Biossurfactantes e Polímeros de Bacillus subtilis RI4914 e sua Aplicação em Recuperação Avançada de Petróleo
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Neste trabalho foram realizados experimentos com o intuito de avaliar-se a propriedade dos biossurfactantes produzidos pelo isolado Bacillus subtilis RI4914 em reduzir a tensão interfacial e promover a recuperação de óleo residual em colunas empacotas com areia. Foi observado que a solução de biossurfactantes é capaz de mobilizar até 40% do óleo residual das colunas, porém somente em concentrações elevadas (2,0 g L-1). Por outro lado, a utilização do sobrenadante da cultura do isolado RI4914 proporcionou recuperação de óleo superior à alcançada com a solução dos biossurfactantes e em concentração dez vezes menor da molécula. Tais resultados indicam a produção de compostos capazes de atuar sinergisticamente com os biossurfactantes na redução da tensão interfacial, alcançando valores de até 0,07 mN/m. Além disso, destaca- se a produção espontânea de polímero pela bactéria, molécula esta capaz de aumentar a viscosidade do sobrenadante e reduzir quase que pela metade o volume necessário para uma recuperação satisfatória de óleo residual. Os biossurfactantes apresentaram características físico-químicas comparáveis às do surfactante sintético SDS. Em termos de estabilidade, as moléculas demonstraram ter sua atividade pouco influenciada por condições extremas, principalmente no que se diz respeito às altas temperaturas. Esses resultados foram comprovados quando o sobrenadante da cultura foi avaliado quanto a sua capacidade em promover a recuperação do petróleo residual em salinidades variando entre 3 e 10% (p/v) de NaCl e em uma faixa de pH de 6,0 a 9,0. A recuperação de óleo pelo sobrenadante da cultura demonstrou ser também pouco influenciada pelas condições ambientais testadas, chegando a recuperar 88% do petróleo residual na presença de polímero. Esses resultados comprovam que os biossurfactantes descritos neste trabalho são substitutos em potencial para os surfactantes sintéticos frequentemente utilizados na indústria do petróleo.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of biosurfactants from Bacillus subtilis RI4914 to decrease the interfacial tension between oil and water and improve residual oil recovery from sand-packed columns. Injection of a partially purified biosurfactant solution into the columns led to a 40% recovery of residual oil, but only when at high concentrations (2.0 g L-1). On the other hand, when the crude supernatant of B. subtilis RI4914 was used as the mobile phase, higher oil recovery was obtained, even with a much lower biosurfactant concentration (i.e. 0.2 g L-1). These results show that this microorganism produces other molecules that my act synergistically with the biosurfactants to promote oil mobilization from the porous sand-core. The lowest interfacial tension measured between RI4914 supernatant and oil was 0.07 mN. m-1. The bacterium can also produce a polymer which increases the viscosity of the supernatant and reduces the amount of biosurfactant solution needed for oil recovery. Biosurfactants produced by RI4914 showed physico-chemical properties comparable to that of the synthetic surfactant SDS. Extreme conditions, as high temperatures, had no effect on the biosurfactant stability. RI4914 supernatant was efficient in residual oil recovery in presence of NaCl (30-100 g.L-1) and at pH of 6.0 to 9.0. 88% of residual oil was recovered from sand-packed columns when crude supernatant containing both biosurfactant and polymer was used as mobile phase. The results prove that the biosurfactant described in this work can efficiently replace synthetic surfactant for the purpose of petroleum recovery, especially if used together with the polymer produced by the same bacterial strain.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of biosurfactants from Bacillus subtilis RI4914 to decrease the interfacial tension between oil and water and improve residual oil recovery from sand-packed columns. Injection of a partially purified biosurfactant solution into the columns led to a 40% recovery of residual oil, but only when at high concentrations (2.0 g L-1). On the other hand, when the crude supernatant of B. subtilis RI4914 was used as the mobile phase, higher oil recovery was obtained, even with a much lower biosurfactant concentration (i.e. 0.2 g L-1). These results show that this microorganism produces other molecules that my act synergistically with the biosurfactants to promote oil mobilization from the porous sand-core. The lowest interfacial tension measured between RI4914 supernatant and oil was 0.07 mN. m-1. The bacterium can also produce a polymer which increases the viscosity of the supernatant and reduces the amount of biosurfactant solution needed for oil recovery. Biosurfactants produced by RI4914 showed physico-chemical properties comparable to that of the synthetic surfactant SDS. Extreme conditions, as high temperatures, had no effect on the biosurfactant stability. RI4914 supernatant was efficient in residual oil recovery in presence of NaCl (30-100 g.L-1) and at pH of 6.0 to 9.0. 88% of residual oil was recovered from sand-packed columns when crude supernatant containing both biosurfactant and polymer was used as mobile phase. The results prove that the biosurfactant described in this work can efficiently replace synthetic surfactant for the purpose of petroleum recovery, especially if used together with the polymer produced by the same bacterial strain.
Biossurfactantes, Polímeros, MEOR, Bacillus subtilis
FERNANDES, Péricles Leonardo. Biossurfactantes e Polímeros de Bacillus subtilis RI4914 e sua Aplicação em Recuperação Avançada de Petróleo. 2011. 93 f. Tese (Doutorado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2011.