Perfil bioquímico sanguíneo e ganho de peso corporal de suínos em crescimento alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes concentrações de fosfato bicálcico mantidos em estresse por calor
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O objetivo deste trabalho foi traçar o perfil bioquímico sanguíneo, comparando as fase inicial (15 kg) e de crescimento I (30 kg) e avaliar o efeito de dietas, com diferentes teores de fósforo, sobre o perfil metabólico e peso corporal de leitões, mantidos em ambientes termoneutro (22 e 24°C) e quente (32 e 34°C). Utilizou-se 240 leitões, de linhagem comercial, machos castrados com peso corporal médio de 15 e 30 kg, distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e 12 repetições cada um, mantidos em dois ambientes: termoneutro e quente, sendo distribuídos 120 animais em cada faixa etária. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de dietas com 0,107 (dieta 1- basal), 0,214 (dieta 2), 0,321 (dieta 3), 0,428 (dieta 4) e 0,535% (dieta 5) de fósforo disponível para os leitões em fase inicial (15 kg) e dietas com 0,116% (dieta 1 basal), 0,211% (dieta 2); 0,306% (dieta 3); 0,401% (dieta 4); 0,496% (dieta 5) de fósforo disponível para leitões em fase de crescimento I (30 kg). No início e final das fases experimentais foi determinado o peso corporal e coletadas amostras de sangue para a mensuração de eletrólitos (sódio, potássio, cloreto, cálcio total, fósforo e magnésio), albumina, proteína total, substâncias nitrogenadas (ureia e creatinina), fosfatase alcalina total e óssea, T4 livre, TSH, glicose e lactato. Conclui-se que em suínos existe a necessidade de considerar valores de referência para cada fase de crescimento, pois existe influência exercida pelo fator etário sobre o perfil bioquímico. O aumento nas concentrações de fósforo disponível na dieta promove maior ganho de peso corporal tanto no ambiente termoneutro (24°C) quanto no quente (34°C), apenas nos animais em fase inicial (15 kg). O aumento do fosfato na dieta promove o desequilíbrio da relação fisiológica do cálcio e fósforo sanguíneos, para ambas as fases estudadas. O ambiente quente promove alterações na homeostase e no ganho de peso corporal nas duas fases estudadas.
The aim of this study was to establish a blood biochemical profile, comparing the initial (15 kg) and growth I (30 kg) phase and evaluate the effect of diets, with different levels of phosphorus on the metabolic profile and body weight of piglets, maintained in a thermoneutral (22 to 24°C) and hot (32 to 34°C) environments. We used 240 piglets from a commercial line, castrated males with mean body weight of 15 kg and 30 kg, distributed in a randomized block with five treatments and 12 replications each, kept in two environments: thermoneutral and hot, distributed 120 animals in each age group. The treatments were constituted of diets with 0.107 (diet 1 - basal), 0.214 (diet 2), 0.321 (diet 3), 0.428 (diet 4) and 0.535% (diet 5) of available phosphorus for piglets in initial phase (15 kg ) and diets with 0.116% (diet 1 - basal), 0.211% (diet 2), 0.306% (diet 3), 0.401% (diet 4), 0.496% (diet 5) of available phosphorus for piglets on growth stage I (30 kg). At the start and the end of experimental phases body weight was determined and blood samples were collected for the measurement of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium), albumin, total protein, nitrogenated metabolites (urea and creatinine), total and bone alkaline phosphatase, free T4, TSH, glucose and lactate. It is concluded reference values must be considered for each phase of growth in pigs, because the influence of the age factor in the biochemical profile. The increase in the concentrations of available phosphorus in the diet promotes greater body weight gain in both the thermoneutral (24°C) and in hot (34°C) environment, only in the initial growth (15 kg) phase. The hot environment promotes changes in homeostasis and body weight gain in both study phases.
The aim of this study was to establish a blood biochemical profile, comparing the initial (15 kg) and growth I (30 kg) phase and evaluate the effect of diets, with different levels of phosphorus on the metabolic profile and body weight of piglets, maintained in a thermoneutral (22 to 24°C) and hot (32 to 34°C) environments. We used 240 piglets from a commercial line, castrated males with mean body weight of 15 kg and 30 kg, distributed in a randomized block with five treatments and 12 replications each, kept in two environments: thermoneutral and hot, distributed 120 animals in each age group. The treatments were constituted of diets with 0.107 (diet 1 - basal), 0.214 (diet 2), 0.321 (diet 3), 0.428 (diet 4) and 0.535% (diet 5) of available phosphorus for piglets in initial phase (15 kg ) and diets with 0.116% (diet 1 - basal), 0.211% (diet 2), 0.306% (diet 3), 0.401% (diet 4), 0.496% (diet 5) of available phosphorus for piglets on growth stage I (30 kg). At the start and the end of experimental phases body weight was determined and blood samples were collected for the measurement of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium), albumin, total protein, nitrogenated metabolites (urea and creatinine), total and bone alkaline phosphatase, free T4, TSH, glucose and lactate. It is concluded reference values must be considered for each phase of growth in pigs, because the influence of the age factor in the biochemical profile. The increase in the concentrations of available phosphorus in the diet promotes greater body weight gain in both the thermoneutral (24°C) and in hot (34°C) environment, only in the initial growth (15 kg) phase. The hot environment promotes changes in homeostasis and body weight gain in both study phases.
Suíno - Alimentação e rações, Perfil metabólico, Estresse calórico, Fósforo, Pig - Food and feed, Metabolic profile, Heat stress, Match
DANTAS, Waleska de Melo Ferreira. Biochemical blood profile and body weight gain of growing pigs fed diets containing different concentrations of dicalcium phosphate kept under heat stress. 2014. 88 f. Tese (Doutorado em Biotecnologia, diagnóstico e controle de doenças; Epidemiologia e controle de qualidade de prod. de) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2014.