Distribuição do amônio, nitrato, potássio e fósforo em colunas de latossolos fertirrigadas
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Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo
Na fertirrigação, é conveniente aplicar os nutrientes de forma a conseguir sua localização na profundidade mais adequada para absorção por parte das culturas: em maior profundidadepara a cultura perene e, mais superficialmente, nas culturas de ciclo curto. Com os objetivos de estabelecer em que fração da lâmina de irrigação devem ser aplicada as doses de N (NH4+ e NO3-); K+ e H2PO4-, de investigar qual o melhor fracionamento de suas doses, de modo a localizá-los na profundidade adequada, e de determinar a distribuição na coluna de NH4+, NO3-, K+ e H2PO4- aplicados por fertirrigação, foi realizado um experimento em laboratório, utilizando colunas de percolação. Os tratamentos corresponderam a um fatorial 4 (1 + 7), sendo quatro Latossolos de Minas Gerais [dois Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos distróficos (LVAd1 e LVAd2), um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (LVdf) e um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (LVd)], uma testemunha (aplicação de água deionizada) e sete formas de aplicação de 1 mmol dm-3 de NH4+, 1 mmol dm-3 de NO3-, 2 mmol dm-3 de K+ e 0,667 mmol dm-3 de H2PO4-. A lâmina de água foi dividida em cinco frações iguais (F1 a F5) e a dose dos nutrientes aplicada integralmente (D), ou fracionada em duas (D1/2) ou em três vezes (D1/3). Assim, a aplicação dos nutrientes foi feita segundo o esquema: F2D, F3D, F4D, F2D1/2F3D1/2 , F3D1/2F4D 1/2, F2D1/2F4D1/2 ou F2D1/3F3D1/3 F4D1/3. Subamostras foram utilizadas na análise de NH4+; NO3-; K+ e H2PO4-, determinando-se a distribuição desses nutrientes na coluna de solo. A mobilidade apresentou a seguinte ordem nos solos LVAd1, LVAd2 e LVd: NO3- > NH4+ > K+ > H2PO4-. Já para o solo LVdf, a ordem foi NH4+ > NO3- > K+ > H2PO4-. A ordem de risco de contaminação de águas subterrâneas por NO3- foi a seguinte: LVAd1 > LVAd2 > LVdf > LVd. A quantidade de água acrescentada a cada coluna, inferior a meio volume de poros, não foi suficiente para deslocar o H2PO4- além do primeiro anel. Para os outros íons em estudo, a localização em maior profundidade, quando aplicados como pulso único, foi verificada com a maior concentração no pulso (D > D1/2 > D 1/3) e com a maior lâmina de água posterior à sua aplicação (F2D > F3D > F 4D e F2D1/2F3D1/2 > F3D1/2F4D1/2 ). Os resultados evidenciam que a mobilidade diferencial de N (NH4+ e NO3-) e K+ exigiria escolha cuidadosa das doses desses nutrientes na solução, a fim de evitar perdas de N (NH4+ e NO3-) por lixiviação, ou localização excessivamente superficial do K+. A baixa mobilidade do H2PO4- mostra que a fertirrigação não seria uma técnica apropriada para sua incorporação no perfil do solo, visando à fertilização das culturas.
