Implicações do Programa Reuni na evolução orçamentária do ensino superior brasileiro: o caso da Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Durante o governo de Lula, em 2007, foi criado o Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (Reuni), com o objetivo de garantir a execução das metas estabelecidas no Plano Nacional de Educação 2001-2010. Essas metas incluíam a ampliação do acesso ao ensino superior, a interiorização das universidades, a criação de cursos noturnos, entre outras. No entanto, com a conclusão do programa em 2012, os recursos específicos destinados às universidades cessaram, enquanto as novas estruturas ainda demandavam recursos para manutenção. A partir do governo Temer, em 2016, foram tomadas medidas para reduzir os recursos orçamentários destinados ao ensino superior federal. Diante dessas circunstâncias, este estudo teve o objetivo geral de analisar a evolução orçamentária das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (Ifes) brasileiras após a implementação do Programa Reuni. Especificamente, buscou-se: a) explorar os planos de governo para a educação superior pública desde a criação do Reuni; e b) avaliar a evolução do orçamento e das despesas da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, no período, diferenciando-se pelos tipos de despesas. Como referencial teórico-conceitual, foram utilizadas as definições pertinentes ao contexto do orçamento e do ensino superior público brasileiro. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos para alcançar o objetivo específico (a), foram utilizadas análises de pesquisas bibliográficas. Já para o objetivo (b), foram empregadas análises gráficas, tabulares e de estatísticas descritivas a partir de dados orçamentários da UFV. Considerando a realidade semelhante de restrição orçamentária, entre todas as universidades federais do país, a UFV foi selecionada para análise de caso devido à disponibilidade de dados e informações. A análise dos planos de governo para o ensino superior, desde o encerramento do Reuni, revelou que diferentes posicionamentos partidários e ideológicos influenciaram a proposição e implementação de políticas educacionais. Nas gestões de Lula e Dilma, houve um enfoque na valorização da educação em geral e do ensino superior especificamente, com políticas voltadas para a expansão e democratização desse nível de ensino. Já nas gestões de Temer e Bolsonaro, houve uma visão de que o Estado deveria interferir minimamente na promoção de políticas sociais, com inclinação para a privatização. Esses governos se destacaram pelo congelamento dos gastos públicos e pelo contingenciamento de recursos para o ensino superior, com justificativas inconclusivas e argumentos pouco convincentes. Quanto à análise da evolução orçamentária da UFV, observou-se que houve um retrocesso na disponibilização de recursos, entre 2007 e 2022, e o orçamento no final do período de análise era quase equivalente ao do início do Reuni. As ações de custeio e investimentos apresentaram taxas de crescimento negativas, e a redução do orçamento comprometeu as atividades de manutenção da universidade. Houve uma diminuição nos recursos destinados à assistência estudantil, à reestruturação e expansão, ao funcionamento e à capacitação dos servidores, o que afetou as atividades de apoio aos estudantes em situação de vulnerabilidade, a manutenção da universidade, os investimentos em estruturas acadêmicas e administrativas, os projetos de expansão e reestruturação universitária e o apoio à capacitação do corpo profissional. Conclui-se que as ações para o desenvolvimento do ensino superior têm refletido políticas de governo, em vez de políticas de Estado, resultando na diminuição dos recursos disponíveis e em decisões controversas e desafiadoras para a área, comprometendo as atividades de manutenção cotidianas e os projetos de expansão da instituição. Palavras-chave: Educação superior. Orçamento público. Programa Reuni.
