Influência da altitude em índices espectrais de plantas vasculares de campos de altitude
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Os campos de altitude são ecossistemas de montanhas acima de 1700 m de altitude em meio à Floresta Atlântica brasileira, com alta diversidade e altos níveis de endemismo de táxons de plantas. Para se evitar a perda de espécies e se manter o funcionamento destes ecossistemas frente a mudanças climáticas é preciso conhecer melhor os aspectos ecológicos e desenvolver métodos eficazes de monitoramento dos campos de altitude. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar características foliares através do cálculo de índices de reflectância espectral de vegetação (IEVs) entre espécies de diferentes tipos de distribuição ao longo de um gradiente de altitude em campos de altitude. A altitude é um fator determinante na condição fisiológica das plantas dessas comunidades de altitude? Em relação aos diferentes grupos de espécies de acordo com a distribuição no gradiente, a hipótese é de que espécies indicadoras de faixas de altitude, selecionadas pelo método IndVal, possuem maior número de mecanismos adaptativos constitutivos às condições das altitudes do que as espécies generalistas. Os valores encontrados dos índices red-edge vegetation index (RVSI) e normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) correlacionaram positiva e significativamente (p<0,05) com a altitude quando analisamos o grupo de espécies indicadoras e o conjunto completo de espécies amostradas, que indicam ajustes das plantas a condições ambientais mais restritivas nas altitudes mais elevadas, e.g. baixas temperaturas, radiação solar excessiva e solos pobres e rasos. Essa observação tem potencial em abordagens de sensoriamento remoto por imagens para descrição e monitoramento dos campos de altitude. O índice photochemical reflectance index (PRI) foi positivamente correlacionado à altitude de forma significativa (p<0,05) em espécies generalistas. Hippeastrum glaucescens, mostrou valores de RVSI e PRI que indicam maiores traços de estresse em altitudes mais baixas, diferente de Baccharis platypoda e Eryngium elegans que indicaram maiores taxas de estresse por meio dos IEVs nas elevações maiores. Os grupos indicadoras e generalistas apresentaram comportamentos morfofisiológicos distintos em relação à altitude dependendo do IEV utilizado. O estudo das características espectrais de plantas através de IEVs mostrou-se uma ferramenta eficaz para investigação e monitoramento de espécies dos campos de altitude, com especial importância no contexto de impactos de mudanças climáticas nesses ecossistemas únicos.
Brazilian highland grasslands, the campos de altitude, are unique grassland- heathland ecosystems found in the middle of the Atlantic Forest on the highest mountains above 1700 m, which contains high levels of endemism and diversity. In order to avoid the loss of species and to maintain the ecosystem functioning in the face accelerated of climate change it is necessary to know better the ecological aspects and to develop efficient methods of monitoring the high- altitude grasslands. The aim of this work was to investigate foliar characteristics by calculating hyperspectral vegetation indices (HVIs) among species of different distribution types along an altitudinal gradient in high-altitude grasslands. Is altitude a determining factor in the physiological condition of the plants in these high-altitude communities? In relation to the different groups of species according to their distribution in the gradient selected by IndVal method, the hypothesis is that species indicatives of specific altitudinal ranges possess more adaptative mechanisms to the conditions of the altitudes than the generalist species. The red-edge vegetation stress (RVSI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values correlated positively and significantly to altitude when analysed the group of indicator species and the complete set of species sampled, indicating plant adjustments to more restrictive environmental conditions at higher altitudes, e.g. lower temperatures, excessive solar radiation and shallow, poor soils. This finding is potentially useful in remote sensing imaging approaches for describing and monitoring high-altitude grasslands. The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) was positively and significantly correlated to altitude in generalist species, indicating less stress in higher elevations. Hippeastrum glaucescens, showed values of RVSI and PRI indicating higher stress at lower altitudes, unlike Baccharis platypoda and Eryngium elegans, which indicated higher stress rates through the HVIs at higher elevations. Indicator and generalist species groups showed different morphophysiological behaviours in relation to altitude depending on the HVIs used. The study of spectral characteristics of plants through HVIs has proved to be an effective tool for research and monitoring of high-altitude field species, with special importance in the context of impacts of climate change on these unique ecosystems.
Brazilian highland grasslands, the campos de altitude, are unique grassland- heathland ecosystems found in the middle of the Atlantic Forest on the highest mountains above 1700 m, which contains high levels of endemism and diversity. In order to avoid the loss of species and to maintain the ecosystem functioning in the face accelerated of climate change it is necessary to know better the ecological aspects and to develop efficient methods of monitoring the high- altitude grasslands. The aim of this work was to investigate foliar characteristics by calculating hyperspectral vegetation indices (HVIs) among species of different distribution types along an altitudinal gradient in high-altitude grasslands. Is altitude a determining factor in the physiological condition of the plants in these high-altitude communities? In relation to the different groups of species according to their distribution in the gradient selected by IndVal method, the hypothesis is that species indicatives of specific altitudinal ranges possess more adaptative mechanisms to the conditions of the altitudes than the generalist species. The red-edge vegetation stress (RVSI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values correlated positively and significantly to altitude when analysed the group of indicator species and the complete set of species sampled, indicating plant adjustments to more restrictive environmental conditions at higher altitudes, e.g. lower temperatures, excessive solar radiation and shallow, poor soils. This finding is potentially useful in remote sensing imaging approaches for describing and monitoring high-altitude grasslands. The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) was positively and significantly correlated to altitude in generalist species, indicating less stress in higher elevations. Hippeastrum glaucescens, showed values of RVSI and PRI indicating higher stress at lower altitudes, unlike Baccharis platypoda and Eryngium elegans, which indicated higher stress rates through the HVIs at higher elevations. Indicator and generalist species groups showed different morphophysiological behaviours in relation to altitude depending on the HVIs used. The study of spectral characteristics of plants through HVIs has proved to be an effective tool for research and monitoring of high-altitude field species, with special importance in the context of impacts of climate change on these unique ecosystems.
Plantas das montanhas, Análise foliar, Análise espectral, Sensoriamento remoto, Influência de altitude
SILVA, Miguel Ângelo da. Influência da altitude em índices espectrais de plantas vasculares de campos de altitude. 2018. 25 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Botânica) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2018.