Estudo de misturas de solo e resíduos siderúrgicos otimizadas estatisticamente para aplicações em liners de aterros sanitários
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Este estudo tem como objetivo pesquisar a viabilidade técnica do reaproveitamento de resíduos siderúrgicos (escórias de aciaria elétrica) em diferentes proporções, combinados a um solo residual tropical, visando à composição de barreiras impermeabilizantes (liners) de aterros sanitários. Foi desenvolvido um planejamento experimental de misturas em rede simplex, composto por três componentes (escórias de aciaria elétrica primária e secundária e um solo residual argiloso), com o intuito de promover a otimização da dosagem de misturas solo-resíduos siderúrgicos. As matérias-primas que compõem as misturas foram submetidas às caracterizações física, química, mineralógica e morfológica. Corpos de prova das composições definidas por meio do planejamento experimental, moldados nos respectivos pontos de ótimo da energia do Proctor Normal, foram caracterizados quanto à resistência à compressão simples (RCS), resistência à tração por compressão diametral (RT) e permeabilidade saturada (Ksat). Em posse dos resultados obtidos dos ensaios, foi determinada, por meio de software de planejamento experimental, a composição ideal representativa das misturas analisadas que atendesse às exigências técnicas de projeto inerentes a liners de aterros sanitários, na qual se buscou a maior porcentagem possível dos resíduos siderúrgicos. Para essa composição ideal, foram realizadas caracterizações geomecânicas (RCS e RT) e hidráulica (Ksat) das amostras compactadas, sendo submetidas também às caracterizações química, mineralógica, morfológica e ambiental, de modo a ampliar as interpretações dos resultados no que diz respeito ao desempenho técnico dessa mistura. Foram realizados também, para a mistura ideal, os ensaios de compressão triaxial CIU (Consolidado Isotropicamente e Não Drenado) e de adensamento edométrico. Observou-se que a adição da escória de aciaria promoveu melhorias nas propriedades de resistência (RCS, RT e resistência ao cisalhamento), rigidez, além de reduzir a permeabilidade saturada. No que se refere particularmente à caracterização ambiental, as concentrações de metais obtidas nos extratos solubilizados e lixiviados foram inferiores aos limites determinados por normas técnicas, indicando que, do ponto de vista ambiental, a mistura ideal produzida com escória de aciaria elétrica apresentou bom comportamento, ocorrendo uma boa imobilização dos metais. Trabalhou-se com uma solução multiespécie com os metais pesados Cd, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn, para uso nos ensaios de permeabilidade saturada. De posse dos resultados obtidos no estudo após percolação desses metais pesados, para fins práticos de engenharia, concluiu-se que a mistura ideal não apresentou grandes alterações nas propriedades de engenharia investigadas em relação aos corpos de prova percolados com água, considerando-se os resultados de RCS, RT e Ksat. Foi avaliada, também, a influência da estrutura compactada da mistura ideal nos parâmetros de transporte da solução contaminante produzida artificialmente por meio do ensaio de percolação em coluna e também da estrutura solta da mistura ideal sob a influência de diferentes concentrações de metais pesados, levando em consideração o ensaio de equilíbrio em lote. A mistura ideal apresentou significativa capacidade de adsorção dos metais pesados em estudo, uma vez que parte do quantitativo da solução multiespécie foi adsorvida em sua massa. A aplicação dos resíduos industriais em barreiras impermeabilizantes (liners) mostrou- se uma alternativa tecnicamente viável, atendendo aos limites de projeto propostos na literatura técnica para as propriedades mecânicas, hidráulicas e ambientais avaliadas, indicando o potencial de aproveitamento desses resíduos em tais barreiras, as quais comumente demandam grandes quantitativos de materiais. Palavras-chave: Dosagem de misturas solo-resíduos siderúrgicos. Liners. Planejamento experimental. Escória de aciaria elétrica. Metais pesados. Adsorção. Percolação em coluna. Equilíbrio em lote.
