Avaliação da tecnologia de bacteriófagos em sistemas de fluxo dinâmico (loopings) para controle de biofilmes e bactérias redutoras de sulfato na indústria do petróleo
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A aplicação da tecnologia de bacteriófagos na indústria do petróleo tem sido considerada uma alternativa promissora para o controle de contaminações microbianas associadas à biocorrosão e à geração biogênica de sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S). Essas contaminações estão presentes ao longo de toda a cadeia produtiva do petróleo, representando riscos ocupacionais e operacionais. Seu controle se dá principalmente pela aplicação de biocidas que, em geral, apresentam um baixo poder de penetração em biofilmes e, portanto, são pouco eficazes. Isso ocorre devido às substâncias extracelulares produzidas pelos microrganismos, que funcionam como uma barreira de proteção. Nesse contexto, os bacteriófagos podem conferir vantagens sobre os biocidas, uma vez que: podem se multiplicar no ambiente, possibilitando a redução da dosagem; possuem enzimas capazes de romper a matriz dos biofilmes, conferindo poder de penetração e maior eficácia; e, podem apresentar menores impactos ocupacionais, operacionais e ambientais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos: (i ) avaliar em sistemas de fluxo dinâmico (Loopings) o efeito de coquetéis fágicos sobre biofilmes enriquecidos com bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS), representativos de tanques de plataformas de petróleo; e, (i i ) avaliar um coquetel fágico pré-selecionado quanto a potenciais impactos ambientais e operacionais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os fagos avaliados possuem ação sobre esses biofilmes, com redução de cerca de 80% do H2S gerado e indicaram efeito na desaceleração do processo de corrosão e de formação de pits. Além disso, o coquetel fágico pré-selecionado, apresenta características vantajosas em comparação aos biocidas, tanto do ponto de vista ambiental (menor ecotoxicidade e maior biodegradabilidade), quanto operacional (menor corrosividade e menor impacto sobre o processo de nitrificação do sistema de tratamento biológico de água de produção). Palavras-chave: Biocorrosão. Corrosão Influenciada por Microrganismos. Acidulação Biogênica. Bactérias Redutoras de Sulfato. Sulfeto de Hidrogênio. H2S. Bacteriófagos.
The application of bacteriophage technology in the oil industry has been considered a promising alternative for the control of microbial contamination associated with biocorrosion and the biogenic generation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). These contaminations are present throughout the oil productive chain, representing occupational and operational risks. Its control is mainly based biocide application that, in general, have a low penetration power in biofilms and, therefore, are not very effective. This is due to the extracellular substances produced by microorganisms, which act as a protective barrier. In this context, bacteriophages can confer advantages over biocides, since: they can multiply in the environment, allowing the dosing reduction; they have enzymes with the ability to break the biofilm matrix, providing penetration power and greater effectiveness; and may have lower occupational, operational and environmental impacts. The present work had the following objectives: (i ) to evaluate in dynamic flow systems (Loopings) the effect of phage cocktails on biofilms enriched with sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), representatives of oil platform tanks; and (i i ) to evaluate a pre-selected phage cocktail regarding potential environmental and operational impacts. The results obtained showed that the evaluated phages have action on these biofilms, with a reduction about 80% of the H2S generated and indicated an effect in slowing down the processes of corrosion and pit formation. In addition, the pre-selected phage cocktail has advantageous characteristics compared to biocides, both from an environmental (lower ecotoxicity and greater biodegradability) and from an operational point of view (lower corrosivity and lower impact on the nitrification process of the biological treatment system of production water). Keywords: Biocorrosion. Microbial Influenced Corrosion. Biogenic Souring. Sulphate Reducing Bacteria. Hydrogen Sulfide. H2S. Bacteriophages.
The application of bacteriophage technology in the oil industry has been considered a promising alternative for the control of microbial contamination associated with biocorrosion and the biogenic generation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). These contaminations are present throughout the oil productive chain, representing occupational and operational risks. Its control is mainly based biocide application that, in general, have a low penetration power in biofilms and, therefore, are not very effective. This is due to the extracellular substances produced by microorganisms, which act as a protective barrier. In this context, bacteriophages can confer advantages over biocides, since: they can multiply in the environment, allowing the dosing reduction; they have enzymes with the ability to break the biofilm matrix, providing penetration power and greater effectiveness; and may have lower occupational, operational and environmental impacts. The present work had the following objectives: (i ) to evaluate in dynamic flow systems (Loopings) the effect of phage cocktails on biofilms enriched with sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), representatives of oil platform tanks; and (i i ) to evaluate a pre-selected phage cocktail regarding potential environmental and operational impacts. The results obtained showed that the evaluated phages have action on these biofilms, with a reduction about 80% of the H2S generated and indicated an effect in slowing down the processes of corrosion and pit formation. In addition, the pre-selected phage cocktail has advantageous characteristics compared to biocides, both from an environmental (lower ecotoxicity and greater biodegradability) and from an operational point of view (lower corrosivity and lower impact on the nitrification process of the biological treatment system of production water). Keywords: Biocorrosion. Microbial Influenced Corrosion. Biogenic Souring. Sulphate Reducing Bacteria. Hydrogen Sulfide. H2S. Bacteriophages.
Bacteriófagos, Petróleo - Biodegradação, Biofilmes, Sulfeto de hidrogênio
SOUSA, Maíra Paula de. Avaliação da tecnologia de bacteriófagos em sistemas de fluxo dinâmico (loopings) para controle de biofilmes e bactérias redutoras de sulfato na indústria do petróleo. 2023. 302 f. Tese (Doutorado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.