Análise de risco de introdução de Erwinia amylovora em áreas de cultivos de macieira no mundo
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O cultivo de macieira (Malus domestica Borkh.) ocorre em todos os continentes e apresenta grande relevância social e econômica. A maçã é susceptível a bactéria Erwinia amylovora, agente causal da doença fogo bacteriano. Embora, já existam registros de ocorrência desta bactéria em vários países do mundo ela não está na América do Sul, e região centro-sul da África e a maior parte da Oceania. O uso de modelos de nicho ecológico possibilita a determinação da distribuição potencial de espécies e mensurar o risco de invasão de pragas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar modelos de adequação climática para E. amylovora e cultivos de maçã no mundo e determinar as regiões mais adequadas à ocorrência destes organismos utilizando o software MaxEnt. Foram obtidos um total de 254 e 295 pontos de ocorrência, de E. amylovora e de cultivos de maçã, respectivamente. A maioria dos dados de ocorrência de E. amylovora, foram observados acima da linha do Equador (93%), distribuídos entre as latitudes 63°54’N e 14°34’N, em regiões da África, América Central, América do Norte, Ásia e Europa, com exceção, de alguns pontos observados na Nova Zelândia (Oceania) sendo estes, as únicas ocorrências desta bactéria no hemisfério sul. Já os cultivos de maçã estão amplamente distribuídos no mundo sendo observados nas latitudes entre 61°33’N e 44°25’S, em países da África, América do Sul, América Central, América do Norte, Ásia, Europa e Oceania. As regiões do sudeste Africano, Argentina, Austrália, do sul do Brasil, Bolívia, Chile, China, Estados Unidos, praticamente toda Europa, Madagascar, Marrocos, México, Nova Zelândia, Peru, Tunísia e Uruguai, apresentaram adequabilidade, tanto para a bactéria E. amylovora, como para os cultivos de maçã. Estes resultados apresentam informações, do risco de distribuição mundial de E. amylovora, em cultivos de maçã, e a adequabilidade de ambas as espécies. Este estudo permite a elaboração de estratégias para prevenir a introdução, dispersão e o estabelecimento de E. amylovora, além de subsidiar pesquisas e fundamentar práticas de biossegurança. Palavras-chave: Malus domestica, bactéria patogênica, modelagem, MaxEnt.
Apple crops (Malus domestica Borkh.) occurs on all continents and has great social and economic relevance. The apple is susceptible to the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, causal agent of fire blight disease. Although, there are already records of occurrence of this bacterium in several countries of the world, it is not in South America, and south- central Africa and most of Oceania. The use of ecological niche models makes it possible to determine the potential distribution of species and to measure the risk of pest invasion. This work aimed to develop climate suitability models for E. amylovora and apple crops in the world and to determine the most suitable regions for the occurrence of these organisms using MaxEnt software. A total of 254 and 295 points of occurrence were obtained from E. amylovora and apple crops, respectively. Most occurrence data of E. amylovora were observed above the equator (93%), distributed between latitudes 63° 54'N and 14° 34'N, in regions of Africa, Central America, North America, Asia and Europe, with the exception of some points observed in New Zealand (Oceania) being the only occurrences of this bacterium in the southern hemisphere. As for the apple crops are widely distributed around the world being observed at latitudes between 61° 33'N and 44° 25'S, in countries of Africa, South America, Central America, North America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. The regions of Southeast Africa, Argentina, Australia, southern Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, China, the United States, practically all of Europe, Madagascar, Morocco, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Tunisia and Uruguay, showed suitability for both bacteria E. amylovora, as for apple crops. These results provide information on the risk of E. amylovora worldwide distribution in apple crops and the suitability of both species. This study allows the elaboration of strategies to prevent the introduction, dispersion and establishment of E. amylovora, as well as to support research and to support biosecurity practices. Keywords: Malus domestica, pathogenic bacteria, modelling, MaxEnt.
Apple crops (Malus domestica Borkh.) occurs on all continents and has great social and economic relevance. The apple is susceptible to the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, causal agent of fire blight disease. Although, there are already records of occurrence of this bacterium in several countries of the world, it is not in South America, and south- central Africa and most of Oceania. The use of ecological niche models makes it possible to determine the potential distribution of species and to measure the risk of pest invasion. This work aimed to develop climate suitability models for E. amylovora and apple crops in the world and to determine the most suitable regions for the occurrence of these organisms using MaxEnt software. A total of 254 and 295 points of occurrence were obtained from E. amylovora and apple crops, respectively. Most occurrence data of E. amylovora were observed above the equator (93%), distributed between latitudes 63° 54'N and 14° 34'N, in regions of Africa, Central America, North America, Asia and Europe, with the exception of some points observed in New Zealand (Oceania) being the only occurrences of this bacterium in the southern hemisphere. As for the apple crops are widely distributed around the world being observed at latitudes between 61° 33'N and 44° 25'S, in countries of Africa, South America, Central America, North America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. The regions of Southeast Africa, Argentina, Australia, southern Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, China, the United States, practically all of Europe, Madagascar, Morocco, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Tunisia and Uruguay, showed suitability for both bacteria E. amylovora, as for apple crops. These results provide information on the risk of E. amylovora worldwide distribution in apple crops and the suitability of both species. This study allows the elaboration of strategies to prevent the introduction, dispersion and establishment of E. amylovora, as well as to support research and to support biosecurity practices. Keywords: Malus domestica, pathogenic bacteria, modelling, MaxEnt.
Erwinia amylovora, Malus domestica, Bactérias patogênicas, Modelos matemáticos, Software
VIEIRA, Roberta Duarte Avila. Análise de risco de introdução de Erwinia amylovora em áreas de cultivos de macieira no mundo. 2019. 60 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Defesa Sanitária Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2019.