Fauna de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) em áreas de plantio de tomateiro e o seu papel na polinização
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O serviço ecossistêmico prestado pelos polinizadores é de grande importância para manutenção da biodiversidade. Nas áreas agrícolas, a ação dos polinizadores é conhecida e considerada como um elemento fundamental para a produção e conservação ambiental. O estudo foi realizado em cultivos de tomateiro dos cultivares Sophia® e Aguamiel®, nos anos de 2012 e 2013, respectivamente. O nosso objetivo foi conhecer a fauna de abelhas presentes nas áreas de cultivos do tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum, Solanaceae) nos períodos de safra e entressafra; descrever o comportamento dessas abelhas e determinar quais são polinizadoras do cultivo; avaliar o efeito da polinização na qualidade dos frutos e avaliar a eficiência do método de coleta utilizando-se pan traps na amostragem das abelhas em geral e de polinizadoras do tomateiro em particular. As abelhas visitantes florais dos tomateiros e das flores ruderais foram coletadas com rede entomológica e com utilização de pan traps nas cores azul, amarela, branca e branca com verniz. Para avaliar o efeito da polinização na qualidade dos frutos foram realizados testes de polinização aberta, autopolinização espontânea, autopolinização com suplementação de pólen e polinização por primeira visita. A massa, número de semente e tamanho dos frutos foram analisados. Foram coletados no total 2.432 indivíduos, pertencentes a quatro famílias: Andrenidae, Apidae, Halictidae e Megachilidae; 34 gêneros e 74 espécies. A polinização por abelhas levou à formação de tomates maiores, mais pesados e com maior quantidade de sementes. O método de coleta com pan traps foi eficiente na amostragem dos polinizadores do cultivo. O presente estudo evidenciou a importância da presença das abelhas nos plantios de tomate em campo aberto, ressaltando a importância da ação desses polinizadores na formação e qualidade dos frutos.
The functional role of ecosystem services provided by pollinators is very important for maintaining biodiversity. In agricultural areas, the action of pollinators is known and regarded as a key element in the production and environmental conservation. The study was conducted in tomato plantation, using Sophia® and Aguamiel® cultivars, during the years of 2012 and 2013, respectively. Our aims was to identity the community of bees present in areas of tomato crops (Solanum lycopersicum, Solanaceae) in open field; describe the foraging behavior of bees; determine the potencial of this crop pollinators; evaluate the effect of pollination in quality of fruits produced and assess the efficiency of pan traps in sampling bees in general and pollinators of tomate crops particularly, in this ecosystem. The bees were collected in tomato flowers during its flowering and in ruderal flowers in periods without crops in the field; and using coloureds pan traps. Pan traps were used in blue, yellow, white and white with varnish. The effect of pollination on fruit quality was evaluated using open pollination treatments, spontaneous self-pollination and selfpollination with pollen supplementation and pollination at first visitation. The number of seeds, the mass and the size of formed fruits were evaluated. 2.432 bees were collected, being 1.564 with nets and 868 with pan traps. A total of four families (Andrenidae, Apidae, Halictidae e Megachilidae), 34 genera and 74 species were collected. Pollination by bees had effect on the formation of the fruit, tomatoes producing better quality.This study showed the importance of the presence of bees in tomato plantations in the open field, emphasizing the role of these pollinators in the formation of fruits of better quality. The results show the relevance of using different collectiog methods in sampling the bee fauna of a region and the association of diffrent colors of pan traps.
The functional role of ecosystem services provided by pollinators is very important for maintaining biodiversity. In agricultural areas, the action of pollinators is known and regarded as a key element in the production and environmental conservation. The study was conducted in tomato plantation, using Sophia® and Aguamiel® cultivars, during the years of 2012 and 2013, respectively. Our aims was to identity the community of bees present in areas of tomato crops (Solanum lycopersicum, Solanaceae) in open field; describe the foraging behavior of bees; determine the potencial of this crop pollinators; evaluate the effect of pollination in quality of fruits produced and assess the efficiency of pan traps in sampling bees in general and pollinators of tomate crops particularly, in this ecosystem. The bees were collected in tomato flowers during its flowering and in ruderal flowers in periods without crops in the field; and using coloureds pan traps. Pan traps were used in blue, yellow, white and white with varnish. The effect of pollination on fruit quality was evaluated using open pollination treatments, spontaneous self-pollination and selfpollination with pollen supplementation and pollination at first visitation. The number of seeds, the mass and the size of formed fruits were evaluated. 2.432 bees were collected, being 1.564 with nets and 868 with pan traps. A total of four families (Andrenidae, Apidae, Halictidae e Megachilidae), 34 genera and 74 species were collected. Pollination by bees had effect on the formation of the fruit, tomatoes producing better quality.This study showed the importance of the presence of bees in tomato plantations in the open field, emphasizing the role of these pollinators in the formation of fruits of better quality. The results show the relevance of using different collectiog methods in sampling the bee fauna of a region and the association of diffrent colors of pan traps.
Abelhas - Comportamento, Polinização por inseto, Tomate
SILVA, Paula Netto. Fauna de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) em áreas de cultivo de tomateiro e o seu papel na polinização. 2015. 73 f. Tese (Doutorado em Entomologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2015.