Hábito e preferência alimentar de adolescentes residentes na zona rural e urbana de Viçosa-MG: análise dos fatores determinantes e da relação com o estado nutricional e de saúde
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A adoção de hábitos de vida inadequados na adolescência pode propiciar o desenvolvimento de alterações no estado nutricional, composição corporal e perfil lipídico nesta fase, favorecendo o desenvolvimento de fatores de risco cardiovascular. Objetivou-se avaliar a prevalência e fatores associados às alterações bioquímicas, ao estado nutricional, ao hábito e preferência alimentar e a qualidade da dieta em adolescentes da zona rural e urbana de Viçosa-MG. Inicialmente, buscaram-se os
adolescentes estudantes e residentes na zona rural que tinham entre 10 e 13 anos de idade (n=132), sendo encontrados 110 elegíveis, dos quais, 91 participaram (82,7%). Estes foram pareados por idade, sexo e classe econômica, com os alunos da zona urbana na proporção de 1:1, totalizando 182 adolescentes na amostra final. A coleta de dados constou da realização de medidas antropométricas e de exames bioquímicos, estimativa da composição corporal e avaliação de características secundárias de maturação sexual. Aplicaram-se questionários socioeconômicos, de atividade física e inquéritos dietéticos. Para o cálculo do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta (IQD), utilizou-se a proposta adaptada de Guenter et al. (2007) e a revisão de Previdelli et al. (2011). Além disso, realizou-se jogo eletrônico sobre preferência alimentar. Avaliou-se a associação de variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas, maturação sexual e de estilo de vida com os desfechos relacionados ao perfil lipídico (colesterol total, LDL, HDL, triglicerídeos), ao estado nutricional (escore-z estatura/idade, escore-z IMC/idade e percentual de gordura corporal - GC) e à qualidade da dieta. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Universidade Federal de Viçosa-MG (Of.Nº054/2011) e os pais/responsáveis registraram autorização perante termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. Dos adolescentes avaliados, 62,6% (n=114) eram do sexo masculino. A idade variou de 10,02 a 13,95 anos, com mediana e média+DP de 11,13 e 11,42+1,0 anos, respectivamente. Em relação ao perfil lipídico, observou-se que colesterol total e LDL foram os parâmetros mais alterados entre os adolescentes (64,8% e 41,8%, respectivamente). Não houve diferença no perfil lipídico sérico entre adolescentes da zona rural e urbana. Verificou-se que sexo e sinais de maturação sexual mostraram-se associados ao colesterol total; a ingestão de fibras associou-se ao HDL e
os sinais de maturação sexual, ao LDL. Para os triglicerídeos os fatores associados foram sexo, estado nutricional e ingestão de proteína. Observou-se que 14,3% dos adolescentes apresentavam estatura inadequada, 22% déficit de peso, 21,4% excesso de peso, 18,7% baixo percentual de GC e 33,5% alto percentual de GC. O fato de residir na área rural e apresentar menor ingestão de cálcio associou-se a menores escores-z de estatura/idade. Nenhuma das variáveis analisadas explicou o desfecho escore-z IMC/idade. O log%GC foi explicado pela pontuação econômica e sexo. A pontuação total do IQD não diferiu entre local de residência. No entanto, a pontuação dos componentes frutas totais, frutas inteiras e leite e derivados foi maior para os adolescentes da zona urbana enquanto que para os da zona rural, maior pontuação foi atribuída para vegetais totais; vegetais verdes escuros e alaranjados; carne, ovos e leguminosas; sódio e Gord_AA (calorias provenientes de gorduras sólidas e açúcar de adição). Para adolescentes da zona rural a qualidade da dieta aumentou com o grau de gostar de repolho, iogurte e com o número de refeições e, diminuiu com o grau de gostar de bala. Para os da zona urbana, a pontuação do IQD aumentou com o grau de gostar de banana, pão e repolho e com o IMC e, diminui com o grau de gostar de achocolatado. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram a elevada prevalência de alterações no estado nutricional, na composição corporal e no perfil bioquímico entre os adolescentes da zona rural e urbana avaliados. Estas alterações mostraram-se associadas a diversos fatores, merecendo destaque os ambientais, especialmente os ligados à
alimentação. Apesar da pontuação total do IQD não diferir entre os adolescentes da zona rural e urbana, a pontuação atribuída aos componentes se diferenciou, sendo importante entender quais os fatores estavam envolvidos. A preferência alimentar foi a variável que mais explicou a qualidade da dieta, independente do local de residência. Assim, nota-se que os fatores relacionados ao hábito alimentar de adolescentes da zona rural e urbana parecem não diferir e estes já se apresentam associados a alterações no estado nutricional e de risco cardiovascular, o que reforça a importância de práticas de educação nutricional com os adolescentes, tendo em vista que os hábitos adotados neste período tendem a permanecer na idade adulta.
