Via metabólica dos flavonóis em genótipos de soja resistentes ao ataque de insetos pragas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de soja e a cultura é uma das contribuintes mais importantes para a economia. As plantações de soja frequentemente sofrem danos causados por pragas de insetos, como a Anticarsia gemmatalis, que também ataca outras culturas. Os genótipos de soja têm sido usados para decifrar os mecanismos de resistência, avaliando a atividade de compostos de defesa como inibidores de proteases (PIs) e flavonóis. No entanto, os determinantes genéticos da resistência ainda não foram investigados minuciosamente. Este estudo utilizou a resposta de genótipos resistentes e suscetíveis de soja para avaliar genes e proteínas responsivos ao ataque de lagartas e envolvidos na biossíntese de flavonóis metilados e glicosilados. Rutina e isorramnetina rutinosídeo foram produzidas constitutivamente nos genótipos resistentes IAC 17 e IAC 100. Após o ataque de insetos, genes que codificam a sintase de flavonóis e metiltransferases foram altamente regulados em IAC 17. Algumas respostas de defesa contra herbivoria parecem ser constitutivas, enquanto outras foram induzidas ou independentes de JA, como verificado nos níveis de flavonóis. Os níveis de ácido salicílico foram mais altos em IAC 17 e IAC 100. Proteínas ainda não caracterizadas por seu envolvimento em interações planta-inseto, como receptores transmembrana e fatores de transcrição, foram reguladas positivamente no genótipo resistente IAC 17. Parece que a biossíntese constitutiva de flavonóis em ambos IAC 17 e IAC 100 foi herdada do genitor PI229358, tornando os dois genótipos boas fontes genéticas para estudar a biossíntese de flavonóis e sua relação com a resistência a insetos. Palavras-chave: Pragas de insetos. Resistência. Análise proteômica. Análise metabolômica.
Brazil is the world’s largest producer of soybeans, and the crop is one of the most important contributors to the economy. Soybeans often sufer damage from insect pests, such as Anticarsia gemmatalis, which also attacks other crops. Genotypes of soybeans have been used to decipher the resistance mechanisms by evaluating the activity of defense compounds such as protease inhibitors (PIs) and favonols. However, the genetic determinants of resistance have not been thoroughly investigated. This study used the response of resistant and susceptible genotypes of soybean to evaluate genes and proteins responsive to caterpillar attack and involved in the biosynthesis of methylated and glycosylated favonols. Rutin and isorhamnetin rutinoside were produced constitutively in the resistant genotypes IAC 17 and IAC 100. Following insect attack, genes encoding favonol synthase and methyltransferases were highly upregulated in IAC 17. Some herbivory defense responses appear constitutive, while others were induced or JA- independent, as verifed for favonol levels. Salicylic acid levels were higher in IAC 17 and IAC 100. Proteins not yet characterized for their involvement in plant–insect interactions, such as transmembrane receptors and transcription factors, were upregulated in the resistant genotype IAC 17. It appears constitutive favonol biosynthesis in both IAC 17 and IAC 100 was inherited from the PI229358 parent, making the two genotypes good genetic sources to study favonol biosynthesis and their relationship with insect resistance. Keywords: Insect pests. Resistance. Proteomic analysis. Metabolomic analysis.
Brazil is the world’s largest producer of soybeans, and the crop is one of the most important contributors to the economy. Soybeans often sufer damage from insect pests, such as Anticarsia gemmatalis, which also attacks other crops. Genotypes of soybeans have been used to decipher the resistance mechanisms by evaluating the activity of defense compounds such as protease inhibitors (PIs) and favonols. However, the genetic determinants of resistance have not been thoroughly investigated. This study used the response of resistant and susceptible genotypes of soybean to evaluate genes and proteins responsive to caterpillar attack and involved in the biosynthesis of methylated and glycosylated favonols. Rutin and isorhamnetin rutinoside were produced constitutively in the resistant genotypes IAC 17 and IAC 100. Following insect attack, genes encoding favonol synthase and methyltransferases were highly upregulated in IAC 17. Some herbivory defense responses appear constitutive, while others were induced or JA- independent, as verifed for favonol levels. Salicylic acid levels were higher in IAC 17 and IAC 100. Proteins not yet characterized for their involvement in plant–insect interactions, such as transmembrane receptors and transcription factors, were upregulated in the resistant genotype IAC 17. It appears constitutive favonol biosynthesis in both IAC 17 and IAC 100 was inherited from the PI229358 parent, making the two genotypes good genetic sources to study favonol biosynthesis and their relationship with insect resistance. Keywords: Insect pests. Resistance. Proteomic analysis. Metabolomic analysis.
Soja - Resistência à doenças e pragas - Aspectos genéticos, Insetos nocivos - Controle, Soja -Metabolismo, Proteômica, Flavonóides, Regulação de expressão gênica
PINHEIRO, Valquíria Joana Medina. Via metabólica dos flavonóis em genótipos de soja resistentes ao ataque de insetos pragas. 2024. 77 f. Tese (Doutorado em Bioquímica Aplicada) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.