It is convenient to apply nutrients in fertigation at an appropriate depth, in order to locate those elements at a convenient place for plant uptake. So, an experiment was carried out under laboratory conditions using percolation columns, to establish the irrigation lamina fraction in which N (NH4+ e NO3-), K+, and H2PO4- doses must be applied as well as the optimum dose fractioning of these nutrients so as to locate their adequate depth and determine the distribution of fertigated NH4+, NO3-, K+, and H2PO4-. The treatments consisted of a 4 (1 + 7) factorial, using four Latosols from Minas Gerais (two dystrophic Red-Yellow, one dystroferric Red, and one dystrophic Red), a control (aplication of deionized water) and seven modes of application of 1 mmol dm-3 of NH4+, 1 mmol dm-3 of NO3- , 2 mmol dm-3 of K+ and 2 mmol dm-3 of H2PO4-. The irrigation lamina was divided into five equal fractions (F1 to F5) and the nutrient dose was applied whole (D), or fractioned two (D1/2) or three times (D1/3). Hence, nutrient application was performed according to the following scheme: F2D, F3D, F4D, F2D1/2F3D1/2 , F3D1/2F4D1/2 , F2D1/2F4D1/2 or F2D1/3F3D1/3 F4D1/3. Sub-samples were used to analyze NH4+, NO3-, K+ and H2PO4-, through the determination of the profile of distribution of these nutrients. Mobility was in the following order: NO3- > NH4+ > K+ > H2PO4-, on soils LVAd1, LVAd2 and LVd. For the soil LVdf, the order was: NH4+ > NO3- > K+ > H2PO4- . And the risk of contamination of groundwater caused by NO3-: LVAd1 > LVAd2 > LVdf > LVd. The amount of water added to the column, lower than half pore per volume, was not sufficient to displace H2PO4-beyond the first ring. Regarding the other ions studied, localization at a higher depth when applied as a single pulse, was verified with a higher pulse concentration (D > D1/2 > D1/3) and with a greater irrigation lamina following its application (F2D > F3D > F 4D and F2D1/2F3D1/2 > F3D1/2F4D1/2 ). The results shows that the differential mobility of (N-NNO3- e NH4+ ) and K+ would require a careful dosage of these nutrients in the solution to prevent nitrogen losses due to leaching, or excessively superficial localization of potassium. The extremely low mobility of H2PO4- shows that fertigation would not be an appropriate technique for incorporation of this mineral into soil for crop fertilization purposes.
It is convenient to apply nutrients in fertigation at an appropriate depth, in order to locate those elements at a convenient place for plant uptake. So, an experiment was carried out under laboratory conditions using percolation columns, to establish the irrigation lamina fraction in which N (NH4+ e NO3-), K+, and H2PO4- doses must be applied as well as the optimum dose fractioning of these nutrients so as to locate their adequate depth and determine the distribution of fertigated NH4+, NO3-, K+, and H2PO4-. The treatments consisted of a 4 (1 + 7) factorial, using four Latosols from Minas Gerais (two dystrophic Red-Yellow, one dystroferric Red, and one dystrophic Red), a control (aplication of deionized water) and seven modes of application of 1 mmol dm-3 of NH4+, 1 mmol dm-3 of NO3- , 2 mmol dm-3 of K+ and 2 mmol dm-3 of H2PO4-. The irrigation lamina was divided into five equal fractions (F1 to F5) and the nutrient dose was applied whole (D), or fractioned two (D1/2) or three times (D1/3). Hence, nutrient application was performed according to the following scheme: F2D, F3D, F4D, F2D1/2F3D1/2 , F3D1/2F4D1/2 , F2D1/2F4D1/2 or F2D1/3F3D1/3 F4D1/3. Sub-samples were used to analyze NH4+, NO3-, K+ and H2PO4-, through the determination of the profile of distribution of these nutrients. Mobility was in the following order: NO3- > NH4+ > K+ > H2PO4-, on soils LVAd1, LVAd2 and LVd. For the soil LVdf, the order was: NH4+ > NO3- > K+ > H2PO4- . And the risk of contamination of groundwater caused by NO3-: LVAd1 > LVAd2 > LVdf > LVd. The amount of water added to the column, lower than half pore per volume, was not sufficient to displace H2PO4-beyond the first ring. Regarding the other ions studied, localization at a higher depth when applied as a single pulse, was verified with a higher pulse concentration (D > D1/2 > D1/3) and with a greater irrigation lamina following its application (F2D > F3D > F 4D and F2D1/2F3D1/2 > F3D1/2F4D1/2 ). The results shows that the differential mobility of (N-NNO3- e NH4+ ) and K+ would require a careful dosage of these nutrients in the solution to prevent nitrogen losses due to leaching, or excessively superficial localization of potassium. The extremely low mobility of H2PO4- shows that fertigation would not be an appropriate technique for incorporation of this mineral into soil for crop fertilization purposes.
Fertirrigação, Movimento de nutrientes, Nitrogênio, Lâmina de irrigação e fracionamento da dose