A negociação com clientes nas empresas juniores da Universidade Federal de Viçosa – Campus Viçosa (MG)
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Revista de Administração da UNIMEP
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a prática da negociação com clientes externos nas Empresas Juniores da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV). A Empresa Júnior (EJ) é um espaço para os acadêmicos exercerem as teorias estudadas e aprenderem conceitos e práticas cada vez mais atualizadas. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, de cunho descritivo, por meio de entrevistas com as cinco empresas juniores que desenvolveram
mais projetos na gestão de 2010 e com as cinco que realizaram menos projetos, de acordo com os dados da Pesquisa de Necessidades de Desenvolvimento (PND), promovida pelo Núcleo de Empresas Juniores da UFV (CEEMPRE). Assim, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo e, dentro dos discursos dos empresários juniores, as categorias foram elaboradas após a realização das entrevistas, a saber: Preparação dos Negociadores, Obstáculos e Gestão
do Conhecimento. Dentre os principais resultados constatou-se que a maioria das empresas não possui treinamentos específicos nessa área e o conhecimento é repassado aos novos integrantes por meio do acompanhamento dos empresários mais experientes. O maior obstáculo enfrentado foi o preço, pois os clientes ainda esperam que a EJ ofereça um serviço por um preço menor ou não existente, mesmo estando este preço abaixo do mercado. Isso ocorre devido ao fato de a empresa ser constituída por acadêmicos. Quanto à Gestão do
Conhecimento, constatou-se que os métodos mais utilizados são os relatórios dos projetos ou consultorias e as capacitações em áreas afins. Mesmo sendo um processo lento e gradativo, os empresários juniores têm a consciência de que o desenvolvimento dessa área é essencial para que haja excelência nos projetos e na imagem das empresas.
This study was carried out to analyze the negotiation practice with external costumers in Junior Companies at Federal University of Viçosa, and bring improvements to the area of management. To this end, was used a qualitative research, descriptive and a case of study, being conducted by open interviews with the five companies that have made more projects in 2010, the one that I belong, and the five who did fewer projects, according to data from the Research of Needs and Development (RND) promoted by CEEMPRE – Center of Junior Companies from Federal University of Viçosa. Thus, understanding the perceptions of members who work directly with the negotiation with external clients and the development situation of the companies in relation to documents, training and knowledge management. From the Content Analysis Technique, the answers of the questions were grouped according to the categories after the interviews, as: Preparation of Negotiators, Obstacles and Knowledge Management. Among the results, the researcher found that most junior companies do not have specific training in this area, and the knowledge is passed through generations by observing the experienced ones. The biggest obstacle faced is the price, even having below market ones, clients expect it to be really low or non-existent because of the fact that these companies are composed by academics. About the knowledge management, it was found that the more used methods are the project or consulting reports and training in related areas. Although a slow process, the junior entrepreneurs are aware that the development in this area is essential for the excellence in business.
This study was carried out to analyze the negotiation practice with external costumers in Junior Companies at Federal University of Viçosa, and bring improvements to the area of management. To this end, was used a qualitative research, descriptive and a case of study, being conducted by open interviews with the five companies that have made more projects in 2010, the one that I belong, and the five who did fewer projects, according to data from the Research of Needs and Development (RND) promoted by CEEMPRE – Center of Junior Companies from Federal University of Viçosa. Thus, understanding the perceptions of members who work directly with the negotiation with external clients and the development situation of the companies in relation to documents, training and knowledge management. From the Content Analysis Technique, the answers of the questions were grouped according to the categories after the interviews, as: Preparation of Negotiators, Obstacles and Knowledge Management. Among the results, the researcher found that most junior companies do not have specific training in this area, and the knowledge is passed through generations by observing the experienced ones. The biggest obstacle faced is the price, even having below market ones, clients expect it to be really low or non-existent because of the fact that these companies are composed by academics. About the knowledge management, it was found that the more used methods are the project or consulting reports and training in related areas. Although a slow process, the junior entrepreneurs are aware that the development in this area is essential for the excellence in business.
Negociação, Clientes Externos, Empresas Juniores