Escola de tempo integral: entendimentos e vivências em uma instituição pública de Viçosa-MG
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Cada vez mais, a legislação educacional brasileira vem incentivando o aumento do tempo de permanência das crianças na escola. Neste sentido, considerando que a escola tem se tornado um espaço onde as crianças passam mais tempo, em termos quantitativos de horas, acreditamos na relevância de entender o que os sujeitos que vivenciam a extensão do tempo escolar têm a dizer sobre esse processo. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa objetivou compreender as significações e entendimentos produzidos e compartilhados por estudantes, docentes, pais/responsáveis e demais membros de uma escola pública estadual na cidade de Viçosa-MG sobre o tempo integral. Ademais, especificamente, desejamos: compreender a política de tempo integral e alguns efeitos de sua implementação no cotidiano da escola; vivenciar o cotidiano escolar de uma escola pública de tempo integral, observando como discentes, docentes e demais funcionários da escola se organizam e desenvolvem suas atividades; propiciar espaços de conversação sobre a escola de tempo integral com discentes, docentes, funcionários da instituição e familiares. Utilizamos como instrumentos metodológicos a observação participante, rodas de conversa com 16 estudantes e oito entrevistas semiestruturadas com quatro docentes do tempo integral, a diretora da instituição, uma professora de História, uma auxiliar de serviços básicos e uma mãe. Usamos o Construcionismo Social como aporte teórico-metodológico. Esta pesquisa aponta a grande perda de vagas nas escolas de tempo integral em Viçosa no momento em que foi realizada. Os resultados mostram que a forma como a educação em tempo integral estruturava-se na escola pesquisada possuía mais relação com as experiências já vividas em anos anteriores e com as possibilidades das pessoas que trabalham na escola ou do entorno, dos recursos e da estrutura da escola do que com as prescrições da Secretaria da Educação. De forma geral, os entendimentos dos participantes evidenciam a existência da escola de tempo integral como uma política necessária. Os docentes, a mãe entrevistada e a gestão ressaltam que a escola de tempo integral é importante por ser um espaço seguro em que os estudantes podem estar. Estes, por sua vez, gostam de estar na escola por ser ambiente de socialização. Nas conversações, os participantes apresentaram impressões positivas sobre o tempo integral e abordaram os aspectos que poderiam ser alterados, bem como os desafios do cotidiano escolar, etc. Os estudantes dizem que a escola poderia incluir atividades que lhes fossem mais interessantes, os docentes ressaltam a necessidade de formação. Isso mostra que a oferta de uma educação em horário integral pode ser entendida sobre múltiplos olhares, a depender das experiências e sentidos atribuídos pelos que a vivenciam. Palavras-chave: Construcionismo Social. Educação Integral e Integrada. Escola de tempo integral. Ensino Fundamental.
Increasingly, the Brazilian educational legislation is encouraging the increase in the length of time children stay in school. In this sense, considering that the school has become a space where children spend more time, in quantitative terms of hours, we believe in the relevance of understanding what the subjects who experience the extension of daily school time have to say about this process. Thus, this research aimed to understand the meanings and understandings produced and shared by students, teachers, parents / guardians and other members of a state public school in the city of Viçosa-MG on a full-time basis. In addition, we specifically want to: understand the full-time policy and some effects of its implementation on the school's daily life; experiencing the school routine of a public full-time school observing how students, teachers and other school staff organize and develop their activities; provide spaces for conversation about the full-time school with students, teachers, employees of the institution and family members. We used participant observation, conversation circles with 16 students and eight semi-structured interviews with four full-time teachers, the institution's director, a regular history teacher, a basic services assistant and a mother as methodological instruments. Social Constructionism was used as a theoretical- methodological contribution throughout the development of the research, its main premises influenced us as to the way of carrying out the readings, the way of understanding the authors, talking to the participants during their stay at school, in the way of studying the material produced and writing the work. This research points to the great loss of places in full-time schools in Viçosa at the time it was carried out. The results obtained show that the way in which full-time education was structured in the researched school had more relationship with the experiences already lived in previous years and with the possibilities of the people who work in the school or the surroundings, the resources and the structure of the school. school than with the prescriptions of the Department of Education. In general, the participants' understandings show the existence of the full-time school as a necessary policy. The teachers, the interviewed mother and the management emphasize that the full-time school is important because it is a safe space in which students can be. These, in turn, like to be in school because it is a social environment. In the conversations, the participants presented positive impressions about the full time and addressed the aspects that could be changed, as well as the challenges of the school routine, etc. The students' impressions show that the school could include activities that were most interesting to them. Teachers, on the other hand, emphasize the need for training for the work developed. This shows that the offer of a full-time education can be understood from multiple perspectives, depending on the experiences and meanings attributed by those who experience it. Keywords: Social Constructionism. Integral and Integrated Education. Full-time school. Elementary School.
Increasingly, the Brazilian educational legislation is encouraging the increase in the length of time children stay in school. In this sense, considering that the school has become a space where children spend more time, in quantitative terms of hours, we believe in the relevance of understanding what the subjects who experience the extension of daily school time have to say about this process. Thus, this research aimed to understand the meanings and understandings produced and shared by students, teachers, parents / guardians and other members of a state public school in the city of Viçosa-MG on a full-time basis. In addition, we specifically want to: understand the full-time policy and some effects of its implementation on the school's daily life; experiencing the school routine of a public full-time school observing how students, teachers and other school staff organize and develop their activities; provide spaces for conversation about the full-time school with students, teachers, employees of the institution and family members. We used participant observation, conversation circles with 16 students and eight semi-structured interviews with four full-time teachers, the institution's director, a regular history teacher, a basic services assistant and a mother as methodological instruments. Social Constructionism was used as a theoretical- methodological contribution throughout the development of the research, its main premises influenced us as to the way of carrying out the readings, the way of understanding the authors, talking to the participants during their stay at school, in the way of studying the material produced and writing the work. This research points to the great loss of places in full-time schools in Viçosa at the time it was carried out. The results obtained show that the way in which full-time education was structured in the researched school had more relationship with the experiences already lived in previous years and with the possibilities of the people who work in the school or the surroundings, the resources and the structure of the school. school than with the prescriptions of the Department of Education. In general, the participants' understandings show the existence of the full-time school as a necessary policy. The teachers, the interviewed mother and the management emphasize that the full-time school is important because it is a safe space in which students can be. These, in turn, like to be in school because it is a social environment. In the conversations, the participants presented positive impressions about the full time and addressed the aspects that could be changed, as well as the challenges of the school routine, etc. The students' impressions show that the school could include activities that were most interesting to them. Teachers, on the other hand, emphasize the need for training for the work developed. This shows that the offer of a full-time education can be understood from multiple perspectives, depending on the experiences and meanings attributed by those who experience it. Keywords: Social Constructionism. Integral and Integrated Education. Full-time school. Elementary School.
Educação Integral, Ensino integrado, Construcionismo social, Viçosa (MG)
LOPES, Jaqueline Imaculada. Escola de tempo integral: entendimentos e vivências em uma instituição pública de Viçosa-MG. 2020. 138 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2020.