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    Supressão da atividade saprofítica de Rhizoctonia spp. Em solos de jardim clonal de Eucalyptus
    (Fitopatologia Brasileira, 2002-09) Sanfuentes, Eugenio A.; Alfenas, Acelino C.; Maffia, Luiz A.; Silveira, Silvaldo F.; Penchel, Ricardo; Sartorio, Robert C.
    Avaliou-se a eficiência de Trichoderma longibranchiatum (UFV-1), de T. inhamatum (UFV-2 e UFV-3), compostos de casca e folhas de eucalipto contra Rhizoctonia spp., aplicados em solo de jardim clonal de eucalipto (Eucalyptus sp.). Em solos artificialmente infestados com Rhizoctonia spp., sob condições controladas, os antagonistas UFV-2 e UFV-3 apresentaram níveis elevados de supressividade, quando se aumentou a fonte alimentar na formulação, de 5 a 50 g de farelo de trigo por litro. No campo, o antagonista UFV-3 não teve efeito significativo na redução do inóculo de Rhizoctonia spp. Compostos de casca de eucalipto apresentaram diferentes graus de supressão a Rhizoctonia spp., dependendo da origem e do lote do composto. A incorporação de folhas de eucalipto ao solo favoreceu o aumento do inóculo de Rhizoctonia spp.
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    Componentes de resistência em cebola a Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
    (Fitopatologia Brasileira, 2004-11) Pedrosa, Raquel A.; Brommonschenkel, Sérgio H.; Maffia, Luiz A.; Mizubuti, Eduardo S. G.
    A antracnose foliar causada por Colletotrichum gloeosporioides é importante nas regiões cebolicultoras da América Latina, África e Ásia, mas há poucos estudos relacionados à resistência ao patógeno. Assim, neste trabalho, conduzido em condições de casa de vegetação, avaliaram-se componentes de resistência de oito cultivares e dois acessos de cebola (Allium cepa) a quatro isolados do patógeno, inoculados por atomização de suspensão de inóculo ou deposição de discos de micélio em folhas. Detectaram-se diferenças significativas entre cultivares/acessos, na inoculação por atomização, quanto à freqüência de infecção inicial e à taxa de progresso monocíclico da doença (rg) e, na inoculação com disco de micélio, quanto ao período de incubação e área da lesão. Determinaram-se os coeficientes de correlação (r) dos componentes de resistência estimados na inoculação por atomização. Os valores de r foram 0,98 entre severidade estimada visualmente aos nove dias da inoculação (SEV9) e área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD); 0,80 entre SEV9 e severidade estimada por medidor de área foliar (SEV); 0,72 entre SEV9 e rg; 0,64 entre SEV9 e freqüência de infecção aos nove dias da inoculação; 0,81 entre SEV e AACPD e 0,64 entre SEV e rg. Em vista dos valores significativos de r associados a SEV9 e da não necessidade de escala para estimar esse componente, SEV9 é potencialmente útil na avaliação de germoplasma de cebola frente a C. gloeosporioides. Na inoculação por atomização, mais rápida e simples de execução, obtiveram-se maior eficiência de infecção e menor variabilidade de respostas, e deverá ser adotada em estudos futuros.
  • Item
    Etiology of bacterial leaf blight of eucalyptus in Brazil
    (Tropical Plant Pathology, 2008-05) Oliveira, José R.; Maffia, Luiz A.; Alfenas, Acelino C.; Gonçalves, Rivadalve C.; Lau, Douglas; Cascardo, Júlio C. M.
    Bacterial leaf blight of eucalyptus is initially characterized by water soaked, angular, amphigenous and interveinal lesions, concentrated along the main vein, at the edges or scattered on the leaf blade. As the disease progresses, the lesions become brown to pale, and when young leaves are infected leaf cut areas at the edges or perforations at the center of the lesions may appear due to abortion of the necrotic area. Eventually, necrosis may be found on petiole and twigs. Leaf fall commonly occurs on highly susceptible genotypes due to the early senescence of diseased leaves. Precise diagnosis is accomplished by bacterial exudation from leaf sections placed in a water drop under light microscope (200 x). Twenty-five bacterial isolates from Amapá (2), Bahia (4), Minas Gerais (2), São Paulo (9), Pará (3), Mato Grosso do Sul (1), and Rio Grande do Sul (4) States, which induced hypersensitive reaction (HR) in non-host plants and were pathogenic to eucalyptus, when inoculated by inoculum injection, were identified by biochemical assays, using carbon sources (MicroLogTM BIOLOG) and sequence analysis (16S rDNA). Ten isolates were identified as Xanthomonas axonopodis, four as X. campestris, four as Pseudomonas syringae, two as P. putida, two as P. cichorii, one as Erwinia sp., and two were similar to bacterial genera of Rhizobiaceae. When spray inoculated on intact plants of eucalyptus, only X. axonopodis, P. cichorii and isolates of the Rhizobiaceae family induced typical symptoms of the disease and were considered pathogenic. In Brazil, X. axonopodis seems to be the most widespread species causing the bacterial leaf blight of Eucalyptus spp.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Etiology of bacterial leaf blight of eucalyptus in Brazil
    (Tropical Plant Pathology, 2008-05) Oliveira, José R.; Maffia, Luiz A.; Cascardo, Júlio C. M.; Alfenas, Acelino C.; Gonçalves, Rivadalve C.; Lau, Douglas
