Produção de crisântemos de corte sob diferentes relações N:K e aplicação de fungicida via solução nutritiva
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade, intensidade de ferrugem branca (Puccinia horiana) e longevidade pós-colheita de crisântemos, para corte de flor, cultivados em sistema hidropônico, sob diferentes relações N:K e fungicida aplicado via solução nutritiva. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, no período de 16/08 a 22/11/2007; 31/03 a 03/07/2008 e 22/08 a 27/11/2008 e foi utilizado um sistema hidropônico de três fases tendo cascalho como substrato. No primeiro trabalho, utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 4x6, com 4 relações N:K peso/peso (1,0:2,5; 1,0:3,0; 1,0:3,5; 1,0:4,0) e 6 variedades de crisântemos de corte (Calabria, Dark Flamengo, White Reagan, Dark Orange Reagan, Dragon e Shena Amarela), com 3 repetições. Foram avaliados: peso da matéria fresca e seca da folha, caule, inflorescência e parte aérea da planta (gramas); ciclo (plantio até 2/3 das inflorescências abertas); número de inflorescências maiores que 3 cm; entre 1 e 3 cm; e totais; número de folhas; diâmetro da inflorescência mais aberta e diâmetro e comprimento da haste. Foi avaliada também a longevidade, expressa pelo número de dias da colheita ao descarte das inflorescências e a intensidade da ferrugem branca, quantificada pela incidência, ao longo do tempo de cultivo e severidade da doença no final do ciclo. Foram realizadas quantificação dos macro e micronutrientes da 5a, 6a e 7a folhas. A variedade Calabria foi resistente à ferrugem para as condições deste trabalho, observando-se maior vida pós-colheita. A maior produtividade, longevidade e qualidade das variedades de crisântemos foram obtidas quando utilizada a solução nutritiva com a relação N:K 1:4,0, ocorrendo também adequada concentração de nutrientes nas folhas. No segundo trabalho, utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 4x2 (4 doses do fungicida ciproconazol - 100 g i.a. L-1 e 2 variedades de crisântemos de corte, White Reagan e Dark Orange Reagan), com 3 repetições. As doses do fungicida foram: 0,1; 1,0; 10,0; 15,0 g i.a. L-1. O aumento da concentração de ciproconazol reduziu a produtividade, qualidade, vida póscolheita e concentração de nutrientes das variedades. No terceiro trabalho, o delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 4x5 (4 doses do fungicida ciproconazol - 0; 3; 6 e 9 g i.a. L-1 e 5 variedades de crisântemos de corte, Calabria, Dark Flamengo, White Reagan, Dark Orange Reagan e Dragon), com 3 repetições. As avaliações realizadas foram semelhantes às do primeiro trabalho. A variedade Calabria apresentou-se mais produtiva, com maior vida pós-colheita e menor intensidade de ferrugem. Ocorreu decréscimo linear na área abaixo da curva de progresso de doença e na severidade da ferrugem branca no final do ciclo com aumento de ciproconazol para cinco variedades estudadas, e a melhor produtividade e qualidade foram obtidas com a concentração de 6 g de ciproconazol, ocorrendo também adequada concentração de nutrientes nas folhas.
This study aimed to evaluate the yield, the intensity of white rust (Puccinia horiana) and post-harvest longevity of chrysanthemums inflorescences for cut flowers, grown in hydroponic system under different N:K ratio and fungicide through nutritive solution. The experiments were conducted in a green house during the periods 08/16 to 11/22/207, 03/31 to 07/03/2008, and 08/22 to 11/27/2007 using a three-phase hydroponic system on a gravel substrate. The first trial was set up using a randomized block design in a factorial scheme with four N:K ratios (1.0:2.5; 1.0:3.0; 1.0:3.5; 1.0:4.0) and six cut chrysanthemums varieties (Calabria, Dark Flamengo, White Reagan, Dark Orange Reagan, Dragon e Shena Amarela) with three repetitions. The following factors were evaluated: leaf‟s dry and fresh matter weight, stem, inflorescence and the plants‟ aerial part (grams); cycle (from planting until 2/3 of open inflorescences); number of inflorescences over 3 cm; between 1 and 3 cm; and the total; number of leaves; diameter of the widest open inflorescence and stem‟s diameter and length. Besides, the longevity was evaluated, expressed as the number of days from harvest to dispose of the inflorescences and the intensity of white rust, quantified by the incidence over time of cultivation and severity at the end of the cycle. Macro and micronutrients in the 5th, 6th and 7th leaves were evaluated. Under the conditions of this work, the variety Calabria was resistant to rust with greater post-harvest life. Higher yield, longevity and quality of varieties of chrysanthemums were obtained when using the nutrient solution with the ratio N:K 1:4.0, occurring also adequate concentration of nutrients in the leaves. The second trial was set up using a randomized block design in a factorial scheme 4x2 (four ciproconazol fungicides doses - 100 g a.i. L-1 and two cut chrysanthemums varieties, White Reagan and Dark Orange Reagan) with three repetitions. The fungicide doses were 0.1; 1.0; 10.0; 15.0 g a.i. L-1. The increase of ciproconazol reduced the varieties‟ yield, quality, post-harvest life and concentration of nutrients. The third trial was set up using a randomized block design in a factorial scheme 4x5 (four ciproconazol fungicides doses - 0; 3; 6; 9 g a.i. L-1 and five cut chrysanthemums varieties: Calabria, Dark Flamengo, White Reagan, Dark Orange Reagan e Dragon) with three repetitions. The analyses were similar to the first trial. The variety Calabria was more productive, with greater post-harvest life and lower intensity of rust. It was observed a linear decrease in the area under the curve of progress of disease and the white rust severity at the end of the cycle with ciproconazol increase for the five varieties. The best yield and quality were obtained using the nutrient solution with 6 g of ciproconazol, with the leaves also exhibiting appropriate concentration of nutrients.
