As representações coletivas na Política Nacional do Esporte
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O estudo teve como objetivo analisar as representações sobre o esporte na Política Nacional do Esporte (PNE) do Governo Lula e identificar as responsabilidades a ele atribuídas. As principais questões que nortearam o estudo foram: de que esporte se está falando na PNE do Governo Lula? Que Estado é esse que constrói uma PNE? Quais são os elementos constitutivos dessa PNE? Para atingir o objetivo pretendido, tratou-se o tema através da análise documental, traçando o seguinte percurso: apresentar o conceito de jogo, atividade popular que deu origem ao esporte; definir o conceito de esporte a partir das concepções de Norbert Elias; dialogar com diversos autores sobre o conceito de Estado e de governo, os tipos de Estado e o Estado do Brasil; dialogar sobre o conceito de políticas públicas; apresentar o conceito de representações coletivas como fundamento da análise realizada; apresentar a PNE; e, por fim, discutir e analisar as representações do esporte contidas no documento oficial da PNE. A análise da PNE apresentada pelo Governo Lula, em 2004, nos remete a um conjunto de representações do esporte construídas coletivamente no decorrer dos três últimos séculos. Tais representações nos remetem ao surgimento do Estado Moderno, como nova forma de organização social, onde as manifestações humanas de agressividade e emocionais tinham que ocupar outro espaço. Os jogos populares passaram a ser regulamentados, dando origem, na Inglaterra, ao Sport e sendo disseminado por todo o mundo. Sua principal representação coletiva foi a possibilidade de incentivar o habitus corporal, uma conduta civilizada. Agregada a essa surgiram também os conceitos de cidadania, saúde e inclusão – principais responsabilidades atribuídas ao esporte na PNE. Dadas às suas características, o esporte aparece como uma atividade cultural, historicamente construída, capaz de promover um comportamento civilizado, adequado às normas sociais aceitáveis de conduta e, sobretudo, ser o responsável pela “redenção” da sociedade, em que pese os aspectos positivos do esporte e os problemas sociais não se resolvem apenas com o incentivo a uma prática cultural corporal. São necessárias ações conscientes, orientadas por um projeto de nação, de formação humana, que articulem um conjunto de atividades mediadoras na relação de apropriação do conhecimento e construção da cultura esportiva e que atuem motivadas pela perspectiva de um projeto histórica que proponha a superação dos problemas e das contradições da nossa sociedade.
The study had how I aim to analyze the representations on the sport in the National Politics of the Sport (PNE) of the government Lula and to identify the responsibilities to him attributed. The principal questions that orientated the study were: about which sport is the PNE of the government telling to itself in Lula? Which State is this what builds a PNE? What the constitutive elements of this PNE are? To reach the pretended objective, it treated the subject through the documentary analysis, drawing the next distance: to present the concept of play, popular activity what it gave rise to the sport; to define the concept of sport from the conceptions of Norbert Elias; to talk to several authors about the concept of State and of government, the types of State and the State of Brazil; to talk about the concept of public politics; to present the concept of collective representations as a basis of the fulfilled analysis; to present the PNE; to talk and to analyze the representations of the sport contained in the official document of the PNE. The analysis of the PNE presented by the government Lula in 2004 sends us to a set of representations of the sport built collectively in the course of three last centuries. Such representations send us to the appearance of the Modern State, like the new form of social organization, where the human demonstrations of aggressiveness and emotional they had to occupy another space. The popular plays started to be regularized, giving rise in England to the Sport and being disseminated by everyone. His principal collective representation went to possibility to stimulate the physical habitus, a civilized conduct. Collected to that one there appeared also the concepts of citizenship, health and inclusion, principal responsibilities attributed to the sport in the PNE. Given to his characteristics, the sport appears like a cultural, historically built activity, able to promote a civilized behavior, appropriate to the social acceptable standards of conduct and, especially, to be person in charge for the "redemption" of the society. In what it weighs thepositive aspects of the sport, the social problems are not resolved only with the incentive to a cultural physical practice. They are necessary conscious actions followed a project of nation, of human formation, that mediators articulate a set of activities in the relation of appropriation of the knowledge and construction of the sporting culture and that they act caused by the historical perspective of a project that proposes the overcoming of the problems and of the contradictions of our society.
The study had how I aim to analyze the representations on the sport in the National Politics of the Sport (PNE) of the government Lula and to identify the responsibilities to him attributed. The principal questions that orientated the study were: about which sport is the PNE of the government telling to itself in Lula? Which State is this what builds a PNE? What the constitutive elements of this PNE are? To reach the pretended objective, it treated the subject through the documentary analysis, drawing the next distance: to present the concept of play, popular activity what it gave rise to the sport; to define the concept of sport from the conceptions of Norbert Elias; to talk to several authors about the concept of State and of government, the types of State and the State of Brazil; to talk about the concept of public politics; to present the concept of collective representations as a basis of the fulfilled analysis; to present the PNE; to talk and to analyze the representations of the sport contained in the official document of the PNE. The analysis of the PNE presented by the government Lula in 2004 sends us to a set of representations of the sport built collectively in the course of three last centuries. Such representations send us to the appearance of the Modern State, like the new form of social organization, where the human demonstrations of aggressiveness and emotional they had to occupy another space. The popular plays started to be regularized, giving rise in England to the Sport and being disseminated by everyone. His principal collective representation went to possibility to stimulate the physical habitus, a civilized conduct. Collected to that one there appeared also the concepts of citizenship, health and inclusion, principal responsibilities attributed to the sport in the PNE. Given to his characteristics, the sport appears like a cultural, historically built activity, able to promote a civilized behavior, appropriate to the social acceptable standards of conduct and, especially, to be person in charge for the "redemption" of the society. In what it weighs thepositive aspects of the sport, the social problems are not resolved only with the incentive to a cultural physical practice. They are necessary conscious actions followed a project of nation, of human formation, that mediators articulate a set of activities in the relation of appropriation of the knowledge and construction of the sporting culture and that they act caused by the historical perspective of a project that proposes the overcoming of the problems and of the contradictions of our society.
Representações, Esporte, Política nacional, Representations, Sport, National Politic
SILVA, Ranah Manezenco. The representations of the sport in the National Politics of the Sport. 2009. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Aspectos sócio-culturais do movimento humano; Aspectos biodinâmicos do movimento humano) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2009.