Modelagem do potencial eólico do Nordeste do Brasil sob condições atuais e de aquecimento global: uma interface entre modelos numéricos computacionais de microescala e mesoescala
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
As fontes de energias renováveis ou limpas, tais como, a eólica, apresenta-se
como uma opção para a redução do uso de energia a base de combustíveis fósseis. O Brasil, e em especial o território do nordeste brasileiro, é privilegiado no potencial eólico já que a sua localização abrange a área dos ventos Alísios.. Portanto o presente trabalho consiste em desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliar o potencial eólico do nordeste brasileiro, e avaliar os impactos das mudanças climáticas sobre a energia cinética intensiva dos ventos. Para esse estudo usou-se dados do modelo climático regional MM5 (Fifth-Generation NCAR / Penn State Mesoscale Model) sob condições de período atual (1980-2000) e futuro (2080-2100), com cenário de aquecimento global. Com os dados provenientes do MM5 foi feito a interface com o modelo de microescala, visando modelar os primeiros metros da camada limite atmosférica para a obtenção de perfis verticais de velocidade do vento sobre terrenos complexos, e mapas de potencial eólico em diferentes altitudes. Os resultados mostraram que em um cenário futuro todas as estações do ano apresentaram tendências de intensificação da energia cinética intensiva dos ventos, sendo que as anomalias mais evidentes ocorrem na segunda metade do ano. Isso mostra a viabilidade de aplicação de plantas eólicas nesta região do Brasil tanto para o período atual como para um cenário futuro. Predições dos modelos indicam o período de Junho a Agosto (Inverno), como sendo a época mais significativa de potencial eólico, com valores da energia cinética intensiva variando entre 15 J/kg a 55 J/kg. Os resultados ainda indicaram que o melhor posicionamento de turbinas eólicas bem como a altura das torres, entre 80 e 100 metros do solo. O estudo sugere que a interface entre modelos de diferentes complexidades, bem como a aplicação de diferentes metodologias para o cálculo do potencial eólico, é importante para aumentar a precisão e a confiabilidade das estimativas da capacidade de geração de energia eólica.
The source of renewed or clean energy, such as, the eolic energy is presented as an option for the reduction of the energy based on fossil fuel. Brazil, and in special the Brazilian northeast region, is privileged in the eolic potential due to the presence of the trade winds. In this sense, the present study consists of developing a tool to evaluate the potential of eolic power as well as to evaluate the impacts of climatic changes on the intensive kinetic energy of the winds. Climate data from the regional model MM5 (Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model) under current (1980-2000) and future global warming conditions (2080-2100) have been utilized. These data served as boundary and initial conditions for a micro-scale model in order to evaluate the role/impact of different surface conditions and topography of the eolic energy. The results show that for the future interval there exist a positive trend leading to an intensification of the kinetic energy of the winds, in particular in the second half of the year. This highlights the viability of application of eolic plants in this region of Brazil for both, the current period and the future. The models simulations also indicate the winter period, as being the time most significant of eolic potential, with values of the intensive kinetic energy varying between 15 J/kg the 55 J/kg. The results still indicate that the optimum positioning of eolic turbines as well as the height of the towers, are between 80 and 100 meters from the soil surface. Finally, our investigation suggests that the interface between models of different complexities, as well as the application of different methodologies for the calculation of the eolic potential, is extremely useful to increase the accuracy of estimates of the local capacity for the generation of eolic energy.
The source of renewed or clean energy, such as, the eolic energy is presented as an option for the reduction of the energy based on fossil fuel. Brazil, and in special the Brazilian northeast region, is privileged in the eolic potential due to the presence of the trade winds. In this sense, the present study consists of developing a tool to evaluate the potential of eolic power as well as to evaluate the impacts of climatic changes on the intensive kinetic energy of the winds. Climate data from the regional model MM5 (Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model) under current (1980-2000) and future global warming conditions (2080-2100) have been utilized. These data served as boundary and initial conditions for a micro-scale model in order to evaluate the role/impact of different surface conditions and topography of the eolic energy. The results show that for the future interval there exist a positive trend leading to an intensification of the kinetic energy of the winds, in particular in the second half of the year. This highlights the viability of application of eolic plants in this region of Brazil for both, the current period and the future. The models simulations also indicate the winter period, as being the time most significant of eolic potential, with values of the intensive kinetic energy varying between 15 J/kg the 55 J/kg. The results still indicate that the optimum positioning of eolic turbines as well as the height of the towers, are between 80 and 100 meters from the soil surface. Finally, our investigation suggests that the interface between models of different complexities, as well as the application of different methodologies for the calculation of the eolic potential, is extremely useful to increase the accuracy of estimates of the local capacity for the generation of eolic energy.
Vento, Energia eólica, Modelagem numérica, Wind, Eolic energy, Numerical modeling
FARIA, Bruno Lopes de. Modeling the wind power potential in the northeast of Brazil under current conditions and global warming: an interface between microscale and mesoscale numerical models. 2010. 72 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agrometeorologia; Climatologia; Micrometeorologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010.