Estado nutricional e aspectos fisiológicos e anatômicos em milho sob omissão de micronutrientes catiônicos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Com o objetivo de caracterizar e diagnosticar a deficiência de micronutrientes catiônicos, foram realizados quatro ensaios independentes, cultivando plantas de milho em soluções nutritivas com restrições de ferro, cobre, manganês ou zinco. Foram avaliados aspectos fisiológicos, anatômicos e teores foliares nas plantas em diferentes tempos de omissão desses micronutrientes. No estudo fisiológico foram quantificadas as trocas gasosas e a fluorescência da clorofila. O estudo anatômico foi feito na região mediana da lâmina foliar, montando-se lâminas a partir de material incluído em historresina ou com impressão da epiderme com cola instantânea. Foi evidenciada a produção de amido na bainha do feixe vascular e, como coloração de contraste, foi utilizado o azul-de-toluidina. Foram obtidas imagens digitalizadas por meio de fotomicroscópio, sendo a proporção dos diferentes tecidos quantificada pelo software Image Pro- Plus. O mesmo software foi utilizado para quantificar a produção de amido. Os teores foliares de ferro, cobre, manganês e zinco foram determinados por meio de espectrofotômetro de emissão óptica com plasma acoplado por indução. Todas as características foram avaliadas na segunda folha acima da última com lígula visível. Os sintomas visuais da deficiência nutricional surgiram aos 5, 12 e 16 dias, nos ensaios com ferro, manganês e zinco, respectivamente. No ensaio com cobre não foram observados sintomas visuais de deficiência até o vigésimo segundo dia. A deficiência de ferro, cobre, manganês e zinco promoveu redução na taxa de assimilação de CO 2 e na produção de amido, porém apenas a deficiência de manganês e de zinco afetou o crescimento da planta. A deficiência de ferro afetou etapas iniciais da fase fotoquímica, principalmente a absorção e transferência de energia pelo complexo coletor. O estudo anatômico mostrou que as deficiências de manganês e zinco foram as que promoveram maiores alterações nas proporções dos tecidos, com menor efeito para o ensaio com ferro e cobre. Em todos os ensaios, os teores foliares apresentaram reduções com o tempo de omissão; no entanto, no ensaio com ferro, houve tendência de estabilidade com o tempo de omissão, principalmente após o aparecimento dos sintomas visuais. A indução da deficiência levou à diminuição dos teores foliares na ordem de cobre > zinco ≅ manganês > ferro. O teor de ferro na folha do milho mostrou-se ineficiente no diagnóstico do estado nutricional deste nutriente. Mesmo com reduções acentuadas nos teores de cobre, não foi verificado efeito sobre o crescimento da planta ou estresse nutricional.
In order to characterize and diagnose the deficiency of cationic micronutrients, four independent experiments were carried out with maize plants cultivated in nutritive solutions with iron, copper, manganese or zinc omission. Physiological and anatomical aspects and leaf micronutrient content were evaluated at different times of omission of these nutrients. In the physiological study, gaseous exchanges and chlorophyll fluorescence were quantified. The anatomical study was conducted in the median region of the leaf blade, with glass slides being assembled from material embedded in Historesin or epidermis print with instant glue. Starch production was determined in the sheath of the vascular bundle with toluidine blue being used as contrast dye. Digital images were obtained with a photomicroscope, with the proportion of the different tissues being quantified with the software Image Pro-Plus, which xwas also used to estimate starch production. iron, copper, manganese and zinc leaf contents were determined in a optical emission inductive- coupled plasma spectrophotometer (ICP-OES). All the characteristics evaluated were studied in the second leaf above the last with visible ligule. The visual symptoms of nutritional deficiency were observed on days 5, 12 and 16, in the iron, manganese, and zinc experiments, respectively. No visual symptoms of deficiency were observed in the copper experiment until day 22. Iron, copper, manganese and zinc deficiency decreased the CO 2 assimilation rate and starch production, but only manganese and zinc deficiency affected plant growth. Fe deficiency affected the initial stages of the photochemical phase, mainly the absorption and transference of energy. The anatomical study showed that manganese and zinc deficiencies promoted the highest alterations in the tissue proportions, with a smaller effect being observed on the iron and copper experiments. In all the experiments, the leaf content of micronutrient decreased along the omission time; however, in the iron experiment there was a tendency for stabilization with omission time, mainly after the appearance of deficiency symptoms. Induced deficiency led to a decrease in the leaf contents in the following order: copper > zinc ≅ manganese > iron. Iron content in maize leaf was shown to be inefficient in diagnosing the nutritional status of this nutrient. Even with pronounced copper content reductions, no effect on plant growth or nutritional stress was verified.
In order to characterize and diagnose the deficiency of cationic micronutrients, four independent experiments were carried out with maize plants cultivated in nutritive solutions with iron, copper, manganese or zinc omission. Physiological and anatomical aspects and leaf micronutrient content were evaluated at different times of omission of these nutrients. In the physiological study, gaseous exchanges and chlorophyll fluorescence were quantified. The anatomical study was conducted in the median region of the leaf blade, with glass slides being assembled from material embedded in Historesin or epidermis print with instant glue. Starch production was determined in the sheath of the vascular bundle with toluidine blue being used as contrast dye. Digital images were obtained with a photomicroscope, with the proportion of the different tissues being quantified with the software Image Pro-Plus, which xwas also used to estimate starch production. iron, copper, manganese and zinc leaf contents were determined in a optical emission inductive- coupled plasma spectrophotometer (ICP-OES). All the characteristics evaluated were studied in the second leaf above the last with visible ligule. The visual symptoms of nutritional deficiency were observed on days 5, 12 and 16, in the iron, manganese, and zinc experiments, respectively. No visual symptoms of deficiency were observed in the copper experiment until day 22. Iron, copper, manganese and zinc deficiency decreased the CO 2 assimilation rate and starch production, but only manganese and zinc deficiency affected plant growth. Fe deficiency affected the initial stages of the photochemical phase, mainly the absorption and transference of energy. The anatomical study showed that manganese and zinc deficiencies promoted the highest alterations in the tissue proportions, with a smaller effect being observed on the iron and copper experiments. In all the experiments, the leaf content of micronutrient decreased along the omission time; however, in the iron experiment there was a tendency for stabilization with omission time, mainly after the appearance of deficiency symptoms. Induced deficiency led to a decrease in the leaf contents in the following order: copper > zinc ≅ manganese > iron. Iron content in maize leaf was shown to be inefficient in diagnosing the nutritional status of this nutrient. Even with pronounced copper content reductions, no effect on plant growth or nutritional stress was verified.
Nutrição, Aspectos fisiológicos, Aspectos anatômicos
MATTIELLO, Edson Marcio. Estado nutricional e aspectos fisiológicos e anatômicos em milho sob omissão de micronutrientes catiônicos. 2004. 61 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2004.