Diabetes tipo 2: Avaliação do risco, prevenção, controle e influência do exercício físico regular
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Esta dissertação foi proposta com o objetivo principal de investigar novos
métodos de avaliação do risco, prevenção e controle do diabetes tipo 2. Para alcançar este objetivo, foi necessário conduzir quatro estudos seqüenciais. O primeiro estudo objetivou-se a identificar as diferentes abordagens de treinamento físico utilizados na última década no controle do diabetes tipo 2. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa no Pubmed e Science Direct por todos os estudos controlados e randomizados (RCT) de 1999 a 30 de maio de 2010. Selecionamos 17 estudos para fazer parte desta revisão. Cinco estudos com exercício aeróbicos, cinco com exercício de resistância (força) e sete com treinamentos combinados (aeróbico + resistância). Como resultado, verificou-se que o número de estudos utilizando o treinamento de resistância aumentou nesta última década, e atualmente é tão usado quanto os populares exercícios aeróbicos. Por sua vez, a maioria dos estudos analisados usaram intervenções combinando exercícios aeróbicos e de resistência. Portanto, o programa de exercício para pacientes com diabetes deve ser visto como uma forma de tratamento. No entanto, não foram estabelecidas diretrizes para a duração do programa, pois este deve-se tornar parte das tarefas diárias habituais, e assumida como um novo estilo de vida para um controle glicêmico a longo prazo. O segundo estudo teve como objetivo validar uma ferramenta auto-aplicável para identificar indivíduos brasileiros com intolerância a glicose (IGT). O Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) foi aplicado em 829 pessoas com idades ≥ 40 anos sem diagnóstico prévio de diabetes, entre novembro de 2009 e abril de 2010 na cidade de Viçosa, MG. Selecionamos randomicamente 300 sujeitos do levantamento incial, os quais foram convidados para comparecerem ao Laboratório de Perfomance Humana na
Universidade Federal de Viçosa para a coleta de uma amostra de sangue para identificar os níveis de hemoglobina glicada (A1C). Dos 300 sujeitos convidados, 162 compareceram para compor a amostra final do estudo de validação. O score de risco foi avaliado pela área abaixo da curva ROC (AUC). Como resultado, verificou-se que a prevalência de IGT e diabetes de acordo com os níveis de A1C foram 21,6% e 8,6% respectivamente. Os valores do score de risco variaram de 1 a 25. A AUC considerando os valores de A1C ≥ 6,0% foi 0,69 (95% CI 0,61 0,76). O score de risco 9 teve sensibilidade de 75,51%, especificidade de 49,56%, valor preditivo positivo (VPP) de 39,4% e valor preditivo negativo (VPN) de 82,4%. Portanto, o FINDRISC demonstrou ser uma ferramenta adequada para identificar indivíduos brasileiros com IGT, os quais possuem elevado risco para desenvolver o diabetes tipo 2. O terceiro estudo foi proposto para avaliar a eficácia da frutosamina na avaliação do perfil glicêmico em pacientes com diabetes tipo 2 submetidos a um programa de exercício físico de oito semanas de duração. Oito voluntários (51,1 ± 8,2 anos) foram submetidos a um programa de exercício físico supervisionado durante oito semanas (três vezes por semana a 50 a 60 % do V· O2máx por 30 a 60 minutos). Avaliou-se a composição corporal, V· O2máx, A1C, GPJ, frutosamina e glicemia capilar (GC). Diferenças estatísticas foram encontradas nas concentrações da frutosamina, no V· O2máx e na GC. No entanto, a A1C e GPJ não apresentaram diferença estatística. A frutosamina
apresentou uma diminuição de 15% (57 μmol/L) entre o início e o final do estudo, o V· O2máx aumentou 14,8% (3,8 ml.kg.min-1) e a GC diminuiu em média 34,4% (69,3 mg/dL). Portanto, a frutosamina é eficaz na avaliação das alterações glicêmicas em pacientes com diabetes tipo 2 submetidos a um programa de exercício físico de curta duração, alternativamente às tradicionais medidas de A1C e GPJ. O quarto estudo teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos compensatórios do exercício aeróbico sobre os níveis habituais de atividade física em pacientes com diabetes tipo 2. Este estudo teve duração de doze semanas e foi realizado com oito voluntários (51,1 ± 8,2 anos), os quais foram submetidos a um programa de exercício físico supervisionado durante oito semanas (3x/semana a 50 a 60 % do V· O2máx por 30 a 60 minutos). Medidas da atividade física habitual com acelerômetros triaxial foram realizadas nas semanas 1, 5 e 10 do estudo. Avaliou-se também a composição corporal, V· O2máx, hemoglobina glicada (A1C), glicemia plasmática em jejum (GPJ) e frutosamina nas semanas 1 e 10 do
estudo. A análise estatística foi realizada por testes não paramétricos (Friedman e
Wilcoxon) com p < 0,05. A quantidade e a intensidade da atividade física habitual não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas entre os períodos analisados. Contudo, o programa de exercício gerou um aumento significativo de 14,8% (3,8 ml.kg.min-1) no V· O2máx e diminuição de 15% (57 μmol/L) nos níveis de frutosamina. Portanto, o programa de exercício não provocou efeitos compensatórios sobre a atividade física habitual total dos avaliados, assim como sobre os níveis de intensidade das atividades físicas entre os períodos do estudo analisados, com benefícios na aptidão cardiorrespiratória e no perfil glicêmico dos pacientes.