    Bacterial leaf blight of eucalyptus is initially characterized by water soaked, angular, amphigenous and interveinal lesions, concentrated along the main vein, at the edges or scattered on the leaf blade. As the disease progresses, the lesions become brown to pale, and when young leaves are infected leaf cut areas at the edges or perforations at the center of the lesions may appear due to abortion of the necrotic area. Eventually, necrosis may be found on petiole and twigs. Leaf fall commonly occurs on highly susceptible genotypes due to the early senescence of diseased leaves. Precise diagnosis is accomplished by bacterial exudation from leaf sections placed in a water drop under light microscope (200 x). Twenty-five bacterial isolates from Amapá (2), Bahia (4), Minas Gerais (2), São Paulo (9), Pará (3), Mato Grosso do Sul (1), and Rio Grande do Sul (4) States, which induced hypersensitive reaction (HR) in non-host plants and were pathogenic to eucalyptus, when inoculated by inoculum injection, were identified by biochemical assays, using carbon sources (MicroLogTM BIOLOG) and sequence analysis (16S rDNA). Ten isolates were identified as Xanthomonas axonopodis, four as X. campestris, four as Pseudomonas syringae, two as P. putida, two as P. cichorii, one as Erwinia sp., and two were similar to bacterial genera of Rhizobiaceae. When spray inoculated on intact plants of eucalyptus, only X. axonopodis, P. cichorii and isolates of the Rhizobiaceae family induced typical symptoms of the disease and were considered pathogenic. In Brazil, X. axonopodis seems to be the most widespread species causing the bacterial leaf blight of Eucalyptus spp.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Etiologia do oídio do eucalipto
    (Fitopatologia Brasileira, 2001-06) Silva, Maria D. D.; Alfenas, Acelino C.; Maffia, Luiz A.; Zauza, Edival A. V.
    Compararam-se isolados de Oidium sp. obtidos de mudas de eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.) com isolados de Erysiphe cichoracearum, originário de dália, e Sphaerotheca pannosa de roseira (Rosa sp.), por meio de características morfológicas. Com base nas características morfológicas (fase anamórfica) do tubo germinativo, do micélio, do apressório, de conidióforos e conídios e na presença de corpos de fibrosina, concluiu-se que o isolado de Oidium, obtido de eucalipto é similar ao de roseira, descrito como S. pannosa. Inoculações dos isolados do fungo originários de todos os hospedeiros estudados, indicaram que S. pannosa, obtido de roseira, e E. cichoracearum, de dália (Dahlia sp.), foram patogênicos a mudas de Eucalyptus pellita, uma das espécies mais suscetíveis a esta doença, em condições de casa de vegetação.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Evidências de indução de resistência sistêmica à ferrugem do eucalipto mediada por rizobactérias promotoras do crescimento de plantas
    (Fitopatologia Brasileira, 2005-07) Teixeira, Débora A.; Alfenas, Acelino C.; Mafia, Reginaldo G.; Maffia, Luiz A.; Ferreira, Eraclides M.
    A indução de resistência sistêmica mediada por rizobactérias promotoras do crescimento de plantas foi avaliada para a ferrugem do eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.) causada por Puccinia psidii. Para isso, mudas com cerca de 80 dias de idade, previamente enraizadas em substrato tratado com diferentes isolados de rizobactérias foram inoculadas com uma suspensão de inóculo de P. psidii ajustada para 2 x 104 urediniósporos/ml. As plantas inoculadas foram mantidas em câmara de nevoeiro com nebulização intermitente a 25 ºC, no escuro por 24 h, e posteriormente transferidas para câmara de crescimento a 22 ºC, com fotoperíodo de 12 h e intensidade luminosa de 40 mmoles.s-1.m-2. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições, cada uma delas com quatro plantas. Após 13 dias da inoculação, avaliaram-se número médio de pústulas/folha, número de uredínias/amostra e número médio de esporos produzidos/uredínia. Os isolados FL2 e MF4 foram eficientes na redução da severidade da ferrugem. Além disso, o tratamento das mudas com rizobactérias, apenas uma semana antes da inoculação, com P. psidii foi menos eficiente em reduzir a severidade da doença do que o tratamento em que foram utilizadas mudas produzidas em substrato previamente rizobacterizadas, ou seja, com 80 dias. Estes resultados indicam que estes isolados de rizobactérias podem induzir maior resistência a doenças foliares diminuindo a necessidade de aplicação de fungicidas e otimizando a produção de mudas clonais de eucalipto.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Pre-harvest calcium sulfate applications affect vase life and severity of gray mold in cut roses
    (Scientia Horticulturae, 2005-01-30) Maffia, Luiz A.; Finger, Fernando L.; Batista, Ulisses G.; De Capdeville, Guy
    Gray mold, caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr., is a major disease in roses. The effect of spraying rose (Cultivar ‘Kiss’) buds with calcium sulfate on the intensity of gray mold was evaluated. Calcium sulfate was sprayed on the buds at different schedules and concentrations before harvest. Thereafter, the buds were harvested and either inoculated or not with B. cinerea. The treatments reduced both the progress and severity of gray mold and increased vase life of the flowers. Good results were achieved with 10 and 20 mM calcium sulfate, applied 24 h before harvest. In the uninoculated assay, the maximum percentages of reduction of the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and of severity were 86% and 86%, respectively, and in the inoculated assay, 68% and 76%, respectively. Vase life of the flowers was increased at least 30% in the assay without inoculation and 20% in the assay with inoculation. Spraying roses with calcium sulfate at 10 mM or 20 mM one day before harvest is recommended to control gray mold after harvest.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Characterization of isolates of Phytophthora infestans from southern and southeastern Brazil from 1998 to 2000
    (Plant Disease, 2003-08) Reis, Ailton; Smart, Christine D.; Fry, William E.; Maffia, Luiz A.; Mizubuti, Eduardo S. G.
