Mídia, corporalidade e discursos que nos (des)arrumam: uma análise sobre um reality show de transformação corporal
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A idealização corporal na sociedade contemporânea, subsidiada pelo setor midiático e pelo comércio da corpolatria, promove significativas modificações na (re)construção dos corpos, afetando significativamente a dinâmica de interação social dos sujeitos. Diante da supremacia das imagens idealizadas, a sociedade classifica as pessoas de acordo com sua forma física, estigmatizando e excluindo aqueles que não se inserem no modelo hegemônico de beleza. Para inserir o sujeito nos valores hegemônicos, a indústria da beleza e a mídia oferecem uma diversidade de mecanismos, sendo um deles o quadro Arruma meu marido, do programa Hora do Faro, apresentado por Rodrigo Faro, na Rede Record, que tem como pressuposto a “transformação” do participante. Para transformar uma pessoa “feia” e “infeliz” em uma pessoa “bonita” e “realizada”, o quadro conta com uma equipe multiprofissional do ramo da beleza, habilitada para fazer tratamentos nos dentes, no cabelo, na pele, além de mudanças no vestir e no comportamento. Dessa forma, a pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa e descritiva, teve como objetivo analisar os enunciados produzidos pelo quadro da mídia televisiva Arruma meu marido, atendo-se aos discursos que recaem sobre o corpo e a aparência do participante, promovendo sua exclusão e inclusão social, buscando responder as seguintes questões: Quais discursos recaem sobre os participantes do quadro antes e após a transformação? Como se dá a participação da família no processo de mudança da corporalidade dos participantes? A coleta e análise de dados se deu pelo método documental, cujos arquivos foram compostos por três vídeos relativos às edições do programa, buscando-se descobrir, interpretar e compreender os sentidos e significados presentes nas imagens e discursos que recaem sobre os sujeitos os seus corpos. Os resultados revelam que a aparência torna-se um valor imprescindível para o reconhecimento do indivíduo dentro de um contexto social e familiar, sendo que alguns signos corpóreos (flacidez, sedentarismo, gordura, falta dos dentes, cabelos grandes e “mal cuidados”, dentre outros) simbolizam uma indisciplina ou um descaso com o corpo, sendo os indivíduos apontados pelo “fracasso” de sua própria corporalidade. Por outro lado, o programa cumpre a missão de arrumar o participante, promovendo sua inclusão familiar e social.
Corporal idealization in contemporary society, subsidized by the media sector and the trade in corolla, promotes significant changes in the (re) construction of bodies, significantly affecting the dynamics of social interaction of the subjects. Faced with the supremacy of idealized images, society classifies people according to their physical form, stigmatizing and excluding those who do not fit into the hegemonic model of beauty. In order to insert the subject into the hegemonic values, the beauty industry and the media offer a variety of mechanisms, one of them being the Arruma meu marido, from the Hora do Faro program, presented by Rodrigo Faro, in Rede Record, which assumes "Transformation" of the participant. To transform an ugly" and "unhappy" person into a "beautiful" and "accomplished" person, the board features a multiprofessional beauty team, enabled to make treatments on the teeth, hair, skin, and changes dressing and behavior. Thus, the qualitative and descriptive research aimed at analyzing the statements produced by the Arruma meu marido television media, attending to the discourses that fall on the body and appearance of the participant, promoting their exclusion and social inclusion , seeking to answer the following questions: Which speeches fall on the participants in the picture before and after the transformation? How does the family participate in the process of changing the participants' physicality? The data collection and analysis was done by the documentary method, whose files were composed of three videos related to the editions of the program, seeking to discover, interpret and understand the meanings and meanings present in the images and discourses that fall on the subjects and their bodies . The results reveal that the appearance becomes an indispensable value for the recognition of the individual within a social and familiar context, with some corporeal signs (sagging, sedentary lifestyle, fatness, lack of teeth, large hair and "poor care", among others) symbolize an indiscipline or a disregard for the body, and individuals are pointed out by the failure" of their own corporeality. On the other hand, the program fulfills the mission of arranging the participant, promoting their family and social inclusion.
Corporal idealization in contemporary society, subsidized by the media sector and the trade in corolla, promotes significant changes in the (re) construction of bodies, significantly affecting the dynamics of social interaction of the subjects. Faced with the supremacy of idealized images, society classifies people according to their physical form, stigmatizing and excluding those who do not fit into the hegemonic model of beauty. In order to insert the subject into the hegemonic values, the beauty industry and the media offer a variety of mechanisms, one of them being the Arruma meu marido, from the Hora do Faro program, presented by Rodrigo Faro, in Rede Record, which assumes "Transformation" of the participant. To transform an ugly" and "unhappy" person into a "beautiful" and "accomplished" person, the board features a multiprofessional beauty team, enabled to make treatments on the teeth, hair, skin, and changes dressing and behavior. Thus, the qualitative and descriptive research aimed at analyzing the statements produced by the Arruma meu marido television media, attending to the discourses that fall on the body and appearance of the participant, promoting their exclusion and social inclusion , seeking to answer the following questions: Which speeches fall on the participants in the picture before and after the transformation? How does the family participate in the process of changing the participants' physicality? The data collection and analysis was done by the documentary method, whose files were composed of three videos related to the editions of the program, seeking to discover, interpret and understand the meanings and meanings present in the images and discourses that fall on the subjects and their bodies . The results reveal that the appearance becomes an indispensable value for the recognition of the individual within a social and familiar context, with some corporeal signs (sagging, sedentary lifestyle, fatness, lack of teeth, large hair and "poor care", among others) symbolize an indiscipline or a disregard for the body, and individuals are pointed out by the failure" of their own corporeality. On the other hand, the program fulfills the mission of arranging the participant, promoting their family and social inclusion.
Imagem corporal, Reality Shows (Programas de Televisão), Corpo humano na comunicação de massas, Discursos, Família
BATISTA, Fabiano Eloy Atílio. Mídia, corporalidade e discursos que nos (des)arrumam: uma análise sobre um reality show de transformação corporal. 2018. 152 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Economia Doméstica) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2018.