This work was proposed with the main objective to investigate new methods to risk assessment, prevention and control of type 2 diabetes. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to conduct four sequential studies. The first study aimed to identify the different approaches used for physical training in the past decade in controlling type 2 diabetes. For this, we carried out a search on Pubmed and Science Direct for all randomized controlled trials (RCT) from 1999 to May 30, 2010. Selected 17 studies to be part of this review. Five studies with aerobic exercise, five ones with resistance exercise and seven ones with combined training (aerobic + resistance). As a result, it was found that the number of studies using resistance training is growing in the last decade and is now used as popular as aerobic exercise. In turn, most of the analyzed studies used interventions combining aerobic exercise and resistance. Therefore, the exercise program for patients with diabetes should be seen as a form of treatment. However, no guidelines were established for the duration of the program because it must become part of normal daily tasks, and accepted as a new lifestyle for a long-term glycemic control. The second study aimed to validate a self-administered tool for identifying Brazilians with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). The Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) was applied in 829 people aged ≥ 40 years without previous diagnosis of diabetes, between November 2009 and April 2010 in Viçosa, MG. Randomly selected 300 subjects from the initial survey, which were invited to attend the Human Performance Laboratory at the Federal University of Viçosa for collecting a blood sample to identify the levels of glycated hemoglobin (A1C). Of the 300 subjects invited, 162 attended to compose the final sample validation. The risk score was assessed by area under the ROC curve (AUC). As a result, it was found that the prevalence of IGT and diabetes according to A1C levels were 21.6% and 8.6% respectively. The values of risk score various from 1 to 25. The AUC values considering A1C ≥ 6.0% was 0.69 (95% CI 0.61 to 0.76). Risk score = 9 had a sensitivity of 75.51%, specificity of 49.56%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 39.4% and negative predictive value (NPV) of 82.4%. Therefore, the FINDRISC proved to be a suitable tool for identifying Brazilians with IGT, who are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The third study was proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of fructosamine in the assessment of glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing a eight weeks physical exercise program. Eight volunteers (51.1 ± 8.2 years) underwent a supervised exercise program for eight weeks (three times/week, 50- 60% of V· O2max for 30-60 minutes.). Was assessed the body composition, V· O2max, A1C, FPG, fructosamine and blood glucose (GC). Statistical differences were found in concentrations of fructosamine in V· O2max and the CG. However, A1C and FPG showed no statistical difference. The fructosamine declined by 15% (57 μmol/L) between the beginning and end of study, the V· O2max increased by 14.8% (3.8 mL.kg.min-1) and CG decreased on average 34.4% (69.3 mg/dL). Therefore, fructosamine is effective in the evaluation of glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes underwent a short exercise program, alternatively the traditional measures of A1C and FPG. The fourth study aimed to investigate the compensatory effects of aerobic exercise on habitual physical activity levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. The study lasted twelve weeks and was conducted with eight volunteers (51.1 ± 8.2 years) who underwent a supervised exercise program for eight weeks (3 times/week, 50-60% of V· O2max for 30-60 min.). Measures of physical activity with tri-axial accelerometers were performed at weeks 1, 5 and 10 of the study. Was also assessed the body composition, V· O2max, A1C, FPG and fructosamine at weeks 1 and 10 of the study. Statistical analysis was performed by nonparametric tests (Friedman and Wilcoxon) with p < 0.05. The amount and intensity physical activity did not differ between periods. However, the exercise program generated a significant increase of 14.8% (3.8 mL.kg.min-1) in V· O2max and decrease of 15% (57 μmol/L) in fructosamine level. Therefore, exercise program used did not cause compensatory effects on total physical activity measured, as well as on the intensity levels of physical activity between the study periods analyzed, although improved cardiorespiratory fitness and glycemic control of patients.