The adoption of inadequate life habits in adolescence may promote the development of changes in nutritional status, body composition and lipid profile at this stage of life, favoring the development of cardiovascular risk factors. The aim was to assess the prevalence and factors associated with biochemical, nutritional status, and the habit food preference and diet quality in adolescents of the rural and urban área of Viçosa-MG. Initially the total of students and young residents in rural areas who had between 10 and 13 years old (n = 132), 110 were found eligible, of whom 91 participated (82.7%). These were matched for age, sex and economic class, with students from urban areas in the ratio 1:1, total 182 adolescents in the final sample. Data collection consisted of anthropometric measurements and biochemical exams, body composition, evaluation of secondary characteristics of sexual maturity. Also were made questionnaries about socioeconomic, physical activity and dietary surveys. For the calculation of the Diet Quality Index (HEI), we used the proposed adapted Guenter et al. (2007) and a review of Previdelli et al. (2011). Beside an electronic game on the feeding preferences was applied. We evaluated the association of socioeconomic, demographic, sexual maturation and lifestyle with the outcomes related to the lipid profile (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides), nutritional status (z-score height/age z-score BMI/age and body fat percentage) and diet quality. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research on Human Research of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa-MG (Of. No. 054/2011) and parents recorded authorization before expiry of consent. Of the adolescents studied, 62.6% (n = 114) were male. Ages ranged from 10.02 to 13.95 years, with median and mean (+SD) of 11.13 and 11.42 +1.0 years, respectively. Regarding the lipids profile, it was found that total cholesterol and LDL were more modified parameters among adolescents (64.8% and 41.8% respectively). There was no difference in serum lipid profile among adolescents in rural and urban areas. It was found that gender and sexual maturation signals were associated with total cholesterol; fiber intake was associated with HDL and signs of sexual maturation, the LDL. For triglycerides associated factors were sex, nutritional status and protein intake. It was observed that 14.3% of adolescents had inadequate height, 22% underweight, 21.4% overweight, 18.7% low percentural body fat and 33.5 high percentural body fat. The fact of living in rural areas and have lower calcium intake was associated with lower zscores for height/age. None of the variables explained the outcome z-score BMI/age. The log percentural body fat was explained by the economic score and sex. The total score did not differ between the IQD place of residence. However, the total score of the components fruits, whole fruits and dairy products was higher for adolescents in urban areas while for the rural, highest score was awarded for total vegetables, dark green and orange vegetables, meat, eggs and legumes; sodium and Gord_AA (calories from solid fats and added sugar). For adolescents in rural diet quality increased with the degree of liking cabbage, yogurt and with the number of meals and decreased with the degree of liking bullet. For the village, the HEI score increased with the degree of like banana bread and cabbage and BMI, and decreases with the degree of liking chocolate. The results demonstrated the high prevalence of changes in nutritional status, body composition and biochemical profile among adolescents in rural and urban evaluated. These changes were related to several factors, with emphasis on the environment, especially those related to food. Although the total HEI score does not differ among adolescents in rural and urban, the score attributed to the components differed, it is important to understand which factors are involved. The food preference was the variable that better explained the quality of the diet, regardless of place of residence. Thus, it is noted that the factors related to dietary habits of adolescents in rural and urban areas does not seem to differ and these have to be associated with changes in nutritional status and cardiovascular risk at this stage of life, which reinforces the importance of practice nutrition education to adolescents, given that habits adopted during this period tend to remain in adulthood.
