Efeito da ingestão do isolado proteico do soro de leite e da soja no perfil antioxidante, na resposta metabólica e no desempenho físico em homens ciclistas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo crossover randomizado, no qual 10 homens ciclistas participaram de 3 etapas experimentais com duração de 8 dias. Em cada etapa, os ciclistas ingeriram 1 dos 3 tipos bebida, contendo (soro de leite ou de soja) ou não isolado proteico (controle). No primeiro e no oitavo dia de cada etapa experimental, os ciclistas se apresentaram ao laboratório, após 10 horas de jejum e ingeriram a bebida testada. A seguir, foi feito exercício físico em cicloergômetro durante 45 minutos, dividido em duas partes: aquecimento e exercício principal. O aquecimento teve duração de 15 minutos, com três níveis de intensidade (FCR 40–50%, 50–55% e 60– 70%) à 60 rpm (≈20 km/h). O exercício principal, teve duração total de 30 min, constituído de 6 ciclos de 5 minutos. Cada ciclo teve 3 fases. Fase 1: duração de 1,5 min, carga 3 watts/kg de peso corporal à 60 rpm; Fase 2: duração 3 min, carga 2 watt/kg à 60 rpm; Fase 3: sprint de 30 seg, carga 6 watts/kg e velocidade máxima. Para o cálculo do desempenho, foram somadas as distâncias percorridas nos 6 sprints. O gasto energético, termogênese induzida pela dieta e a oxidação de substratos foram avaliados durante o protocolo. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para análise da glicemia, insulinemia e lactato nos tempos 0 (jejum), 30, 60 75, 85, 105 min (exercício). Os níveis de marcadores do estresse oxidativo foram avaliados no tempo 0 e 105 min. Aplicou-se Teste t pareado, para detectar diferenças nos parâmetros avaliados, ao início e ao final de cada etapa experimental. Para verificar diferenças entre os tratamentos, aplicou-se o teste ANOVA One-Way, seguido pelo teste de Dunnet. O teste ANOVA de Medidas Repetidas, seguido por Tukey foi aplicado para verificar a interação entre os fatores tempo e tratamento. As diferenças entre os níveis de marcadores entre os tratamentos foi avaliada por análise de covariância (ANCOVA), seguida por Tukey-Kramer. O critério de significância estatística adotado foi p<0.05. Resultados: Os ciclistas tinham (média ± erro padrão) 26,8±8 anos de idade; índice de massa corporal 22,83±2,14 kg/m2; 12,6±3,5% de gordura corporal; VO2max 58,9±2,3ml·kg-1·min-1. O desempenho dos ciclistas e a oxidação lipídica, no 8o dia de ingestão do soro de leite foi maior que o da soja e o controle (1.8±0.6 e 1.75±0.55km, respectivamente, p<0.05). Ao 8o, após o exercício as bebidas com soro de leite e soja aumentaram a atividade da glutationa peroxidase e concetração da glutationa e evitaram o aumento dos níveis de TBARS e 8- isoprostano, em relação ao controle (p<0.05). Conclusão: A ingestão de bebida contendo isolado proteico de soro de leite por oito dias consecutivos aumentou o desempenho físico e a oxidação lipídica no ciclistas. Tanto as proteínas do soro de leite quanto da soja foram capazes de melhorar o perfil antioxidante dos ciclistas após o exercício. Pavlavras chave: proteina do soro de leite, proteina de soja, estresse oxidativo, resposta metabólica, desempenho físico, ciclistas.
