Acúmulo e toxidez de manganês em macrófitas aquáticas flutuantes livres
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A contaminação dos ecossistemas aquáticos pelo manganês (Mn) está associada, em grande escala, as ações antrópicas como, processos de manufatura de papel, resíduos de mineração e resíduos de esgoto domésticos. A fitorremediação consiste na utilização de plantas, dentre as quais as macrófitas aquáticas, com potencial para remover, degradar ou inativar contaminantes orgânicos e inorgânicos do meio, minimizando seus efeitos sobre os organismos vivos e o ambiente. O presente estudo avaliou o potencial fitorremediador de três espécies de macrófitas aquáticas: Azolla caroliniana, Salvinia minima e Spirodela polyrhiza para acumular Mn em solução. O acúmulo de Mn, o crescimento, o conteúdo de clorofila total e carotenóides foram avaliados nas três espécies submetidas a concentrações crescentes (0,05; 0,1; 0,2; 03; 0,4 mM) de Mn. As três espécies de macrófitas acumularam Mn em seus tecidos e a absorção foi dependente da concentração do metal em solução. As espécies se diferenciam quanto ao potencial para acumular Mn. Spirodela polyrhiza apresentou maiores concentrações de Mn acumulado (17,062 mg g-1 MS), seguida por S. minima (4,283 mg g-1 MS) e A. caroliniana (1,341 mg g-1 MS). O excesso de Mn causou a redução do conteúdo de clorofila total nas três espécies. O conteúdo de carotenóides diminui nas plantas de A. caroliniana e S. polyrhiza. Entretanto, apenas em S. polyrhiza o crescimento foi afetado significativamente. A partir destes resultados, a pesquisa buscou avaliar o efeito tóxico do Mn em S. polyrhiza, separadamente. O crescimento relativo, o conteúdo de pigmentos clorofila total, carotenóides e antocianinas, a atividade enzimática da catalase (CAT) e das peroxidases (POX) e alterações anatômicas foram avaliadas em plantas de S. polyrhiza expostas a concentração 0,4 mM de Mn. O excesso de Mn em solução reduziu o crescimento das plantas, assim como decresceu significativamente os conteúdos de clorofila total, carotenóides e antocianinas. A atividade da CAT também foi reduzida e a atividade da POX não apresentou diferença entre os tratamentos. A microscopia óptica mostrou um desarranjo nas lacunas do aerênquima em plantas expostas ao Mn. O conteúdo de Mn aumentou significativamente em plantas expostas ao metal (0,157 - 15,830 mg g-1MS). Os resultados mostraram que o excesso de Mn em solução acarretou efeitos tóxicos em plantas de S. polyrhiza. A alta concentração de Mn acumulada foi a causa dos efeitos tóxicos observados.
The contamination of aquatic ecosystems by manganese (Mn) is greatly associated to human actions, such as the manufacturing processes of paper, waste from mining and domestic waste sewage. The phytoremediation consists of utilizing plants, such as aquatic macrophytes, with the potential to remove, degrade or inactivate organic and inorganic contaminants in the environment, minimizing its effects over it and liveng organisms. The present research evaluated the potential phytoremediator of three species of aquatic macrophytes: Azolla caroliniana, Salvinia minima and Spirodela polyrhiza to accumulate Mn in solution. The accumulation of Mn, growth, content of total chlorophyll and carotenoids were measured in three species submitted to increasing concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 03 e 0.4 mM) of Mn. The three macrophytes species accumulated Mn in their tissue and the absorption was dependent on the concentration of metal presented in the solution. The species differed one another as for the potential to accumulate Mn. Spirodela. polyrhiza showed higher concentrations of Mn accumulated (17,062 mg g-1 MS), followed by S. minima (4,283 mg g-1 MS) and A. caroliniana (1,341 mg g-1 MS). The excess Mn caused a reduction of total chlorophyll content in the three species. The content of carotenoids decreased in the A. caroliniana and S. polyrhiza. However, growth only significantly affected the S. polyrhiza. Based on these results, the research aimed to evaluate the toxic effect of Mn in S. polyrhiza separately. The relative growth, the content of pigments total chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins, enzymatic activity of catalase (CAT) and peroxidases (POX) and anatomical modifications were evaluated in plants of S. polyrhiza which were exposed to the concentration of 0.4 mM of Mn. The excess of Mn in the solution reduced the growth of the plants, and significantly decreased the contents of total chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins. The activity of the CAT was also reduced and the activity of POX did not present differences among the treatments. Optical microscopy showed disarrangement in the gaps of the aerenchyma in plants exposed to Mn. The content of Mn significantly increased in the plants exposed to the metal (0.157 to 15.830 mg g-1ms). The results showed that the excess of Mn in solution caused toxic effects on plants of S. polyrhiza. The high concentration of Mn accumulated was cause of the toxic effects observed.
The contamination of aquatic ecosystems by manganese (Mn) is greatly associated to human actions, such as the manufacturing processes of paper, waste from mining and domestic waste sewage. The phytoremediation consists of utilizing plants, such as aquatic macrophytes, with the potential to remove, degrade or inactivate organic and inorganic contaminants in the environment, minimizing its effects over it and liveng organisms. The present research evaluated the potential phytoremediator of three species of aquatic macrophytes: Azolla caroliniana, Salvinia minima and Spirodela polyrhiza to accumulate Mn in solution. The accumulation of Mn, growth, content of total chlorophyll and carotenoids were measured in three species submitted to increasing concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 03 e 0.4 mM) of Mn. The three macrophytes species accumulated Mn in their tissue and the absorption was dependent on the concentration of metal presented in the solution. The species differed one another as for the potential to accumulate Mn. Spirodela. polyrhiza showed higher concentrations of Mn accumulated (17,062 mg g-1 MS), followed by S. minima (4,283 mg g-1 MS) and A. caroliniana (1,341 mg g-1 MS). The excess Mn caused a reduction of total chlorophyll content in the three species. The content of carotenoids decreased in the A. caroliniana and S. polyrhiza. However, growth only significantly affected the S. polyrhiza. Based on these results, the research aimed to evaluate the toxic effect of Mn in S. polyrhiza separately. The relative growth, the content of pigments total chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins, enzymatic activity of catalase (CAT) and peroxidases (POX) and anatomical modifications were evaluated in plants of S. polyrhiza which were exposed to the concentration of 0.4 mM of Mn. The excess of Mn in the solution reduced the growth of the plants, and significantly decreased the contents of total chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins. The activity of the CAT was also reduced and the activity of POX did not present differences among the treatments. Optical microscopy showed disarrangement in the gaps of the aerenchyma in plants exposed to Mn. The content of Mn significantly increased in the plants exposed to the metal (0.157 to 15.830 mg g-1ms). The results showed that the excess of Mn in solution caused toxic effects on plants of S. polyrhiza. The high concentration of Mn accumulated was cause of the toxic effects observed.
Manganês, Macrófitas aquáticas, Toxidez, Fitorremediação, Manganese, Aquatic macrophytes, Toxicity, Phytoremediation
SANTOS, Claudineia Lizieri dos. Accumulation and toxicity of manganese in free floating aquatic macrophytes. 2009. 57 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Botânica estrutural; Ecologia e Sistemática) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2009.