This work was proposed with the main objective to investigate new methods to risk assessment, prevention and control of type 2 diabetes. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to conduct four sequential studies. The first study aimed to identify the different approaches used for physical training in the past decade in controlling type 2 diabetes. For this, we carried out a search on Pubmed and Science Direct for all randomized controlled trials (RCT) from 1999 to May 30, 2010. Selected 17 studies to be part of this review. Five studies with aerobic exercise, five ones with resistance exercise and seven ones with combined training (aerobic + resistance). As a result, it was found that the number of studies using resistance training is growing in the last decade and is now used as popular as aerobic exercise. In turn, most of the analyzed studies used interventions combining aerobic exercise and resistance. Therefore, the exercise program for patients with diabetes should be seen as a form of treatment. However, no guidelines were established for the duration of the program because it must become part of normal daily tasks, and accepted as a new lifestyle for a long-term glycemic control. The second study aimed to validate a self-administered tool for identifying Brazilians with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). The Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) was applied in 829 people aged ≥ 40 years without previous diagnosis of diabetes, between November 2009 and April 2010 in Viçosa, MG. Randomly selected 300 subjects from the initial survey, which were invited to attend the Human Performance Laboratory at the Federal University of Viçosa for collecting a blood sample to identify the levels of glycated hemoglobin (A1C). Of the 300 subjects invited, 162 attended to compose the final sample validation. The risk score was assessed by area under the ROC curve (AUC). As a result, it was found that the prevalence of IGT and diabetes according to A1C levels were 21.6% and 8.6% respectively. The values of risk score various from 1 to 25. The AUC values considering A1C ≥ 6.0% was 0.69 (95% CI 0.61 to 0.76). Risk score = 9 had a sensitivity of 75.51%, specificity of 49.56%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 39.4% and negative predictive value (NPV) of 82.4%. Therefore, the FINDRISC proved to be a suitable tool for identifying Brazilians with IGT, who are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The third study was proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of fructosamine in the assessment of glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing a eight weeks physical exercise program. Eight volunteers (51.1 ± 8.2 years) underwent a supervised exercise program for eight weeks (three times/week, 50- 60% of V· O2max for 30-60 minutes.). Was assessed the body composition, V· O2max, A1C, FPG, fructosamine and blood glucose (GC). Statistical differences were found in concentrations of fructosamine in V· O2max and the CG. However, A1C and FPG showed no statistical difference. The fructosamine declined by 15% (57 μmol/L) between the beginning and end of study, the V· O2max increased by 14.8% (3.8 mL.kg.min-1) and CG decreased on average 34.4% (69.3 mg/dL). Therefore, fructosamine is effective in the evaluation of glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes underwent a short exercise program, alternatively the traditional measures of A1C and FPG. The fourth study aimed to investigate the compensatory effects of aerobic exercise on habitual physical activity levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. The study lasted twelve weeks and was conducted with eight volunteers (51.1 ± 8.2 years) who underwent a supervised exercise program for eight weeks (3 times/week, 50-60% of V· O2max for 30-60 min.). Measures of physical activity with tri-axial accelerometers were performed at weeks 1, 5 and 10 of the study. Was also assessed the body composition, V· O2max, A1C, FPG and fructosamine at weeks 1 and 10 of the study. Statistical analysis was performed by nonparametric tests (Friedman and Wilcoxon) with p < 0.05. The amount and intensity physical activity did not differ between periods. However, the exercise program generated a significant increase of 14.8% (3.8 mL.kg.min-1) in V· O2max and decrease of 15% (57 μmol/L) in fructosamine level. Therefore, exercise program used did not cause compensatory effects on total physical activity measured, as well as on the intensity levels of physical activity between the study periods analyzed, although improved cardiorespiratory fitness and glycemic control of patients.
Diabetes tipo 2, Prevenção, Controle, Exercício físico, Type 2 diabetes, Prevention, Control and influence of regular exercise
MOURA, Bruno Pereira de. Type 2 diabetes: risk assessment, prevention, control and influence of regular exercise. 2011. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Aspectos sócio-culturais do movimento humano; Aspectos biodinâmicos do movimento humano) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011.