This study aimed to evaluate the yield, the intensity of white rust (Puccinia horiana) and post-harvest longevity of chrysanthemums inflorescences for cut flowers, grown in hydroponic system under different N:K ratio and fungicide through nutritive solution. The experiments were conducted in a green house during the periods 08/16 to 11/22/207, 03/31 to 07/03/2008, and 08/22 to 11/27/2007 using a three-phase hydroponic system on a gravel substrate. The first trial was set up using a randomized block design in a factorial scheme with four N:K ratios (1.0:2.5; 1.0:3.0; 1.0:3.5; 1.0:4.0) and six cut chrysanthemums varieties (Calabria, Dark Flamengo, White Reagan, Dark Orange Reagan, Dragon e Shena Amarela) with three repetitions. The following factors were evaluated: leaf‟s dry and fresh matter weight, stem, inflorescence and the plants‟ aerial part (grams); cycle (from planting until 2/3 of open inflorescences); number of inflorescences over 3 cm; between 1 and 3 cm; and the total; number of leaves; diameter of the widest open inflorescence and stem‟s diameter and length. Besides, the longevity was evaluated, expressed as the number of days from harvest to dispose of the inflorescences and the intensity of white rust, quantified by the incidence over time of cultivation and severity at the end of the cycle. Macro and micronutrients in the 5th, 6th and 7th leaves were evaluated. Under the conditions of this work, the variety Calabria was resistant to rust with greater post-harvest life. Higher yield, longevity and quality of varieties of chrysanthemums were obtained when using the nutrient solution with the ratio N:K 1:4.0, occurring also adequate concentration of nutrients in the leaves. The second trial was set up using a randomized block design in a factorial scheme 4x2 (four ciproconazol fungicides doses - 100 g a.i. L-1 and two cut chrysanthemums varieties, White Reagan and Dark Orange Reagan) with three repetitions. The fungicide doses were 0.1; 1.0; 10.0; 15.0 g a.i. L-1. The increase of ciproconazol reduced the varieties‟ yield, quality, post-harvest life and concentration of nutrients. The third trial was set up using a randomized block design in a factorial scheme 4x5 (four ciproconazol fungicides doses - 0; 3; 6; 9 g a.i. L-1 and five cut chrysanthemums varieties: Calabria, Dark Flamengo, White Reagan, Dark Orange Reagan e Dragon) with three repetitions. The analyses were similar to the first trial. The variety Calabria was more productive, with greater post-harvest life and lower intensity of rust. It was observed a linear decrease in the area under the curve of progress of disease and the white rust severity at the end of the cycle with ciproconazol increase for the five varieties. The best yield and quality were obtained using the nutrient solution with 6 g of ciproconazol, with the leaves also exhibiting appropriate concentration of nutrients.
Crisântemo, Relação N:K, Puccinia horiana, Ciproconazol, Hidroponia, Chrysanthemum, System under N:K, Puccinia horiana, Ciproconazol, Hydroponics
BARBOSA, Maurício Soares. Production of cut chrysanthemums under different N:K ratios and fungicide application through nutritive solution. 2009. 160 f. Tese (Doutorado em Plantas daninhas, Alelopatia, Herbicidas e Resíduos; Fisiologia de culturas; Manejo pós-colheita de) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2009.