Efeitos da concorrência concomitante e separada no acesso à educação superior pública pela Lei de Cotas: simulações com dados da UFV
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Ações afirmativas são políticas que visam combater alguma desigualdade entre diferentes grupos sociais, e já foram praticadas em países como Índia, Malásia e Estados Unidos. No Brasil, uma de suas formas é por reservas de vagas para o acesso ao ensino superior. Iniciativas como a Lei do Boi, as cotas nas universidades estaduais do Rio de Janeiro e de Minas Gerais e na UFRGS tiveram diferenças na aplicação e objetivos, e precedem a Lei de Cotas. Aprovada em 2012, esta Lei reserva 50% das vagas em instituições federais de ensino para egressos de escolas públicas, além de instituir subdivisões para estudantes de baixa renda, autodeclarados pretos, pardos e indígenas e pessoas com deficiência, democratizando o acesso ao ensino superior. Para alocar os inscritos nas vagas, deve-se decidir se inscritos em cotas poderão preencher também vagas da Ampla Concorrência e de outras subcotas, pela concorrência concomitante, ou se ficarão restritos à modalidade a que se inscreveram, pela concorrência separada. A concorrência separada faz com que a Lei de Cotas funcione como teto, estabelecendo que no máximo 50% dos ingressantes sejam beneficiários da política de cotas, diminuindo o impacto da lei, e foi a sistemática adotada pela primeira chamada do SISU até 2023. Em contraste, processos seletivos que adotam a concorrência concomitante permitem que inscritos em cotas com notas altas o suficiente preencham vagas da Ampla Concorrência, possibilitando que 50% ou mais dos estudantes sejam egressos de escola pública. É preciso também estabelecer a ordem de preenchimento das modalidades e se irá ocorrer remanejamento entre subcotas, sem a qual podem ocorrer reprovações injustas. Para compreender os efeitos de cada sistemática, foram utilizados dados da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, que cumpre a Lei de Cotas e utiliza o ENEM e o SISU. Foram traçadas as mudanças entre 2013 e 2022, com queda no número de inscritos, diminuição das notas médias dos aprovados em primeira chamada, e mudanças nos cursos oferecidos. Formaram-se conjuntos de estudantes inscritos para cada curso e ano, com os quais foram realizadas simulações de alocação de vagas utilizando cinco sistemáticas: uma de concorrência separada, e quatro formas de concorrência concomitante. Analisou-se a nota média e mínima dos aprovados em primeira chamada em cada cenário, a quantidade de ingressantes de cada grupo social atendido pela Lei de Cotas, e se houve reprovações injustas, comparando com a concorrência separada. Observou-se que, para os 65 conjuntos analisados, sob concorrência concomitante não houve reprovação injusta. Preencher as vagas da ampla concorrência primeiro aumentou a nota média, mas houve pouco ou nenhum aumento na entrada de egressos de escola pública e de baixa renda. Já preencher as vagas das cotas primeiro aumentou a entrada deste público, causando pequena diminuição na nota média. Com as mudanças na Lei de Cotas ocorridas em 2023, a concorrência concomitante se tornou obrigatória. Assim, compreender os efeitos dessa sistemática é importante para avaliar a nova etapa desta política, permitindo aprimoramentos constantes, a fim de continuar democratizando o acesso ao ensino superior. Palavras-chave: Ensino superior; Universidade; Ação afirmativa.
