Tratamento fora do domicílio: a perspectiva do paciente oncológico da região imediata de Viçosa, MG
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O câncer é uma patologia que mata milhares de pessoas, anualmente, em todo o mundo. Seu diagnóstico é muito temido e, quando confirmado, pode provocar uma série de aborrecimentos e desestruturações para o paciente e sua família, tanto na dimensão emocional quanto na profissional e pessoal. Desse modo, esta tese teve como objetivo analisar as implicações do adoecimento oncológico de pacientes da região imediata de Viçosa, MG, com tratamento fora do domicílio, sob a perspectiva do deslocamento para tratamento, dinâmica familiar e redes de apoio. O estudo com abordagem quali-quantitativa, se caracteriza como exploratório descritivo, sendo o estudo de caso o método utilizado. No que se refere à construção dos dados, utilizou- se de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas com nove representantes do TFD dos municípios da região imediata de Viçosa e com sessenta e três pacientes oncológicos ou com seu principal cuidador. Adicionalmente, ainda em relação ao paciente, utilizou-se também de um questionário adaptado do European Organization for Reserach and Treatment os Cancer Core Quality f Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ- C30), de forma a verificar sua percepção acerca da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. Os resultados revelaram que o TFD nos municípios está estruturado majoritariamente com profissionais com contrato de trabalho temporário, não possui sistemas de gestão, tampouco padronização dos processos de trabalho. Quanto ao perfil socioeconômico dos pacientes, os dados revelaram que a amostra em sua maioria foi composta por mulheres, tendo em média 50 anos de idade, pardas e negras, casadas, com ensino fundamental e renda mensal de até 1 salário-mínimo. Considerando a necessidade de realização de tratamento fora do município de residência, os deslocamentos tendem a impactar a dinâmica familiar dos pacientes nos aspectos, como: afastamento das atividades pessoais e profissionais, inversão de papéis, dificuldades financeiras, dentre outros. No entanto, evidenciou-se que o envolvimento da rede de apoio auxilia na minimização dos impactos e na aceitação do diagnóstico. Quanto à percepção da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, identificou-se que essa é influenciada pela renda, pelo estilo de vida e pelo número de viagens realizadas. Assim, conclui-se que a necessidade de tratamento fora do domicílio é uma realidade para os pacientes da região imediata de Viçosa, pois os deslocamentos são exaustivos e exigem adaptação do paciente e de sua família no que diz respeito a ajustes na rotina familiar, e na superação do cansaço e dos efeitos colaterais físicos e emocionais. Por fim, evidenciou-se que o TFD desempenha importante papel ao ofertar transporte e agendamento de tratamento para os pacientes, mas é necessário que seja incorporado enquanto política pública, dado sua importância para a população. Palavras-chave: Câncer; Tratamento fora do domicílio; Viagens; Família; Redes de apoio.
Cancer is a pathology that kills thousands of people annually worldwide. Its diagnosis is greatly feared, and when confirmed, it can cause a series of troubles and disruptions for the patient and their family, both emotionally and professionally. Thus, this thesis aimed to analyze the implications of oncological illness among patients from the immediate region of Viçosa, MG, undergoing treatment away from home, from the perspective of travel for treatment, family dynamics, and support networks. The study, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, is characterized as exploratory-descriptive, with the case study method being utilized. Regarding data collection, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine representatives of the Transportation for Treatment (TFD) program from municipalities in the immediate Viçosa region, as well as with sixty-three oncological patients or their primary caregivers. Additionally, in relation to the patient, an adapted questionnaire from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Core Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) was used to assess their perception of health-related quality of life. The results revealed that the TFD program in the municipalities is predominantly staffed with temporary contract professionals, lacks management systems, and lacks standardization of work processes. As for the socioeconomic profile of the patients, the data showed that the sample mostly consisted of women, with an average age of 50, of mixed race, married, with a primary education level, and a monthly income of up to one minimum wage. Considering the need for treatment outside the municipality of residence, travel tends to impact the family dynamics of patients in aspects such as: withdrawal from personal and professional activities, role reversal, financial difficulties, among others. However, it was evidenced that the involvement of support networks helps minimize the impacts and facilitates acceptance of the diagnosis. Regarding the perception of health-related quality of life, it was identified that this is influenced by income, lifestyle, and the number of trips made. Thus, it is concluded that the need for treatment away from home is a reality for patients from the immediate Viçosa region, and travel can be exhausting, requiring adaptation from both the patient and their family in terms of adjustments to the family routine, and overcoming physical and emotional fatigue and side effects. Finally, it was evident that the TFD program plays an important role in providing transportation and scheduling treatment for patients, but it is necessary to incorporate it as a public policy, given its importance to the population. Keywords: Cancer; Out of home treatment; Trips; Family; Support networks.
Cancer is a pathology that kills thousands of people annually worldwide. Its diagnosis is greatly feared, and when confirmed, it can cause a series of troubles and disruptions for the patient and their family, both emotionally and professionally. Thus, this thesis aimed to analyze the implications of oncological illness among patients from the immediate region of Viçosa, MG, undergoing treatment away from home, from the perspective of travel for treatment, family dynamics, and support networks. The study, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, is characterized as exploratory-descriptive, with the case study method being utilized. Regarding data collection, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine representatives of the Transportation for Treatment (TFD) program from municipalities in the immediate Viçosa region, as well as with sixty-three oncological patients or their primary caregivers. Additionally, in relation to the patient, an adapted questionnaire from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Core Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) was used to assess their perception of health-related quality of life. The results revealed that the TFD program in the municipalities is predominantly staffed with temporary contract professionals, lacks management systems, and lacks standardization of work processes. As for the socioeconomic profile of the patients, the data showed that the sample mostly consisted of women, with an average age of 50, of mixed race, married, with a primary education level, and a monthly income of up to one minimum wage. Considering the need for treatment outside the municipality of residence, travel tends to impact the family dynamics of patients in aspects such as: withdrawal from personal and professional activities, role reversal, financial difficulties, among others. However, it was evidenced that the involvement of support networks helps minimize the impacts and facilitates acceptance of the diagnosis. Regarding the perception of health-related quality of life, it was identified that this is influenced by income, lifestyle, and the number of trips made. Thus, it is concluded that the need for treatment away from home is a reality for patients from the immediate Viçosa region, and travel can be exhausting, requiring adaptation from both the patient and their family in terms of adjustments to the family routine, and overcoming physical and emotional fatigue and side effects. Finally, it was evident that the TFD program plays an important role in providing transportation and scheduling treatment for patients, but it is necessary to incorporate it as a public policy, given its importance to the population. Keywords: Cancer; Out of home treatment; Trips; Family; Support networks.
Oncologia integrativa, Medicina de família e comunidade, Ação terapêutica, Viagem
CARLOS, Celina Angélica Lisboa Valente. Tratamento fora do domicílio: a perspectiva do paciente oncológico da região imediata de Viçosa, MG. 2024. 140 f. Tese (Doutorado em Economia Doméstica) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.