Efeitos do treinamento aeróbico sobre a contratilidade de cardiomiócitos e a expressão de microRNAs 214 e 208 no ventrículo esquerdo de ratos SHR
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Neste estudo, investigaram-se os efeitos do treinamento aeróbico sobre a contratilidade de cardiomiócitos e a expressão de microRNAs (miRNAs) no ventrículo esquerdo (VE) de ratos hipertensos. Ratos espontaneamente hipertensos e Wistar normotensos (idade de 16 semanas) foram separados aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: hipertenso sedentário (HS), hipertenso treinado (HT), normotenso sedentário (NS) e normotenso treinado (NT). Os animais dos grupos HT e NT foram submetidos ao treinamento de corrida em esteira, cinco dias/semana, uma hora/dia, em intensidade de 60-70% da velocidade máxima de corrida, durante oito semanas. Após esse período, avaliaram-se: capacidade física, pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), pesos corporal (PC), dos ventrículos (PV) e do VE (PVE), contratilidade e transiente intracelular de cálcio de cardiomiócitos do VE, expressão gênica de mRNA de miosinas de cadeia pesada (α e β- MCP) e miRNAs- 214 e 208 no VE. Os resultados indicaram que a hipertensão aumentou o PVE, as relações PV/PC e PVE/PC, a expressão de miR-208, β-MCP e miR-214, mas reduziu a relação α/β-MCP nos animais hipertensos em relação aos normotensos. O programa de exercício aumentou a capacidade física dos normotensos e hipertensos e reduziu a PAS nos animais hipertensos. Adicionalmente, melhorou a contratilidade celular nos animais normotensos, pois diminuiu o tempo de 50% de relaxamento celular e demonstrou tendência em reduzir o tempo para pico de contração. Também, diminuiu o tempo para o pico nos animais normotensos e o tempo para 50% de decaimento do transiente de Ca 2+ nos animais hipertensos. Além disso, aumentou a expressão de miR-208 e de miR-214, independentemente da hipertensão. Concluiu-se que o exercício aeróbico de intensidade moderada intensidade melhorou discretamente o transiente global de cálcio e não causou nenhum dano à contratilidade dos cardiomiócitos de ratos hipertensos.
This study investigated the effects of aerobic training on the contractility of cardiomyocytes and on the expression of microRNAs in the left ventricle (LV) of hypertensive rats. Sixteen-week old spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive Wistar rats, were randomly divided into four groups: sedentary hypertensive (HS); trained hypertension (HT); sedentary normotensive (NS); normotensive trained (NT). Animals of HT and NT groups were subjected to a running training program on a treadmill, 5 days/week, one hour/day at 60- 70% of maximum running velocity, for 8 weeks. After this period, physical capacity, systolic blood pressure (PAS), body (BW), ventricles (VW) and LV (LVW) weights, cell contractility and the calcium transient of left ventricular myocytes, and the gene expression of myosin heavy chain mRNA (α and β- MCP) and miRNAs- 214 and 208 in the left ventricle were assessed. The results showed that hypertension increased LVW, PV/BW, LVW/BW, and the expression of miR -208, and of β-MCP as well as the α / β-MCP, however, it increased the expression of miR-214 independently of exercise training. The exercise program increased the physical capacity of normotensive and hypertensive rats. In addition, it reduced PAS in hypertensive rats. Moreover, exercise training improved cell contractility in normotensive animals, as it reduced the time to 50% cell relaxation and there was a tendency to reduce the time to peak of contraction. Furthermore, exercise training also reduced the time to peak of the calcium transient in normotensive animals, and reduced the time to 50% decay in hypertensive animals. Exercise training also increased the expression of miR-208 and miR-214 independently of hypertension. In conclusion, the moderate-intensity exercise training improved slightly the global calcium transient and caused no damage to the contractility of LV myocytes in hypertensive rats.
This study investigated the effects of aerobic training on the contractility of cardiomyocytes and on the expression of microRNAs in the left ventricle (LV) of hypertensive rats. Sixteen-week old spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive Wistar rats, were randomly divided into four groups: sedentary hypertensive (HS); trained hypertension (HT); sedentary normotensive (NS); normotensive trained (NT). Animals of HT and NT groups were subjected to a running training program on a treadmill, 5 days/week, one hour/day at 60- 70% of maximum running velocity, for 8 weeks. After this period, physical capacity, systolic blood pressure (PAS), body (BW), ventricles (VW) and LV (LVW) weights, cell contractility and the calcium transient of left ventricular myocytes, and the gene expression of myosin heavy chain mRNA (α and β- MCP) and miRNAs- 214 and 208 in the left ventricle were assessed. The results showed that hypertension increased LVW, PV/BW, LVW/BW, and the expression of miR -208, and of β-MCP as well as the α / β-MCP, however, it increased the expression of miR-214 independently of exercise training. The exercise program increased the physical capacity of normotensive and hypertensive rats. In addition, it reduced PAS in hypertensive rats. Moreover, exercise training improved cell contractility in normotensive animals, as it reduced the time to 50% cell relaxation and there was a tendency to reduce the time to peak of contraction. Furthermore, exercise training also reduced the time to peak of the calcium transient in normotensive animals, and reduced the time to 50% decay in hypertensive animals. Exercise training also increased the expression of miR-208 and miR-214 independently of hypertension. In conclusion, the moderate-intensity exercise training improved slightly the global calcium transient and caused no damage to the contractility of LV myocytes in hypertensive rats.
Hipertensão, Exercícios aeróbicos, Rato como animal de laborátorio
RODRIGUES, Joel Alves. Efeitos do treinamento aeróbico sobre a contratilidade de cardiomiócitos e a expressão de microRNAs 214 e 208 no ventrículo esquerdo de ratos SHR. 2016. 54 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2016.