Contexto da inovação nas universidades federais brasileiras na perspectiva de indicadores de ciência e tecnologia
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Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação
Os sistemas de inovação no âmbito brasileiro estão sendo estimulados por diversas ações governamentais, visando a sua consolidação. Diante disso, dado os recentes incentivos para
legitimação da estrutura da inovação nas universidades federais e o potencial inerente a essas instituições para o desenvolvimento de pesquisa, este artigo objetivou analisar o potencial de produção científica e tecnológica das universidades federais brasileiras, delineando as instituições que se destacam e se há uma relação entre as dimensões científica e tecnológica.
Adotou-se uma abordagem quantitativa, com coleta de dados secundários em sites governamentais e nos sítios eletrônicos de todas as 63 universidades federais brasileiras. Os resultados, subsidiados pela Análise Fatorial e pela Regressão Linear Simples, demonstraram que três universidades, sendo elas a UFRJ, a UFMG e a UFRGS, apresentaram um desempenho
superior às demais instituições analisadas, refletindo as carências estruturais do Brasil, em termos de sua política científico-tecnológica. Ademais, constatou-se que o potencial científico influencia positivamente o potencial tecnológico, reiterando que ao atingir o seu fim último, de cunho científico, a universidade constrói uma base para o avanço tecnológico. Por fim, como contribuições, ressalta-se a ampliação do conhecimento sobre a relação científico-tecnológico no escopo das universidades empreendedoras e dos sistemas de inovação em uma economia emergente.
Innovation systems in the Brazilian context are being stimulated by various government actions aimed at its consolidation. Therefore, given the recent incentives to legitimize the structure of innovation in federal universities and the potential inherent in these institutions to develop research, this article aims to analyze the potential for scientific and technological production of brazilian federal universities, outlining the institutions that stand out and if there is a relationship between the scientific and technological dimensions. It adopted a quantitative approach, with secondary data collection on government websites and in electronic sites of all 63 brazilian federal universities. The results, subsidized by the Factor Analysis and the Simple Linear Regression showed that few universities, which were the UFRJ, UFMG and UFRGS showed far superior performance to other institutions analyzed, reflecting structural deficiencies in Brazil, in terms of its scientific and technological policy. Moreover, it was found that the scientific potential influences positively the technological potential, reiterating that to reach its ultimate end, of a scientific nature, the university builds a foundation for technological advancement. Finally, as contributions, it emphasizes the expansion of knowledge about scientific and technological relationship in the scope of entrepreneurial universities and innovation systems in an emerging economy.
Innovation systems in the Brazilian context are being stimulated by various government actions aimed at its consolidation. Therefore, given the recent incentives to legitimize the structure of innovation in federal universities and the potential inherent in these institutions to develop research, this article aims to analyze the potential for scientific and technological production of brazilian federal universities, outlining the institutions that stand out and if there is a relationship between the scientific and technological dimensions. It adopted a quantitative approach, with secondary data collection on government websites and in electronic sites of all 63 brazilian federal universities. The results, subsidized by the Factor Analysis and the Simple Linear Regression showed that few universities, which were the UFRJ, UFMG and UFRGS showed far superior performance to other institutions analyzed, reflecting structural deficiencies in Brazil, in terms of its scientific and technological policy. Moreover, it was found that the scientific potential influences positively the technological potential, reiterating that to reach its ultimate end, of a scientific nature, the university builds a foundation for technological advancement. Finally, as contributions, it emphasizes the expansion of knowledge about scientific and technological relationship in the scope of entrepreneurial universities and innovation systems in an emerging economy.
Capital científico, Capital tecnológico, Universidades federais brasileiras, Scientific capital, Technological capital, Brazilian federal university