Mecanismos bioquímicos da defesa do algodoeiro à mancha de ramulária mediados pelo silício
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Esse estudo investigou o efeito do silício (Si) na resistência do algodoeiro à mancha de ramulária (Ramularia areola). Plantas de algodoeiro (cvs. NuOpal e BRS Buriti) foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva nas concentrações de 0 (-Si) e 2 mM Si L-1 (+Si) e aos 30 dias após emergência foram submetidas à inoculação com uma suspensão de conídios de R. areola. Avaliou-se o período de incubação (PI), o período latente (PL60), a severidade, o número de lesões (NL) por cm2 de folha, o tamanho de lesão (TL), a concentração foliar de Si e as atividades das enzimas de defesa peroxidases (POX), polifenoloxidases (PFO), quitinases (QUI), β-1,3-glucanases (GLU) e fenilalanina amônia-liases (FAL). Os dados de severidade foram usados para calcular a área abaixo da curva do progresso da mancha de ramulária (AACPMR). A concentração foliar de Si aumentou em 64% nas plantas supridas com Si em relação às não supridas com esse elemento. Houve aumentos de 10% e 14,7%, respectivamente, para o PI e o PL60 nas plantas supridas com Si. Reduções de 38,6% e 62,4% para o NL e de 17,2% e 26,6% para o TL ocorrem, respectivamente, nas plantas das cvs. NuOpal e BRS Buriti supridas com Si. Houve redução de 35% na AACPMR para as plantas supridas com Si em relação às não supridas. A concentração de compostos fenólicos solúveis totais nas plantas das duas cultivares supridas com Si foi maior aos 21 dias após inoculação (dai) em relação às não supridas com esse elemento. A concentração dos derivados da lignina foi maior dos 15 aos 21 dai apenas para as plantas da cv. BRS Buriti supridas com Si. A atividade da POX foi maior nas plantas das duas cultivares supridas com Si em relação às não supridas com esse elemento dos 15 aos 21 dai. Paras as plantas da cv. NuOpal supridas com Si, as atividades da PFO, QUI, GLU e FAL aumentaram aos 18 dai. As atividades da PFO e da FAL nas plantas da cv. BRS Buriti não foram potencializadas pelo Si. Nas plantas da cv. BRS Buriti supridas com Si, houve aumento nas atividades da QUI e da GLU aos 21 dai em relação às não supridas com Si. Conclui-se que a resistência do algodoeiro à mancha de ramulária foi bioquimicamente potencializada pelo Si, principalmente para as plantas da cv. NuOpal consideradas suscetíveis à mancha de ramulária.
This study investigated the effect of silicon (Si) on cotton resistance to ramularia leaf spot (Ramularia areola). Plants of cotton (cvs. NuOpal and BRS Buriti) were grown in nutrient solution containing 0 (+Si) or 2 mM Si L-1 (-Si) and inoculated with a conidial suspension of R. areola at 30 days after emergence. The incubation period (IP), latent period (LP60), severity, number of lesions (NL) per cm2 of leaf area, lesion size (LS), foliar Si concentration and the activities of defense enzymes peroxidases (POX), polyphenoloxidases (PPO), chitinases (CHI), β-1,3-glucanases (GLU), and phenylalanine ammonia-lyases (PAL) were evaluated. Data from severity were used to calculate the area under ramularia leaf spot progress curve (AURLSPC). Leaf Si concentration increased by 64% on plants supplied with Si compared to plants not supplied with this element. There were increases of 10 and 14.7% for IP and LP60, respectively, on plants supplied with Si. Reductions of 38.6 and 62.4% for NL and 17.2 and 26.6% for LS occurred, respectively, for plants from NuOpal and BRS Buriti cvs supplied with Si. AURLSPC was reduced by 35% for the +Si treatment compared to the -Si treatment. The concentration of total soluble phenolic compounds on plants of both cv. supplied with Si increased during the progress of ramularia, but the lowest values occurred for the -Si treatment until 18 days after inoculation (dai). The increase on the concentration of lignin derivatives was significant only for plants of cv. BRS Buriti infected by R. areola and supplied with Si. POX activity was higher on plants from the two cultivars supplied with Si compared to plants not supplied with this element. For plants of cv. NuOpal supplied with Si, PPO, CHI, GLU, and PAL activities increased until 18 dai, but the activities of PAL and PPO on plants of cv. BRS Buriti were not potentiated by Si. On plants from cv. BRS Buriti supplied with Si, there was increase on CHI and GLU activities at 21 dai compared to plants not supplied with Si. It can be concluded that cotton resistance to ramularia leaf spot was biochemically enhanced by Si, especially for plants of cv. NuOpal considered susceptible to ramularia leaf spot.
This study investigated the effect of silicon (Si) on cotton resistance to ramularia leaf spot (Ramularia areola). Plants of cotton (cvs. NuOpal and BRS Buriti) were grown in nutrient solution containing 0 (+Si) or 2 mM Si L-1 (-Si) and inoculated with a conidial suspension of R. areola at 30 days after emergence. The incubation period (IP), latent period (LP60), severity, number of lesions (NL) per cm2 of leaf area, lesion size (LS), foliar Si concentration and the activities of defense enzymes peroxidases (POX), polyphenoloxidases (PPO), chitinases (CHI), β-1,3-glucanases (GLU), and phenylalanine ammonia-lyases (PAL) were evaluated. Data from severity were used to calculate the area under ramularia leaf spot progress curve (AURLSPC). Leaf Si concentration increased by 64% on plants supplied with Si compared to plants not supplied with this element. There were increases of 10 and 14.7% for IP and LP60, respectively, on plants supplied with Si. Reductions of 38.6 and 62.4% for NL and 17.2 and 26.6% for LS occurred, respectively, for plants from NuOpal and BRS Buriti cvs supplied with Si. AURLSPC was reduced by 35% for the +Si treatment compared to the -Si treatment. The concentration of total soluble phenolic compounds on plants of both cv. supplied with Si increased during the progress of ramularia, but the lowest values occurred for the -Si treatment until 18 days after inoculation (dai). The increase on the concentration of lignin derivatives was significant only for plants of cv. BRS Buriti infected by R. areola and supplied with Si. POX activity was higher on plants from the two cultivars supplied with Si compared to plants not supplied with this element. For plants of cv. NuOpal supplied with Si, PPO, CHI, GLU, and PAL activities increased until 18 dai, but the activities of PAL and PPO on plants of cv. BRS Buriti were not potentiated by Si. On plants from cv. BRS Buriti supplied with Si, there was increase on CHI and GLU activities at 21 dai compared to plants not supplied with Si. It can be concluded that cotton resistance to ramularia leaf spot was biochemically enhanced by Si, especially for plants of cv. NuOpal considered susceptible to ramularia leaf spot.
Enzimas de defesa, Mecanismos de defesa, Nutrição mineral