The adoption of inadequate life habits in adolescence may promote the development of changes in nutritional status, body composition and lipid profile at this stage of life, favoring the development of cardiovascular risk factors. The aim was to assess the prevalence and factors associated with biochemical, nutritional status, and the habit food preference and diet quality in adolescents of the rural and urban área of Viçosa-MG. Initially the total of students and young residents in rural areas who had between 10 and 13 years old (n = 132), 110 were found eligible, of whom 91 participated (82.7%). These were matched for age, sex and economic class, with students from urban areas in the ratio 1:1, total 182 adolescents in the final sample. Data collection consisted of anthropometric measurements and biochemical exams, body composition, evaluation of secondary characteristics of sexual maturity. Also were made questionnaries about socioeconomic, physical activity and dietary surveys. For the calculation of the Diet Quality Index (HEI), we used the proposed adapted Guenter et al. (2007) and a review of Previdelli et al. (2011). Beside an electronic game on the feeding preferences was applied. We evaluated the association of socioeconomic, demographic, sexual maturation and lifestyle with the outcomes related to the lipid profile (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides), nutritional status (z-score height/age z-score BMI/age and body fat percentage) and diet quality. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research on Human Research of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa-MG (Of. No. 054/2011) and parents recorded authorization before expiry of consent. Of the adolescents studied, 62.6% (n = 114) were male. Ages ranged from 10.02 to 13.95 years, with median and mean (+SD) of 11.13 and 11.42 +1.0 years, respectively. Regarding the lipids profile, it was found that total cholesterol and LDL were more modified parameters among adolescents (64.8% and 41.8% respectively). There was no difference in serum lipid profile among adolescents in rural and urban areas. It was found that gender and sexual maturation signals were associated with total cholesterol; fiber intake was associated with HDL and signs of sexual maturation, the LDL. For triglycerides associated factors were sex, nutritional status and protein intake. It was observed that 14.3% of adolescents had inadequate height, 22% underweight, 21.4% overweight, 18.7% low percentural body fat and 33.5 high percentural body fat. The fact of living in rural areas and have lower calcium intake was associated with lower zscores for height/age. None of the variables explained the outcome z-score BMI/age. The log percentural body fat was explained by the economic score and sex. The total score did not differ between the IQD place of residence. However, the total score of the components fruits, whole fruits and dairy products was higher for adolescents in urban areas while for the rural, highest score was awarded for total vegetables, dark green and orange vegetables, meat, eggs and legumes; sodium and Gord_AA (calories from solid fats and added sugar). For adolescents in rural diet quality increased with the degree of liking cabbage, yogurt and with the number of meals and decreased with the degree of liking bullet. For the village, the HEI score increased with the degree of like banana bread and cabbage and BMI, and decreases with the degree of liking chocolate. The results demonstrated the high prevalence of changes in nutritional status, body composition and biochemical profile among adolescents in rural and urban evaluated. These changes were related to several factors, with emphasis on the environment, especially those related to food. Although the total HEI score does not differ among adolescents in rural and urban, the score attributed to the components differed, it is important to understand which factors are involved. The food preference was the variable that better explained the quality of the diet, regardless of place of residence. Thus, it is noted that the factors related to dietary habits of adolescents in rural and urban areas does not seem to differ and these have to be associated with changes in nutritional status and cardiovascular risk at this stage of life, which reinforces the importance of practice nutrition education to adolescents, given that habits adopted during this period tend to remain in adulthood.
Adolescente, Avaliação nutricional, Inquéritos dietéticos, Adolescents, Nutritional assessment, Dietary Surveys
SILVA, Daniela Alves. Habit and food preference in the adolescents living in rural and urban area of Viçosa-MG: analisys of determinants and of the relation with the nutricional state and health. 2012. 152 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Valor nutricional de alimentos e de dietas; Nutrição nas enfermidades agudas e crônicas não transmis) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2012.