Representação institucional de cooperativas minerais da Amazônia Legal
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Diante da crescente demanda por formalização no setor de extração artesanal de minério e ouro no Brasil, o Estado priorizou o modelo cooperativo para autorizações de lavra garimpeira. Em busca de maior representatividade política e visibilidade para as atividades legalizadas, houve um movimento para criar estruturas mais verticalizadas nas cooperativas, representadas por Federações. Assim, essa dissertação analisa o processo de constituição e organização das Federações de cooperativas minerais, situadas na Amazônia Legal, compreendendo o seu papel representativo, além de descrever os ganhos e desafios que essas organizações apresentam. A metodologia caracteriza-se como teórico-empírica, do tipo exploratória-descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, métodos documental e estudo de caso. As unidades de análise foram feitas com 10 entrevistas com oito diferentes instituições, compreendendo Federações, OCE, Secretaria Estadual de Mineração e OCEs. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio do processo de triangulação: levantamento documental, como leis, regimentos, resoluções, relatórios, decretos, estatutos sociais das federações e relatórios técnicos, além de entrevistas com os atores sociais envolvidos nas federações. Para analisar os dados, utilizou-se da técnica análise de conteúdo. Os resultados apresentados permitem compreender que a constituição de Federações é um processo recente. Foram identificadas até julho de 2024, cinco Federações distribuídas nos estados do Pará, Mato Grosso, Maranhão e Amapá. A constituição foi o resultado de uma articulação política entre as cooperativas minerais devido a criação acelerada de cooperativas durante o período de 2019 a 2021 sobretudo na região Norte do país, compreendendo os estados da Amazônia Legal. Ainda sendo um setor que carece de atenção sobre suas particularidades e enfrentando críticas da mídia, um dos maiores benefícios da constituição das federações minerais e para o setor é o fortalecimento da identidade e maior visibilidade e representação das singulares, que melhoraram seu relacionamento com possíveis investidores e comunidades. Conclui-se que o trabalho das Federações é uma importante alternativa de formalização da atividade garimpeira, além de garantir maior capacidade de negociação com organização de cooperativas e órgãos de representação do cooperativismo e de fiscalização da mineração. Palavras-chave: cooperativismo mineral; garimpo; federação; representatividade; amazônia legal
Given the growing demand for formalization in the artisanal mining and gold extraction sector in Brazil, the State prioritized the cooperative model for granting mining licenses. In pursuit of greater political representation and visibility for legalized activities, a movement emerged to create more vertically integrated structures within cooperatives, represented by Federations. Thus, this dissertation analyzes the formation and organization process of mineral cooperative Federations in the Legal Amazon, examining their representative role, and describing the benefits and challenges these organizations face. The methodology is characterized as theoretical-empirical, exploratory-descriptive in nature, with a qualitative approach, utilizing documentary methods and case studies. The units of analysis were based on 10 interviews with eight different institutions, including Federations, the State Mining Secretariat, and OCEs. Data collection employed triangulation: documentary analysis, such as laws, regulations, resolutions, reports, decrees, federation bylaws, and technical reports, along with interviews with social actors involved in the Federations. Content analysis was used to interpret the data. The results indicate that the formation of Federations is a recent process. As of July 2024, five Federations were identified, distributed across the states of Pará, Mato Grosso, Maranhão, and Amapá. This formation resulted from a political articulation among mineral cooperatives due to the accelerated creation of cooperatives from 2019 to 2021, particularly in the Northern region of the country, covering the Legal Amazon states. Despite being a sector that requires greater attention to its specificities and facing media criticism, one of the main benefits of the formation of mineral Federations is the strengthening of the sector's identity, leading to increased visibility and representation. This has improved relations with potential investors and local communities. In conclusion, the work of Federations represents an important alternative for formalizing mining activities, while also enhancing negotiation capacity with cooperatives and regulatory bodies. Keywords: mineral cooperativism; mining; federation; representation; legal amazon
Given the growing demand for formalization in the artisanal mining and gold extraction sector in Brazil, the State prioritized the cooperative model for granting mining licenses. In pursuit of greater political representation and visibility for legalized activities, a movement emerged to create more vertically integrated structures within cooperatives, represented by Federations. Thus, this dissertation analyzes the formation and organization process of mineral cooperative Federations in the Legal Amazon, examining their representative role, and describing the benefits and challenges these organizations face. The methodology is characterized as theoretical-empirical, exploratory-descriptive in nature, with a qualitative approach, utilizing documentary methods and case studies. The units of analysis were based on 10 interviews with eight different institutions, including Federations, the State Mining Secretariat, and OCEs. Data collection employed triangulation: documentary analysis, such as laws, regulations, resolutions, reports, decrees, federation bylaws, and technical reports, along with interviews with social actors involved in the Federations. Content analysis was used to interpret the data. The results indicate that the formation of Federations is a recent process. As of July 2024, five Federations were identified, distributed across the states of Pará, Mato Grosso, Maranhão, and Amapá. This formation resulted from a political articulation among mineral cooperatives due to the accelerated creation of cooperatives from 2019 to 2021, particularly in the Northern region of the country, covering the Legal Amazon states. Despite being a sector that requires greater attention to its specificities and facing media criticism, one of the main benefits of the formation of mineral Federations is the strengthening of the sector's identity, leading to increased visibility and representation. This has improved relations with potential investors and local communities. In conclusion, the work of Federations represents an important alternative for formalizing mining activities, while also enhancing negotiation capacity with cooperatives and regulatory bodies. Keywords: mineral cooperativism; mining; federation; representation; legal amazon
Cooperativismo - Amazônia Legal, Garimpo - Amazônia Legal, Ouro - Minas e mineração
RAMALHO, Tamires Santos. Representação institucional de cooperativas minerais da Amazônia Legal. 2024. 89 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.