During Lula's government, in 2007, the Program to Support Restructuring and Expansion Plans for Federal Universities (Reuni) was created, with the aim of guaranteeing the implementation of the goals set out in the National Education Plan 2001-2010. These goals included expanding access to higher education, the internalization of universities and the creation of evening courses, among others. However, with the conclusion of the program in 2012, the specific resources earmarked for universities ceased, while the new structures still required resources for maintenance. Under the Temer government in 2016, measures were taken to reduce budget resources for federal higher education. Given these circumstances, the general objective of this study was to analyze the budgetary evolution of Brazilian Federal Higher Education Institutions (IFES) after the implementation of the Reuni Program. Specifically, it sought to: a) explore government plans for public higher education since the creation of Reuni; and b) evaluate the evolution of the budget and expenditure of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) in the period, differentiating by type of expenditure. As a theoretical-conceptual framework, the definitions pertinent to the context of the budget and Brazilian public higher education were used. As for the methodological procedures, bibliographical research was used to achieve specific objective (a). For objective (b), graphical, tabular and descriptive statistical analyses were used based on UFV budget data. Considering the similar reality of budget restrictions among all federal universities in the country, UFV was selected as a case study due to the availability of data and information. The analysis of government plans for higher education since the end of Reuni revealed that different party and ideological positions have influenced the proposal and implementation of educational policies. Under Lula and Dilma, there was a focus on valuing education in general and higher education specifically, with policies aimed at expanding and democratizing this level of education. In the administrations of Temer and Bolsonaro, there was a view that the state should interfere minimally in the promotion of social policies, with an inclination towards privatization. These governments stood out for their freezing of public spending and contingency of resources for higher education, with inconclusive justifications and unconvincing arguments. As for the analysis of UFV's budget evolution between 2007 and 2022, there was a regression in the availability of resources over time, with the budget at the beginning of Reuni almost equivalent to the end of the analysis period. The costing and investment actions showed negative growth rates, and the budget reduction compromised the university's maintenance activities. There was a decrease in the resources allocated to student assistance, restructuring and expansion, and the operation and training of staff, which affected support activities for students in vulnerable situations, university maintenance, investments in academic and administrative structures, university expansion and restructuring projects and support for training professional staff. The conclusion is that actions for the development of higher education have reflected government policies rather than state policies, resulting in a decrease in available resources and controversial and challenging decisions for the area, jeopardizing day-to-day maintenance activities and the institution's expansion projects. Keywords: Higher education. Public budget. Reuni Program.
During Lula's government, in 2007, the Program to Support Restructuring and Expansion Plans for Federal Universities (Reuni) was created, with the aim of guaranteeing the implementation of the goals set out in the National Education Plan 2001-2010. These goals included expanding access to higher education, the internalization of universities and the creation of evening courses, among others. However, with the conclusion of the program in 2012, the specific resources earmarked for universities ceased, while the new structures still required resources for maintenance. Under the Temer government in 2016, measures were taken to reduce budget resources for federal higher education. Given these circumstances, the general objective of this study was to analyze the budgetary evolution of Brazilian Federal Higher Education Institutions (IFES) after the implementation of the Reuni Program. Specifically, it sought to: a) explore government plans for public higher education since the creation of Reuni; and b) evaluate the evolution of the budget and expenditure of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) in the period, differentiating by type of expenditure. As a theoretical-conceptual framework, the definitions pertinent to the context of the budget and Brazilian public higher education were used. As for the methodological procedures, bibliographical research was used to achieve specific objective (a). For objective (b), graphical, tabular and descriptive statistical analyses were used based on UFV budget data. Considering the similar reality of budget restrictions among all federal universities in the country, UFV was selected as a case study due to the availability of data and information. The analysis of government plans for higher education since the end of Reuni revealed that different party and ideological positions have influenced the proposal and implementation of educational policies. Under Lula and Dilma, there was a focus on valuing education in general and higher education specifically, with policies aimed at expanding and democratizing this level of education. In the administrations of Temer and Bolsonaro, there was a view that the state should interfere minimally in the promotion of social policies, with an inclination towards privatization. These governments stood out for their freezing of public spending and contingency of resources for higher education, with inconclusive justifications and unconvincing arguments. As for the analysis of UFV's budget evolution between 2007 and 2022, there was a regression in the availability of resources over time, with the budget at the beginning of Reuni almost equivalent to the end of the analysis period. The costing and investment actions showed negative growth rates, and the budget reduction compromised the university's maintenance activities. There was a decrease in the resources allocated to student assistance, restructuring and expansion, and the operation and training of staff, which affected support activities for students in vulnerable situations, university maintenance, investments in academic and administrative structures, university expansion and restructuring projects and support for training professional staff. The conclusion is that actions for the development of higher education have reflected government policies rather than state policies, resulting in a decrease in available resources and controversial and challenging decisions for the area, jeopardizing day-to-day maintenance activities and the institution's expansion projects. Keywords: Higher education. Public budget. Reuni Program.
Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais, Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Dotações e dispêndios, Orçamento
MAGALHÃES, Israel Batista. Implicações do Programa Reuni na evolução orçamentária do ensino superior brasileiro: o caso da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. 2024. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.