    The population of Phytophthora infestans in Brazil was first characterized 12 years ago. In this research, isolates of P. infestans from potato (n = 184) and tomato (n = 267) collected in southern and southeastern Brazil were characterized to provide more detailed analysis of the current structure of the population. All 451 isolates were analyzed for mating type, and subsets of the isolates were analyzed for allozymes, restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprint, mtDNA haplotypes, and metalaxyl resistance. Tomato isolates were all of A1 mating type, mtDNA Ib, and US-1 genotype or some variant within this clonal lineage. Of the potato isolates, 82% were A2 mating type, mtDNA IIa, BR-1 genotype, which is a new lineage of P. infestans. All A2 isolates were found on potato, whereas 91% of the A1 isolates were from tomato. A1 and A2 isolates were never found in the same field. The frequency of resistance to metalaxyl was higher in isolates from tomato (55%) than in isolates from potato (38%). After more than a decade of coexistence of isolates of the A1 and A2 mating types, the population was highly clonal, dominated by the BR-1 and US-1 clonal lineages.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Biocontrol of tomato late blight with the combination of epiphytic antagonists and rhizobacteria
    (Biological Control, 2006-09) Lourenço Júnior, Valdir; Maffia, Luiz A.; Romeiro, Reginaldo da Silva; Mizubuti, Eduardo S. G.
    Control of tomato late blight (LB) in Brazil is heavily based on chemicals. However, reduction in fungicide usage is required in both conventional and organic production systems. Assuming that biological control is an alternative for LB management, 208 epiphytic microorganisms and 23 rhizobacteria (RB) were isolated from conventional and organically grown tomato plants and tested for antagonistic activity against Phytophthora infestans. Based on in vitro inhibition of sporangia germination and detached leaflet bioassays, four EP microorganisms (Aspergillus sp., Cellulomonas flavigena, Candida sp., and Cryptococcus sp.) were selected. These microorganisms were applied either singly or combined on tomato plants treated or not with the RB Bacillus cereus. On control plants, LB progress rate (r), area under disease progress curve, and final disease severity were high. Lowest values of final severity were recorded on plants colonized by B. cereus and treated with C. flavigena, Candida sp. and Cryptococcus sp. There was no reduction on disease severity in plants treated only with RB. Biological control of LB resulted in low values of r and final severity. Integration of biological control with fungicides, cultural practices, and other measures can contribute to manage LB on tomato production systems.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Biological control of strawberry gray mold by Clonostachys rosea under field conditions
    (Biological Control, 2008-05-03) Cota, Luciano V.; Maffia, Luiz A.; Mizubuti, Eduardo S. G.; Macedo, Paulo E. F.; Antunes, Ricardo F.
    Gray mold, caused by Botrytis cinerea, is an important strawberry disease in Brazil. As a component of a disease management program, we have been evaluating pathogen biological control with Clonostachys rosea, and selected four isolates as potential antagonists to B. cinerea. In 2006 and 2007, under field conditions, we compared the efficiency of the four C. rosea isolates (applied once or twice a week) with a weekly spray of procymidone alternated with captan in controlling gray mold. Following the applications and up to harvest, we evaluated weekly: leaf area colonization by C. rosea (LAC), average number of B. cinerea conidiophores on leaves (ANC), incidence of gray mold on both flowers (Iflower) and fruits (Ifruit), incidence of latent infections on fruits (Ilat), and yield. The applications of C. rosea twice a week provided higher LAC (16.97%), smaller ANC (10.28; 78.22 in the check treatment, sprayed with water), smaller IFlower (10.02%; 50.55% in the check treatment), and smaller IFruit (5.95%; 25.10% in the check treatment). Yield ranged between 3490 and 3750 g plot^−1 with applications of C. rosea twice a week and between 1740 and 1910 g plot^−1 in the check treatment. Ilat was 20% in the check treatment and less than 10% in the other treatments. Based on this 2-year study, at least two weekly applications of C. rosea are required for a successful gray mold management program.