Adubação orgânica e emissões de gases de efeito estufa na recuperação de barragem de rejeito de beneficiamento de minério de ferro
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O minério de ferro é o principal produto mineral exportado pelo Brasil. Entretanto, inerente ao processo de beneficiamento do minério está a geração de rejeitos, que são depositados em barragens. Ocorre, porém, que tais rejeitos comumente não apresentam características físicas e químicas adequadas para o crescimento de plantas, daí a importância da realização de experimentos para definir práticas adequadas de recuperação dessas barragens. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da adubação orgânica (lodo de esgoto e composto de lixo) no processo de revegetação de rejeito de beneficiamento de minério de ferro com a Crotalaria juncea (crotalária). O rejeito foi coletado na barragem Forquilha III da Unidade de Fábrica - VALE, localizada no município de Ouro Preto - MG. As unidades experimentais foram colunas constituídas por quatro anéis sobrepostos de PVC. A quantidade de rejeito utilizada foi a suficiente para se obter uma coluna de 30 cm de altura. Todos os tratamentos receberam uma camada de 10 cm de topsoil na parte superior da coluna. A quantidade de lodo de esgoto (5,24 t ha-1) e de composto de lixo (30 t ha-1) aplicada foi baseada no teor de nitrogênio desses compostos. Foram determinadas as taxas de crescimento absoluto de altura da planta, de diâmetro caulinar e de matéria seca de parte aérea e de raízes. Além disso, foram determinados os fluxos de C-CO2 e C-CH4 dos tratamentos e a contribuição direta das fontes de adubação orgânica e da planta nas emissões de C- CO2, pelo particionamento do C-CO2, como também, suas contribuições indiretas, por meio do efeito priming. A adubação orgânica mostrou-se efetiva para proporcionar maior crescimento das plantas na ausência de fertilização química, embora o uso de lodo de esgoto (5,24 t ha-1) e de composto de lixo (30 t ha-1) não tenha diferido quanto ao efeito sobre o crescimento das plantas. Quanto às emissões de gases de efeito estufa, os tratamentos com adubação orgânica apresentaram incremento nas emissões de C- CO2, por efeitos diretos e indiretos. A adubação orgânica desencadeou o efeito priming positivo ocasionando perdas de C nativo. Por sua vez, a presença da planta nos tratamentos com adubação orgânica e fertilização química inverteu esse cenário, contribuindo para a manutenção do C nativo através do efeito priming negativo. Além disso, os tratamentos apresentaram absorção de C-CH4, atuando como dreno de metano.
Iron ore is the main mineral product exported by Brazil. However, inherent to the ore beneficiation process is the tailings generation that are deposited in dams. Yet, these tailing commonly do not exhibit physical and chemical characteristics that are suitable for the growth of plants, thus the importance of conducting experiments to define appropriate practices in order to recover these dams. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of organic fertilization (sewage sludge and compost) on the revegetation of iron ore beneficiation tailing with the Crotalaria juncea (crotalaria). The tailing was collected in a dam called Forquillha III of Unidade de Fábrica - VALE, which is located in the city of Ouro Preto - MG. The experimental units were columns constituted by four overlapped rings of PVC. The amount of tailing used was sufficient to obtain a column of 30 cm height. To all treatments were added a 10 cm layer of topsoil on the top of the column. The amount of sewage sludge (5.24 t ha-1) and compost (30 t ha-1) applied was based on nitrogen content of these compounds. The rates of absolute growth in height, stem diameter and dry matter of the aerial part and roots were determined. Furthermore, the C-CO2 and C-CH4 fluxes of the treatments and the direct contribution of the organic fertilization and plant on the C-CO2 emissions, by partitioning of C-CO2, as well as its indirect contribution, through the priming effect. The organic fertilization was effective to provide greater plant growth in the absence of chemical fertilization, although, the use of sewage sludge (5.24 t ha-1) and compost (30 t ha-1) did not differ in regard to the effect on the growth of plants. The organic fertilization treatments showed an increase in C-CO2 emissions by direct and indirect effects. The application of organic fertilization triggered the positive priming effect causing loss of native C. On the other hand, the presence of plants in treatments with chemical fertilization reversed this scenario, contributing to maintaining the native C through the negative priming effect. Furthermore, the treatments showed absorption of C-CH4, acting as drain of methane.
Iron ore is the main mineral product exported by Brazil. However, inherent to the ore beneficiation process is the tailings generation that are deposited in dams. Yet, these tailing commonly do not exhibit physical and chemical characteristics that are suitable for the growth of plants, thus the importance of conducting experiments to define appropriate practices in order to recover these dams. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of organic fertilization (sewage sludge and compost) on the revegetation of iron ore beneficiation tailing with the Crotalaria juncea (crotalaria). The tailing was collected in a dam called Forquillha III of Unidade de Fábrica - VALE, which is located in the city of Ouro Preto - MG. The experimental units were columns constituted by four overlapped rings of PVC. The amount of tailing used was sufficient to obtain a column of 30 cm height. To all treatments were added a 10 cm layer of topsoil on the top of the column. The amount of sewage sludge (5.24 t ha-1) and compost (30 t ha-1) applied was based on nitrogen content of these compounds. The rates of absolute growth in height, stem diameter and dry matter of the aerial part and roots were determined. Furthermore, the C-CO2 and C-CH4 fluxes of the treatments and the direct contribution of the organic fertilization and plant on the C-CO2 emissions, by partitioning of C-CO2, as well as its indirect contribution, through the priming effect. The organic fertilization was effective to provide greater plant growth in the absence of chemical fertilization, although, the use of sewage sludge (5.24 t ha-1) and compost (30 t ha-1) did not differ in regard to the effect on the growth of plants. The organic fertilization treatments showed an increase in C-CO2 emissions by direct and indirect effects. The application of organic fertilization triggered the positive priming effect causing loss of native C. On the other hand, the presence of plants in treatments with chemical fertilization reversed this scenario, contributing to maintaining the native C through the negative priming effect. Furthermore, the treatments showed absorption of C-CH4, acting as drain of methane.
Águas residuais, Lodo residual como fertilizante, Minérios de ferro, Efeito priming
OLIVEIRA, Paula Afonso de. Adubação orgânica e emissões de gases de efeito estufa na recuperação de barragem de rejeito de beneficiamento de minério de ferro. 2014. 87f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2014.