A relação entre a carreira do magistério superior, suporte familiar e estresse ocupacional dos docentes da Universidade Federal de Viçosa-MG
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A família compõe uma função importante na vida emocional das pessoas, pois é a base da constituição de um modelo relacional, desde as laborais, de amizade e de parentesco. O suporte familiar é uma manifestação de atenção, carinho e diálogo existente entre os integrantes da família. Dessa forma, esse estudo objetivou verificar a relação entre o suporte familiar e a carreira docente e compreender suas interferências no estresse ocupacional. O estudo foi realizado na cidade de Viçosa-MG, tendo como unidade de pesquisa a Universidade Federal de Viçosa, (UFV) Campus Viçosa. Os resultados revelaram que o suporte familiar está presente no cotidiano dos docentes da
UFV, porém o excesso de trabalho, de produtividade, a vaidade e até mesmo o perfeccionismo geram uma sobrecarga
aos docentes universitários. Desse modo, a sobrecarga prejudica as relações familiares, diminui os momentos de lazer, causa sentimento de culpa, angústia, tristeza e de abandono à família, afetando, assim, o convívio familiar.
Family plays an important role in the emotional life of people as it is the basis for the establishment of a labor relations’ model, friendship and kinship too. Family support is a manifestation of attention, care and dialog between family members. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between family support and teaching career, understand their influence on occupational stress. The study was conducted in Viçosa-MG, and the research unit was Universidad Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa campus. The results revealed that family support is present in the daily lives of the UFV professors. But overwork, productivity, vanity and even perfectionism generates a burden on them, this overhead affects family relationships, reduces leisure time, cause feelings of guilt, anxiety, sadness and sense of abandonment to family, affecting family life too.
Family plays an important role in the emotional life of people as it is the basis for the establishment of a labor relations’ model, friendship and kinship too. Family support is a manifestation of attention, care and dialog between family members. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between family support and teaching career, understand their influence on occupational stress. The study was conducted in Viçosa-MG, and the research unit was Universidad Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa campus. The results revealed that family support is present in the daily lives of the UFV professors. But overwork, productivity, vanity and even perfectionism generates a burden on them, this overhead affects family relationships, reduces leisure time, cause feelings of guilt, anxiety, sadness and sense of abandonment to family, affecting family life too.
Suporte familiar, Universidade pública, Trabalho, Family support, Public university, Work