Affirmative action policies aim to combat inequalities between different social groups and have been practiced in countries like India, Malaysia, and the United States. In Brazil, one form of affirmative action is the reservation of seats for access to higher education. Initiatives like the “Lei do Boi,” quotas in state universities of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, and at UFRGS had differences in application and objectives and preceded the Quota Law. Approved in 2012, this Law reserves 50% of seats in federal educational institutions for public school graduates and establishes subdivisions for low-income students, self-declared black, brown, and indigenous students, and people with disabilities, democratizing access to higher education. To allocate candidates to the seats, it must be decided whether candidates under quotas can also fill seats in the Open Competition and other subquotas, through concurrent competition, or if they will be restricted to the modality they applied for, through separate competition. Separate competition makes the Quota Law serve as a cap, establishing that a maximum of 50% of entrants benefit from the quota policy, reducing the impact of the law, and was the system adopted by the first round of SISU until 2023. In contrast, selection processes that adopt concurrent competition allow quota candidates with sufficiently high scores to fill Open Competition seats, allowing 50% or more of the students to be public school graduates. It is also necessary to establish the order of filling the modalities and whether there will be reallocation between subquotas, without which unfair rejections may occur. To understand the effects of each system, data from the Federal University of Viçosa, which complies with the Quota Law and uses ENEM and SISU, were used. Changes between 2013 and 2022 were traced, with a decrease in the number of applicants, a reduction in the average scores of those approved in the first round, and changes in the courses offered. Sets of students enrolled for each course and year were formed, with which seat allocation simulations were performed using five systems: one of separate competition and four forms of concurrent competition. The average and minimum scores of those approved in the first round in each scenario were analyzed, as well as the number of entrants from each social group covered by the Quota Law, and whether there were unfair rejections, comparing with separate competition. It was observed that, for the 65 sets analyzed, under concurrent competition there were no unfair rejections. Filling the Open Competition seats first increased the average score, but there was little or no increase in the entry of public school and low-income graduates. Filling the quota seats first increased the entry of this group, causing a slight decrease in the average score. With the changes in the Quota Law that occurred in 2023, concurrent competition became mandatory. Thus, understanding the effects of this system is important for evaluating the new stage of this policy, allowing for constant improvements, in order to continue democratizing access to higher education. Keywords: Higher education; University; Affirmative action.
Affirmative action policies aim to combat inequalities between different social groups and have been practiced in countries like India, Malaysia, and the United States. In Brazil, one form of affirmative action is the reservation of seats for access to higher education. Initiatives like the “Lei do Boi,” quotas in state universities of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, and at UFRGS had differences in application and objectives and preceded the Quota Law. Approved in 2012, this Law reserves 50% of seats in federal educational institutions for public school graduates and establishes subdivisions for low-income students, self-declared black, brown, and indigenous students, and people with disabilities, democratizing access to higher education. To allocate candidates to the seats, it must be decided whether candidates under quotas can also fill seats in the Open Competition and other subquotas, through concurrent competition, or if they will be restricted to the modality they applied for, through separate competition. Separate competition makes the Quota Law serve as a cap, establishing that a maximum of 50% of entrants benefit from the quota policy, reducing the impact of the law, and was the system adopted by the first round of SISU until 2023. In contrast, selection processes that adopt concurrent competition allow quota candidates with sufficiently high scores to fill Open Competition seats, allowing 50% or more of the students to be public school graduates. It is also necessary to establish the order of filling the modalities and whether there will be reallocation between subquotas, without which unfair rejections may occur. To understand the effects of each system, data from the Federal University of Viçosa, which complies with the Quota Law and uses ENEM and SISU, were used. Changes between 2013 and 2022 were traced, with a decrease in the number of applicants, a reduction in the average scores of those approved in the first round, and changes in the courses offered. Sets of students enrolled for each course and year were formed, with which seat allocation simulations were performed using five systems: one of separate competition and four forms of concurrent competition. The average and minimum scores of those approved in the first round in each scenario were analyzed, as well as the number of entrants from each social group covered by the Quota Law, and whether there were unfair rejections, comparing with separate competition. It was observed that, for the 65 sets analyzed, under concurrent competition there were no unfair rejections. Filling the Open Competition seats first increased the average score, but there was little or no increase in the entry of public school and low-income graduates. Filling the quota seats first increased the entry of this group, causing a slight decrease in the average score. With the changes in the Quota Law that occurred in 2023, concurrent competition became mandatory. Thus, understanding the effects of this system is important for evaluating the new stage of this policy, allowing for constant improvements, in order to continue democratizing access to higher education. Keywords: Higher education; University; Affirmative action.
Programas de ação afirmativa na educação, Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Ingresso, Universidades e faculdades - Ingresso, Ensino superior - Legislação
FIGUEIREDO, Mateus Silva. Efeitos da concorrência concomitante e separada no acesso à educação superior pública pela Lei de Cotas: simulações com dados da UFV. 2024. 227 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.