This study aims to investigate the technical viability of reusing steel waste (electric arc furnace slag) in different proportions, combined with a tropical residual soil, aiming at the composition of waterproofing barriers (liners) for sanitary landfills. An experimental design of mixtures in a simplex network was developed, consisting of three components (primary and secondary electric arc furnace slag and a clayey residual soil), with the aim of promoting the optimization of the dosage of soil-steel waste mixtures. The raw materials that make up the mixtures were subjected to physical, chemical, mineralogical and morphological characterization. Specimens of the compositions defined through the experimental design, molded at the respective optimum points of standard Proctor energy, were characterized in terms of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS), tensile strength by diametral compression (TS) and saturated permeability (Ksat). With the results obtained from the tests, the optimal composition representative of the analyzed mixtures was determined using experimental planning software, which meets the technical design requirements inherent to the waterproofing barrier, in which the highest possible percentage of steel waste is applied. For this ideal composition, geomechanical (UCS and TS) and hydraulic (Ksat) characterizations of the compacted samples were carried out, being also submitted to chemical, mineralogical, morphological and environmental characterizations, in order to expand the interpretation of the results with regard to the technical performance of this mixture. The CIU (Isotropically Consolidated Undrained) triaxial compression and oedometer tests were also carried out for the optimal mixture. It was observed that the addition of electric arc furnace slag promoted improvements in resistance properties (UCS, TS and shear strength), stiffness properties, in addition to reducing saturated permeability. With regard to environmental characterization, the concentrations of metals obtained in the solubilized and leached extracts were lower than the limits determined by technical standards. This indicates that, from an environmental point of view, the optimal mixture produced with electric arc furnace slag presented good behavior, with good immobilization of the metals. A multispecies solution with the heavy metals Cd, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn was used for use in saturated permeability tests. With the results obtained in the study after percolation of these heavy metals, for practical engineering purposes, it was concluded that the optimal mixture did not present major changes in mechanical and hydraulic resistance in relation to the specimens percolated with water, considering the results of the unconfined compression, tensile strength and saturated permeability tests. The influence of the compacted structure of the optimal mixture on the transport parameters of the artificially produced contaminant solution through the column percolation test and also the loose structure of the loose mixture under the influence of different concentrations of heavy metals, taking into account the batch equilibrium test, was also evaluated. The optimal mixture showed a significant adsorption capacity for the heavy metals under study, since practically the entire quantity of the multispecies solution was adsorbed in its mass. Therefore, the application of industrial waste in waterproofing barriers (liners) proved to be a viable alternative given the design limits proposed in the technical literature for the mechanical, hydraulic and environmental properties evaluated, indicating that it is a good alternative for using these wastes in waterproofing barriers of landfills, which commonly require large quantities of materials. Keywords: Dosage of soil-steel waste mixtures. Liners. Experimental planning. Electric arc furnace slag. Heavy metals. Adsorption. Column percolation tests. Batch Equilibrium Tests.
This study aims to investigate the technical viability of reusing steel waste (electric arc furnace slag) in different proportions, combined with a tropical residual soil, aiming at the composition of waterproofing barriers (liners) for sanitary landfills. An experimental design of mixtures in a simplex network was developed, consisting of three components (primary and secondary electric arc furnace slag and a clayey residual soil), with the aim of promoting the optimization of the dosage of soil-steel waste mixtures. The raw materials that make up the mixtures were subjected to physical, chemical, mineralogical and morphological characterization. Specimens of the compositions defined through the experimental design, molded at the respective optimum points of standard Proctor energy, were characterized in terms of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS), tensile strength by diametral compression (TS) and saturated permeability (Ksat). With the results obtained from the tests, the optimal composition representative of the analyzed mixtures was determined using experimental planning software, which meets the technical design requirements inherent to the waterproofing barrier, in which the highest possible percentage of steel waste is applied. For this ideal composition, geomechanical (UCS and TS) and hydraulic (Ksat) characterizations of the compacted samples were carried out, being also submitted to chemical, mineralogical, morphological and environmental characterizations, in order to expand the interpretation of the results with regard to the technical performance of this mixture. The CIU (Isotropically Consolidated Undrained) triaxial compression and oedometer tests were also carried out for the optimal mixture. It was observed that the addition of electric arc furnace slag promoted improvements in resistance properties (UCS, TS and shear strength), stiffness properties, in addition to reducing saturated permeability. With regard to environmental characterization, the concentrations of metals obtained in the solubilized and leached extracts were lower than the limits determined by technical standards. This indicates that, from an environmental point of view, the optimal mixture produced with electric arc furnace slag presented good behavior, with good immobilization of the metals. A multispecies solution with the heavy metals Cd, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn was used for use in saturated permeability tests. With the results obtained in the study after percolation of these heavy metals, for practical engineering purposes, it was concluded that the optimal mixture did not present major changes in mechanical and hydraulic resistance in relation to the specimens percolated with water, considering the results of the unconfined compression, tensile strength and saturated permeability tests. The influence of the compacted structure of the optimal mixture on the transport parameters of the artificially produced contaminant solution through the column percolation test and also the loose structure of the loose mixture under the influence of different concentrations of heavy metals, taking into account the batch equilibrium test, was also evaluated. The optimal mixture showed a significant adsorption capacity for the heavy metals under study, since practically the entire quantity of the multispecies solution was adsorbed in its mass. Therefore, the application of industrial waste in waterproofing barriers (liners) proved to be a viable alternative given the design limits proposed in the technical literature for the mechanical, hydraulic and environmental properties evaluated, indicating that it is a good alternative for using these wastes in waterproofing barriers of landfills, which commonly require large quantities of materials. Keywords: Dosage of soil-steel waste mixtures. Liners. Experimental planning. Electric arc furnace slag. Heavy metals. Adsorption. Column percolation tests. Batch Equilibrium Tests.
Aterro sanitário - Revestimento, Resíduos de metal - Testes, Metais pesados, Adsorção
REZENDE, Juliana de Paula. Estudo de misturas de solo e resíduos siderúrgicos otimizadas estatisticamente para aplicações em liners de aterros sanitários. 2024. 171 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.