi o de compreender as dinâmicas econômicas, ambientais e sociais dos ribeirinhos antes e após o rompimento, identificando os danos, as estratégias adotadas para contrapor às adversidades e caracterizando a transformação da paisagem. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, fizemos uso de documentação diversa, entrevistas, história oral, pesquisa in loco e registro fotográfico com vista a estudarmos algumas percepções, vivências, memórias, valores e outros atributos ali presentes. Além disso, fez-se necessário a utilização da uma abordagem qualitativa, a fim de obter dados mais representativos para a realidade objeto da pesquisa, com mistura de duas metodologias especificas: o método da história oral e o método da análise documental. A proposta do produto, material prático sobre os principais pontos em nossa reflexão teórica, consiste na elaboração de uma cartilha, capaz de ultrapassar as barreiras do acadêmico, levando nossos resultados a setores mais amplos da sociedade. Palavras-chave: Barragem. Rompimento. Samarco. Rio Doce. Paisagem.
This work discusses the transformation in the local landscape through which the riverside people of the region of Rio Doce - MG went through as a result of the rupture of the dam of the Samarco Mineração, in Mariana - MG. The reason that leads us to study this transformation in the Rio Doce landscape is justified by the interest in analyzing the difficulty imposed on the local community by the tragedy, revealing itself in financial difficulties, alteration of the landscape, cultural changes, among other problems. As am example, we can mention the intense disputes, the increase in the traffic of machines and heavy equipment, the lack of participation, the problems related to health and the difficulties related to livestock, fishing, sand, sparking, tourism and agriculture. Allied to this situation, we think that by understanding how this tragic event happened, we can help prevent other tragedies like this in the future. Given this complexity and mixture of elements, we can say that the collapse of the Samarco’s dam caused suffering for the local community, manifesting itself negatively in social relations, traditions, history, identity and local space. Thus, the general objective of this research is to understand the economic, environmental and social dynamics of the riverside people before and after the rupture, identifying the damage, the strategies adopted to counteract the adversities and characterizing the transformation of the landscape. For the development of the research, we made use of diverse documentation, interviews, oral history, in loco research and photographic record in order to study some perceptions, experiences, memories, values and other attributes. In addition, it was necessary to use a qualitative approach, in order to obtain more representative data for the reality object of the research, with a mixture of two specific methodologies: the method of oral history and the method of document analysis. The proposal for the product, practical material on the main points in our theoretical reflection, consists of the elaboration of a booklet, capable of overcoming academic barriers, taking our results to broader sectors of society. Keywords: Dam. Disruption. Samarco. Sweet River. Landscape.
This work discusses the transformation in the local landscape through which the riverside people of the region of Rio Doce - MG went through as a result of the rupture of the dam of the Samarco Mineração, in Mariana - MG. The reason that leads us to study this transformation in the Rio Doce landscape is justified by the interest in analyzing the difficulty imposed on the local community by the tragedy, revealing itself in financial difficulties, alteration of the landscape, cultural changes, among other problems. As am example, we can mention the intense disputes, the increase in the traffic of machines and heavy equipment, the lack of participation, the problems related to health and the difficulties related to livestock, fishing, sand, sparking, tourism and agriculture. Allied to this situation, we think that by understanding how this tragic event happened, we can help prevent other tragedies like this in the future. Given this complexity and mixture of elements, we can say that the collapse of the Samarco’s dam caused suffering for the local community, manifesting itself negatively in social relations, traditions, history, identity and local space. Thus, the general objective of this research is to understand the economic, environmental and social dynamics of the riverside people before and after the rupture, identifying the damage, the strategies adopted to counteract the adversities and characterizing the transformation of the landscape. For the development of the research, we made use of diverse documentation, interviews, oral history, in loco research and photographic record in order to study some perceptions, experiences, memories, values and other attributes. In addition, it was necessary to use a qualitative approach, in order to obtain more representative data for the reality object of the research, with a mixture of two specific methodologies: the method of oral history and the method of document analysis. The proposal for the product, practical material on the main points in our theoretical reflection, consists of the elaboration of a booklet, capable of overcoming academic barriers, taking our results to broader sectors of society. Keywords: Dam. Disruption. Samarco. Sweet River. Landscape.
Paisagens - Rio Doce (MG), Barragens de rejeitos, Desastres ambientais, Samarco Mineração
SILVA, Luís Filipe Pereira da. As alterações na paisagem do município de Rio Doce - MG provocadas pelo rompimento da barragem da Samarco Mineração (2010-2022). 2022. 159 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Patrimônio Cultural, Paisagens e Cidadania) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.