Methodology: This is a randomized crossover study, in which 10 men trained cyclists participated in 3 experimental phases of 8 days length each. In each phase cyclists drunk 1 of 3 types of test drinks containing isolate protein (whey or soy) or not (control). In the first and last days of the experimental phase, cyclists attended to the laboratory in the morning (after 10 h fasting) to drink the test drink. Then, an exercise protocol was performed in cycloergometer for 45 minutes, which was divided in two parts: warm-up and exercise. The 15 min warm-up had three levels of intensity (HRreserve: 40–50%, 50–55% e 60–70%) with 60rpm (≈20 km/h) of cadence. The 30 min exercise was composed of 6 cycles of 5 min. Each cycle had three levels of intensity. Level 1: 2 watts/kg during 3 min at 60 rpm; Level 2: 3 watts/kg during 1,5 min at 60 rpm; Level 3: 6 watts/kg during 30 s sprint at maximum cadence. The distances performed in all 6 sprints were summed to assess performance. Energy expenditure and rate of substrate oxidation were measured. Blood samples were collected to assess glycemia, insulinemia and lactate concentrations at times 0 (fasted), 30, 60, 75, 85 and 105 min (post exercise). Concentrations of oxidative stress markers were assessed at 0 and 105 min. The differences between beginning and ending of each experimental phase were analyzed by Student t test. The differences between treatments were analyzed by One- way ANOVA, followed by Dunnet test. repeated measures ANOVA, followed by Tukey were applied to assess interactions between time and treatment. Differences in the concetrations of oxidative stress markers were analyzed by ANCOVA, followed by Tukey-Kramer. The criterion for statistical significance adoted was p<0.05. Results: Cyclist were (mean ± SE) 26.8±8 years old; had body mass index 22.83±2.14 kg/m 2 ; 12.6±3.5% of body fat; VO2max 58.9±2.3ml·kg-1·min -1 . Performance and lipid oxidation increased in the eighth day of whey protein consumption compared with soy and control. At day eight, after exercise, whey and soy increased gluthatione peroxidase activity and gluthatione concentration. Both types of proteins inhibited an increase in TBARS and 8-isoprostane concetrations compared with control. Conclusion:Consumption of whey protein drink for eight consecutive days increased performance and lipid oxidation in trained cyclists. Whey and soy proteins improved the antioxidant profile of cyclists after exercise. Key words: whey protein, soy protein, oxidative stress, metabolic response, performance, cyclists.
Methodology: This is a randomized crossover study, in which 10 men trained cyclists participated in 3 experimental phases of 8 days length each. In each phase cyclists drunk 1 of 3 types of test drinks containing isolate protein (whey or soy) or not (control). In the first and last days of the experimental phase, cyclists attended to the laboratory in the morning (after 10 h fasting) to drink the test drink. Then, an exercise protocol was performed in cycloergometer for 45 minutes, which was divided in two parts: warm-up and exercise. The 15 min warm-up had three levels of intensity (HRreserve: 40–50%, 50–55% e 60–70%) with 60rpm (≈20 km/h) of cadence. The 30 min exercise was composed of 6 cycles of 5 min. Each cycle had three levels of intensity. Level 1: 2 watts/kg during 3 min at 60 rpm; Level 2: 3 watts/kg during 1,5 min at 60 rpm; Level 3: 6 watts/kg during 30 s sprint at maximum cadence. The distances performed in all 6 sprints were summed to assess performance. Energy expenditure and rate of substrate oxidation were measured. Blood samples were collected to assess glycemia, insulinemia and lactate concentrations at times 0 (fasted), 30, 60, 75, 85 and 105 min (post exercise). Concentrations of oxidative stress markers were assessed at 0 and 105 min. The differences between beginning and ending of each experimental phase were analyzed by Student t test. The differences between treatments were analyzed by One- way ANOVA, followed by Dunnet test. repeated measures ANOVA, followed by Tukey were applied to assess interactions between time and treatment. Differences in the concetrations of oxidative stress markers were analyzed by ANCOVA, followed by Tukey-Kramer. The criterion for statistical significance adoted was p<0.05. Results: Cyclist were (mean ± SE) 26.8±8 years old; had body mass index 22.83±2.14 kg/m 2 ; 12.6±3.5% of body fat; VO2max 58.9±2.3ml·kg-1·min -1 . Performance and lipid oxidation increased in the eighth day of whey protein consumption compared with soy and control. At day eight, after exercise, whey and soy increased gluthatione peroxidase activity and gluthatione concentration. Both types of proteins inhibited an increase in TBARS and 8-isoprostane concetrations compared with control. Conclusion:Consumption of whey protein drink for eight consecutive days increased performance and lipid oxidation in trained cyclists. Whey and soy proteins improved the antioxidant profile of cyclists after exercise. Key words: whey protein, soy protein, oxidative stress, metabolic response, performance, cyclists.
Suplementos Dietéticos, Soro de leite - Proteína, Proteína de soja, Ciclistas (Esporte)
TON, Winder Tadeu Silva. Efeito da ingestão do isolado proteico do soro de leite e da soja no perfil antioxidante, na resposta metabólica e no desempenho físico em homens ciclistas. 2014. 57 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2014.